February 28, 2007

070227, 17:00
BMW visar supertrimmad vätgasmotor
Det EU-stödda projektet HyICE presenterade idag i München en vätgasmotor med sensationell verkningsgrad: 100 kW per liter cylindervolym. Det är 3,5 gånger så mycket som den vätgasmotor som BMW tidigare presenterat.
2007-02-27 | 11:33
Wall Street i kamp mot klimathotet
Fler amerikanska stater och företag ansluter sig till kampen mot klimatförändringen. Bland annat har fem delstater ingått ett samarbete med regler som påminner om de som gäller under Kyotoavtalet.
Vestas-konkurrent får stor ordre fra fransk energikæmpe

Den tyske vindmølleproducent Repower har fået en række store ordrer fra den franske energikoncern EDF Energies Nouvelles. Repower skal leverer i alt 92 vindmøller med en samlet effekt på 92 megawatt. Ordren har en værdi på 92 mio. euro, hvilket svarer til 686 mio. kr.
For tiden raser der en budkrig om Repower. Den agressive indiske vindmølleproducent Suzlon har overbudt den franske atomkoncern Areva i et forsøg på at købe Repower

February 27, 2007

Zeitung: CDU wertet im Grundsatzprogramm erneuerbare Energien auf
dpa-Meldung, 27.02.2007 
Köln - Die CDU will sich in ihrem neuen Grundsatzprogramm laut einem Zeitungsbericht für eine deutlich stärkere Nutzung erneuerbarer Energien einsetzen und geht dabei über die Ziele der SPD hinaus. In dem Programmentwurf, der dem "Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger" (Dienstag) vorliege, heiße es: "Bis zum Jahr 2020 streben wir einen Anteil regenerativer Energien am Gesamtenergieverbrauch in Höhe von mindestens 25 Prozent, an der Stromerzeugung von 35 Prozent, an der Wärmebereitstellung von 25 Prozent und an den Kraftstoffen in Höhe von 20 Prozent an." Bis zum Jahr 2050 sollten die erneuerbaren Energien den Hauptanteil bei der Energiebereitstellung tragen
2007-02-27 | 11:33
Wall Street och guvernörer i kamp mot klimathotet
Fler amerikanska stater och företag ansluter sig till kampen mot klimatförändringen. Bland annat har fem delstater ingått ett samarbete med regler som påminner om de som gäller under Kyotoavtalet.

February 26, 2007

Etanolen behöver skjuts
Publicerat 26 februari 2007 07:55
Alla är överens om att koldioxidutsläppen måste minskas. Men inte hur.
New Incandescent Light from GE
GE Announces Advancement in Incandescent Technology; New High-Efficiency Lamps Targeted for Market by 2010
GE press release, February 23, 2007
GE Consumer & Industrial’s Lighting division, ... announced advancements to the light bulb ...that potentially will elevate the energy efficiency of this 125-year-old technology to levels comparable to compact fluorescent lamps (CFL), delivering significant environmental benefits. Over the next several years, these advancements will lead to the introduction of high-efficiency incandescent lamps that provide the same high light quality, brightness and color as current incandescent lamps while saving energy and decreasing greenhouse gas emissions.
$3.00/watt, Lowest Price PV Modules
Aten Solar Promises Lowest Cost Per Watt for PV Modules 
Press Release from Aten Solar, Bradley Beach, NJ, February 23, 2007

In January 2007, Aten Solar Corp, ... announced the commercial sale of their 42 watt a-si [amorphous silicon] modules for $3.00/watt
High Grain Prices Threaten Viability of Ethanol
Biofuels growth hit by soaring price of grain
February 22 2007
High grain prices are threatening the nascent biofuels industry
February 26, 2007
Scotland Boosts Ocean Power with $25 M Grant
Scottish Power announces plans to build 3 MW wave farm that will come online in 2008.
Cleantech Venture Network
The Cleantech Venture Network® LLC is a membership organization bringing insight, opportunities and relationships to investors, entrepreneurs and service providers interested in clean technology. We do this through related information products, advisory and online services, and the Cleantech Forum™ series of events.
Vestas-storaktionær reducerer ejerandel markant
Den amerikanske investeringsfond Franklin Resources har reduceret sin ejerandel i vindmøllekoncernen Vestas markant. Franklin har reduceret sin ejerandel til 9,75 pct. af aktiekapitalen fra tidligere 14,9 pct., oplyser Franklin i en indberetning til fondsbørsen. Franklins fonde ejer nu 18.049.547 aktier i Vestas.
I 2004 øgede Franklin sin ejerandel til over 20 pct. af aktierne i Vestas. Den anden storaktionær i Vestas er danske ATP med 9,54 pct. af aktierne.
- Riskhausse på finansmarknaden
2007-02-26 |
Risknivån skruvas upp på kapitalmarknaden. Affärerna blir allt mer våghalsiga på många håll. Frågan är hur känsligt systemet är för störningar. E24 ska i en serie artiklar granska de här riskerna.
Suzlon-Chef: Repower-Chef Vahrenholt bleibt im Amt
Nach Übernahme. Der Vorstand des Hamburger Windkraftunternehmens Repower soll nach einer möglichen Übernahme durch den indischen Wettbewerber Suzlon auf jeden Fall im Amt bleiben
Offshore Wind Farms
Vækst indenfor offshore branchen gennem viden og kompetenceopbygning
Centerets hovedopgave er at forankre, koordinere og videreudvikle den
viden og kompetence, som branchen har med det formål at styrke offshore industriens gennemslagskraft i den globale konkurrence. 
Offshore Center Danmark skaber forbindelse mellem virksomheder, uddannelsesinstitutioner, rådgivere samt myndigheder. Centeret koordinerer projekter, gode ideer og skaber finansiering til at realisere dem, alt med det formål at sikre virksomhedernes indtjening samt beskæftigelse.
Energie der Zukunft: sicher, bezahlbar, umweltfreundlich
Deutschland ist ein hochindustrialisiertes, aber ressourcenarmes Land. 62 Prozent aller Energie muss aus dem Ausland importiert werden, bei Erdöl liegt die Quote sogar bei 97 Prozent. Nachhaltige Energieversorgung ist somit überlebenswichtig. Nicht nur für uns, sondern auch für künftige Generationen.
Offshore Wind Farm Could Power Entire East Coast
Feb 23, 2007
A new study funded by the University of Delaware and Stanford University reports that offshore wind power could supply almost all of the East Coast’s energy needs. This is the first time a study has looked at just how much wind energy offshore farms could produce in this area of the country.

February 25, 2007

Vestas: Derfor svinger vores kurs meget
Mandag den 19. februar 2007, 11:42
Vindmøllegiganten tager afstand fra daytradere, som Vestas mener er baggrunden for koncernens image som en folkeaktie med store kursudsving. Daytradere er dog svære at slippe af med, siger IR-chefen.
Dansk direktør opbygger indisk vindmøllegigant
Fredag den 23. februar 2007, 12:48
Per Hornung Pedersen tabte stolelegen, da Vestas og NEG Micon fusionerede. I stedet tog han imod en usædvanlig udfordring: Med Danmark som brohoved skulle han gøre den indiske vindmøllegigant Suzlon international.
Scientists Ready Big Study of North and South Poles
February 25, 2007
Scientists from more than 60 countries are preparing to fan out to the North and South Poles in an ambitious two-year effort to understand the vital, shifting dynamics of ice, oceans and life at the ends of the earth.
The Week in Sustainable Mobility (2/25/07)
Clean energy boost
February 25, 2007
ENOUGH renewable energy to power a city bigger than Brisbane was generated in Australia last year, most sourced from wind and hydro.
Figures released to The Sunday Telegraph show Australia generated enough clean energy last year to supply residential power for a city of 2.3 million people for 12 months.
Nu byggs Sveriges 
första solcellsfabrik
Med en ny, automatisk tillverkningsmetod vill svenska Midsummer ta sig in på den glödheta solcellsmarknaden. Tillverkningen kommer att ske i Järfälla, vilket innebär att Sverige får sin första solcellsfabrik.
Redan under förra året hade utvecklingsföretaget Sollibro planer på att bygga en solcellsfabrik i Uppsala. Men de svenska riskkapitalisterna inom energitekniken var inte tillräckligt intresserade, vilket satte käppar i hjulen. Istället nappade tyska investerare och därmed byggdes produktionsanläggningen i Tyskland, enligt Sveriges Radio
Europa fehlt der Ehrgeiz
von Mechtild Rothe
Die EU will 20 Prozent ihres CO2-Ausstoßes einsparen - zu wenig. Ohne den Widerstand der deutschen Industrie wäre mehr drin gewesen.
Renault rechnet mit teureren Autos
Der französische Autohersteller Renault geht davon aus, dass wegen der künftigen Begrenzung des CO2-Ausstoßes Neuwagen deutlich teurer werden. Außerdem prophezeit er einen Einbruch bei den Verkäufen.
"Wir rechnen damit, dass, wenn die Preise am europäischen Markt um zehn Prozent angehoben werden, die Verkäufe um 15 bis 20 Prozent zurückgehen. Das hat starke ökonomische und soziale Folgen".

February 24, 2007

Energieriesen verdrängen die Öko-Pioniere
Stromkonzerne wie E.on und Vattenfall kannten bisher nur zwei Rohstoffe: Kohle und Uran. Jetzt investieren sie verstärkt in Wind und Biogas - weil die Rendite stimmt. Die kleineren Vorreiter der Branche fühlen sich bedroht.
2007 Draft U.S. Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report
(February 2007)
Endesa to build its third wind park in France

Friday, 23 February 2007
Endesa France is to build a new wind farm called "Les Vents de Cernon".
It has already signed a turnkey construction contract with Nordex. The Cernon wind farm, located in Marne in the Champagne Ardennes region of France, will have installed capacity of 17.5MW. The civil engineering work will begin in autumn 2007. The assembly of the wind turbines is scheduled to begin in May 2008 and the farm is expected to be delivered on 15 June, 2008.
Largest US wind project pending approval

Friday, 23 February 2007
The US$3 billion, 750 turbine wind project in Tehachapi, California, USA., would be the largest in the United States if it's approved by state regulators.
Alta Wind Energy's proposed project, in partnership with Oak Creek Energy Systems, Inc. would cover 50 square miles and generate possibly 1,500MW. Southern California Edison has agreed to purchase electricity from the project for 20 years.
Living Homes: The Greenest of Them All
The green building boom has players in the commercial sector racing to outdo one another with cutting edge environmental features. Architecture and design firms, construction and development, hospitality, and other service providers have learned that boasting an awareness of sustainable building practices is critical to marketability. The residential sector, however, has lagged behind in developing exemplary models for green homes – perhaps partially as a result of being a late recipient of the incentive of LEED standards, which were initially applicable exclusively to commercial buildings. But if incentive was the missing link, home builders have it now, and just one company has gotten the platinum stamp.
At Bioenergy US 2007 you will benefit from an in-depth analysis of incentive schemes and finance options to advance biomass and biofuels in North America.
An event for producers and users, electricity generators, buyers of renewable energy, national and local government officials, agriculture/forestry landowners, technology suppliers, project developers, bankers, venture capitalists, private equity investors, energy consultants and lawyers.
First Solar has made the Promise of Thin Film a Reality and has become one of the fastest growing manufacturers of solar modules in the world having scaled its manufacturing operation to produce more than 20MW of solar modules in 2005. First Solar recently broke ground on a major expansion project to increase module production to 40MW in 2006 and 75MW in 2007. This successful scale-up transitions CdTe from the "development" to "expansion" phase and validates CdTe as an important technology for the solar industry's future
February 24, 2007

Global drive for nuclear power lifts uranium to record high
An increasing demand for nuclear power pushed the global price of uranium to a new high of $85 per pound yesterday, capping another record week in the commodities sector.

Les taxes écologiques, un terrain miné pour les candidats à la présidentielle
LE MONDE | 24.02.07 |
Les principaux candidats à la présidentielle s'aventurent, pour la première fois, sur un terrain miné : la réforme de la fiscalité environnementale. "Les taxes écologiques ont toujours été associées, pour caricaturer, à l'idée qu'on allait faire payer les pauvres", regrette Jean-Charles Hourcade, directeur du Centre international de recherche sur l'environnement et le développement. "C'est un dossier hautement manipulable."

February 23, 2007

Det stora utsläppsfiaskot

Världens politiker lovar krafttag för att få bukt med växthusgaserna. Men verktygen för att minska dem är få och bristfälliga. Och det hittills största försöket, EU:s utsläppsrätter, är på väg att floppa totalt.

EU:s utsläppsrätter
på väg att bli fiasko

I april förra året kostade det 32 euro för ett företag att släppa ut ett ton koldioxid i atmosfären. I dag är priset nere i 1,20 euro för en utsläppsrätt. EU har helt enkelt delat ut för många utsläppsrätter.
Buy Suzlon Energy: Edelweiss Research
Broking house, Edelweiss Research is bullish on Suzlon Energy and has recommended buy rating on the stock.
Edelweiss Research report on Suzlon Energy:
Suzlon’s stock performance prices in all negatives
Post the recent announcement of Repower’s friendly bid offer, Suzlon’s stock has been battered down on the bourses and is down by 16% from its high of INR 1245. Based on Suzlon’s bid, the consolidated EPS for FY08E and FY09E reduces by 5.4% and 4.2%. In case, one were to assume that Suzlon were to bid at 30% higher in the event of Areva hiking its offer, the consolidated EPS would stand reduced by 8.5% and 7.3% respectively.
Ren energi gör Norden hett
23 februari 2007
BONN I Nordamerika har riskkapitalister sedan 1999 satsat mer än 10 miljarder dollar på ”ren” energi. Nu vänds blickarna mot Norden som kan bli Europas hetaste marknad för hållbar teknologi.
Photovoltaik als Teil innovativer Architektur
Vortrag über solare Architektur stößt auf große Resonanz: Mehr als 80 Architekten und Fachplaner kommen zum ersten „SunTechnics Solarabend“
February 21, 2007, 11:22AM EST
Matching Sustainability with Profits
OnStar's navigation system and P&G's Swiffer are high-profile, profitable products in which green concerns were addressed via design.
February 22, 2007
New Wave-Pump Technology Hits the Water
A new pump system designed to turn salt water into fresh water when combined with desalination systems -- and produce clean renewable energy when combined with hydroelectric systems -- is currently being tested in the Gulf of Mexico, off the Texas coast.
Mega-Connectors: The Panhandle Loop and Beyond
FEBRUARY 22, 2007
When it comes to building out the clean energy infrastructure, everyone loves to talk about the megaprojects: a sprawling wind farm in the ocean or a giant solar farm in the high desert. But none of those projects help much if we don't have ways to get the clean power to our homes and businesses.
Capturing Carbon with Enzymes
A new process turns the greenhouse gas into useful materials.
A new way to capture carbon dioxide from smokestacks produces a raw material that can be sequestered underground or turned into substances such as baking soda, chalk, or limestone. CO2 Solution, of Quebec City, Canada, has already tested its process on a small municipal incinerator and an Alcoa aluminum smelter. Its scientists are now working with power-plant equipment giant Babcock and Wilcox on ways to adapt the technology to a coal-fired generating station.
Hot Advance for Thermoelectrics
Cheap organic molecules could more efficiently convert waste heat into electricity.
Inside fossil-fuel and nuclear-power plants, as well as in cars and trucks, the lion's share of energy in fuel is wasted as heat rather than converted into electricity or mechanical power. But the search for a practical material that can convert at least some of this waste heat into electricity has been long and frustrating.
L’énergie qui vient de la mer
Plus de gens seront d’accord pour dire qu’il faut trouver des réponses à notre problème sur l’énergie alors que d’autres se battent encore, pour savoir si la théorie du réchauffement et vraie ou pas. Et oui, c’est ainsi, grâce la raréfaction accrue des énergies fossiles qui nous amènent à changer notre façon de consommer et beaucoup plus que pour le climat.
Solar power to outshine carbon rival on pricing
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Within five years, solar power will be cheap enough to compete with carbon- generated electricity, even in Britain, Scandinavia or upper Siberia.
NEPAL: Solar energy promises to provide a viable alternative to those people who lack access to central grid
Alternative energy goes after investor dollars
Executives tell big investors the cost of producing power in the sector is dropping.
February 21 2007: 7:23 PM EST
NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- Executives from some of the world's leading alternative energy companies argued their case to big investors Wednesday, outlining why money thrown into the red-hot sector will pay off.
Video: Sustainability is Only Half the Solution, Regeneration is the Other Half
Carol Sanford at MIT: "It’s a hell of a way to run a business -- consuming more resources than you bring in, selling off your assets, and cooking the books to make things look good. Yet that is precisely how humans are operating the vast enterprise of living on earth. The U.S. runs a particularly unsuccessful 'Business of Inhabitation', taking up four times more resources than any other nation [...] meeting regulatory requirements and adopting a sustainable approach 'fall short of what we need to do for the planet'. Our problem-solving minds break things down and seek ways merely 'to arrest disorder' or protect what appears valuable [...] We need an evolutionary leap into the 'wholeness mindset,' which involves asking how we regenerate and bring in more of what we need without degrading what is already there." She begins speaking at 5 minutes 22 seconds into the video.

It’s a hell of a way to run a business -- consuming more resources than you bring in, selling off your assets, and cooking the books to make things look good. Yet, says Carol Sanford, that is precisely how humans are operating the vast enterprise of living on earth. The U.S. runs a particularly unsuccessful “Business of Inhabitation,” as Sanford calls it, taking up four times more resources than any other nation.

February 22, 2007

Fundamenter på plads til svenske møller
21-02-2007 - 13:26
I næste uge løftes det sidste af i alt 48 fundamenter på plads til havvindmølleparken på Lillgrund i Øresund. Parken, der bliver Sveriges største, ligger syv kilometer syd for Øresundsbroen.
Menschheit hat beim Klima nur bis 2020 Zeit
von Volker Mrasek
Der dritte Teil des Weltklimaberichts rät zu schnellem Gegensteuern. Nicht nur beim CO2, auch bei anderen Treibhausgasen wäre rechtzeitiges Vermeiden die billigste Lösung
Vestas vil være meget større i Spanien - bygger ny fabrik
Der er glæde i den spanske provins Castilla-La Mancha. Vindmølleproducenten Vestas har besluttet, at provinsen skal være centrum for en større erobring af det spanske vindmarked, og begynder i løbet af 2007 at bygge en vingefabrik.
HANDELSBLATT, Donnerstag, 22. Februar 2007, 10:58 Uhr
Analysten warnen vor überhöhten Geboten
Staat bremst Areva bei Repower
Anne Lauvergeon, die Chefin des französischen Nuklear-Konzerns Areva, bekommt bei der geplanten Repower-Übernahme offenbar Gegenwind vom eigenen Großaktionär, dem französischen Staat.

February 21, 2007

Corporate titans seek greenhouse gas caps

Feb 20, 2007, 23:00 GMT

NEW YORK, NY, United States (UPI) -- Corporate titans including General Electric and Wal-Mart joined forces in New York Tuesday, demanding governments mandate caps on greenhouse gases.
Suncor Energy Inc. is a growing, integrated energy company, strategically focused on developing one of the world’s largest petroleum resource basins – Canada’s Athabasca oil sands
Plans of the Martifer for the kept nuclear EDP and until end of the OPA on the Repower
21.02.2007 - 10h04 PUBLIC Lurdes Blacksmith
The entrance in the capital of the EDP and the nuclear energy is in the plans of the Martifer, but any one of the subjects is, at this moment, compass of wait until against-OPA on the Repower, launched for the Suzlon-Martifer, if it decides.
http://de.babelfish.yahoo.com/translate_url?doit=done&tt=url&intl=1&fr=bf-home&trurl=http322www.publico.clix.pt2shownews.asp3id-15672324401286265 -1868311000dCanal76757&lp=pt_en&btnTrUrl=Übersetzen
Suzlon odds-on favourites for REpower

PUNE, FEB 20 :  Suzlon Energy Ltd has submitted documents to Germany’s securities regulator BaFin for a proposed takeover of REpower Systems AG. It is only after the regulator assesses the offer that REpower will be able to take it up. Suzlon has offered 126 euros a share in cash. Another company in the fray is France-based nuclear power giant Areva which has offered 105 euros a share.
The REpower board met in Hamburg on February 19 to take note of both the Areva and Suzlon offers. The board did not recommend any course of action for either accepting or rejecting the two offers.
The board will wait for the Suzlon offer document and then take it up. REpower, meanwhile, welcomed the Areva offer, perceiving the French firm as a suitable partner because with Areva, accelerated growth was possible, the company said.
Europeans Agree to Cut Emissions Sharply if U.S. and Others Follow Suit
PARIS, Feb. 20 — Seeking to persuade other nations to curb greenhouse gas emissions, European Union ministers pledged Tuesday to raise their own targets if industrialized countries like the United States made similar efforts.
Slam och slakteriavtall
blir biogas i Skellefteå

På onsdag nästa vecka inviger Skellefteå kommun en biogasanläggning som gör gas av allt tänkbart avfall. "Denna helintegrerade lösning finns ingen annanstans i världen", säger projektledaren Helena Jonsson.
Här byggs första solcellsfabriken
Svenska Midsummer startar sin tillverkning i Järfälla

Nu får Sverige sin första solcellsfabrik. Med en ny, automatisk tillverkningsmetod vill Midsummer slå sig in på den glödheta solcellsmarknaden.
Cleaner Coal Is Attracting Some Doubts
Published: February 21, 2007
WASHINGTON, Feb. 20 — Within the next few years, power companies are planning to build about 150 coal plants to meet growing electricity demands. Despite expectations that global warming rules are coming, almost none of the plants will be built to capture the thousands of tons of carbon dioxide that burning coal spews into the atmosphere.
20 februari 2007 18:49
Rekordkoncentration av koldioxid
Växthusgaserna i atmosfären har stigit till rekordhöga nivåer.
Koncentrationen av koldioxid över Arktis har nu nått 390 miljondelar, visar nya mätningar på Svalbard.
- Det är nytt rekord, säger Kim Holmén, forskningschef vid Norska polarinstitutets forskningsstation Zeppelin i Ny-Ålesund till New Scientist.
Koldioxidhalterna har ökat så gott som varje år de senaste decennierna och ligger långt över den förindustriella nivån i början av 1800-talet på knappt 280 miljondelar (ppm).
Windfarm Planning Application
Pro Ventum International GmbH has lodged  the planning application to establish a 232 MW  wind energy facility at Mount Gellibrand in April 2005 . Advertising of the application is expected in May 2005. Due to the size of the project (232 MW) means the Minister for Planning will decide this application. The Minister has previously determined that an Environmental Effects statement is not required.
The application follows more than 3 years of investigations by the applicant into suitable windfarm sites in Victoria and has included 18 months of detailed investigations of the subject site by a comprehensive study team.
A Battle Over the Costs of Global Warming
Published: February 21, 2007
NEW HAVEN -- There is an unofficial code of conduct that dictates how intellectuals should behave when they’re jousting with each other, a sort of Geneva Convention for the ivory tower.
EU-Staaten einig über Klimaschutzstrategie
Im Kampf gegen die globale Erderwärmung haben sich die EU-Staaten auf zentrale Eckpunkte einer künftigen Klimaschutzpolitik geeinigt. Der Treibhausgas-Ausstoß soll bis 2020 um mindestens ein Fünftel sinken. Deutschland soll eine Vorreiterrolle einnehmen.
Antarctic Warming to Reduce Animals at Base of Ecosystem, Shift Penguin Populations
Try flight of the penguins: As if our flightless-fowl friends haven't had enough to deal with of late, the warming of the Antarctic Peninsula during the past few decades is also forcing penguin populations to migrate south. You can also cluck your tongues at climate change for diminishing the once-abundant krill that are at the base of the massive food chain at the bottom of the world.
Solar Trailer Provides Power To Storm Victims
This Solar Trailer is owned by the Florida Solar Energy Center, and it is used to provide clean, quiet power to storm disaster victims. The trailer has a large, flat solar panel that charges several batteries during the day and is capable of delivering more than 2,500 watts of power over a 24-hour period. Over the past several years, the trailer has provided power for storm victims hit hard by severe weather and tornadoes from South Florida to Louisiana.
Thin-Film Solar Technology Could Be Seriously Clobbering Fossil Fuels in Ten Years

Everyone loves solar power. The notion of making electricity from the Earth’s solar income is pretty much irresistible. But the harsh reality of our current state of PV (photovoltaic) technology, a reality that not many choose to acknowledge, is that without government subsides, solar power just doesn’t pay for itself in any timely way—certainly not the kind of way that would make the profit-minded jump. But that may only be because our days of silicon-based solar cells are numbered. In an article from the Telegraph this week, Ambrose Evans-Prichard talks to Anil Sethi of Flisom, a Swiss firm making thin-film solar cells. Sethi confidently expects his company’s products be giving fossil-fuel generated power a run for their money within five years, and that within ten years, solar will undercut coal, natural gas, and nuclear by 50%. That’s what is technically referred to as clobbering. The crucial tipping point, says Evans-Prichard, is the $1 per watt point: the current price of most non-renewable energy sources. Current solar technology puts the price of solar power at about $3 to $4 per watt. Anil Sethi of Flisom foresees his thin-film solar panels (commercially available in late 2009) reaching $.80/watt in five years, and $.50/watt within ten.

February 20, 2007

um REpower
Erneuerbare Energien 
lassen Anleger jubeln
Der spektakuläre Bieterkampf um den Hamburger Windanlagen-Hersteller REpower wird für die Aktionäre der Firma zu einem glänzenden Geschäft. Seit der französische Areva-Konzern und die indische Suzlon-Gruppe um die Mehrheit an dem Unternehmen wetteifern, hat sich der Aktienkurs des Unternehmens in ungeahnte Höhen geschwungen.
2007-02-20 | 10:13
Bakterier stoppar lastbilar
Miljöbränslet RME har ställt till problem för lastbilsåkarna. Lastbilar drabbas av plötsliga haverier och varken oljebolag eller märkesverkstäder vill stå för kostnaderna.
Klimatkampen är en riksomfattande gymnasietävling som premierar ungas idéer och förslag till nya lösningar. Tanken är att dagens unga skall öka sin kunskap och handlingskraft inför pågående klimatförändringar, och lämna skolan med en känsla av att de kan göra skillnad. Den första prisutdelningen
Biggest carbon-burial test will hunt for leaks
    •    12:15 16 February 2007

The largest carbon burial experiment in the world began in earnest on Thursday when the drilling of a 2100-metre well began in the Otway Basin, on the coast of southern Australia. The project promised the most comprehensive monitoring for leaks to date.
Vestas-konkurrent, Gamesa, ser indtjeningsvækst på 15 pct (Opd.)
20-02-2007 - 12:01

Den spanske vindmølleproducent Gamesa kom ud af 2006 med et overskud på 313 mio. euro (2,3 mia. kr.) mod 133 mio. euro (992 mio. kr.) året før. Omsætningen blev på 2,39 mia. euro mod 1,74 mia. euro i 2005. Det fremgår af årsregnskabet fra Gamesa.
Nya utsläppskrav slår orättvist
Publicerat 20 februari 2007 07:01
Utsläppskraven skärps för transporter i områden med dålig luft. Resultatet blir höga kostnader för bolagen. Men det är bara vissa typer av verksamheter som får hårdare krav. Volvo Lastvagnar, Volvo Personvagnar och Södrakoncernen tvingas modernisera sina lastbilsparker, medan speditionsföretag och detaljhandelsbolag slipper.
CO2-utsläpp land för land
Billig vindkraft i sikte
Vattenfall ska testa ny lätt generator från Västerås
En ny svensk generator kan sänka priset på vindkraft, en viktig faktor för att få fart på utbyggnaden. Nu ska Vattenfall för första gången testa den nya tekniken i full skala.
PUBLICERAD 070219, 13:35
Koldioxidlagring - bra eller dåligt?
Lagring av koldioxid i stora mängder under jord är en kommande teknik för att minska utsläpp av växthusgasen i atmosfären. Men hur bra är den, vilka risker alstrar den? Det utreder EU-kommissionen som vill ha synpunkter på tekniken.
Vestas forhandler om britisk milliardkontrakt
19-02-2007 16:29
Vestas er inde i billedet til en milliardordre på levering af forventeligt 140 møller til havvindmølleparken Greater Gabbard vindfarmen, der netop har fået de britiske myndigheders blå stempel. Vindmølleparken opføres af et joint venture mellem A Flour og Airtricity.
Greater Gabbard Offshore Winds Limited (GGOWL)
GGOWL is pleased to announce that consent has been granted for both the Greater Gabbard Offshore Wind Farm and its onshore sub-station.
The Greater Gabbard Offshore Wind Farm will feature up to 140 turbines, located around two sand banks known as the Inner Gabbard and The Galloper approximately 23km off the coast of Suffolk.  The energy produced by this 500MW wind farm will be enough to power over 415,000 homes, more than the domestic demand of Suffolk
Greater Gabbard Offshore Winds Limited (GGOWL)
GGOWL is pleased to announce that consent has been granted for both the Greater Gabbard Offshore Wind Farm and its onshore sub-station.
The Greater Gabbard Offshore Wind Farm will feature up to 140 turbines, located around two sand banks known as the Inner Gabbard and The Galloper approximately 23km off the coast of Suffolk.  The energy produced by this 500MW wind farm will be enough to power over 415,000 homes, more than the domestic demand of Suffolk
China set to miss energy efficiency target
By Richard McGregor in Beijing
Published: February 17 2007 00:46 | Last updated: February 17 2007 00:46
China is becoming more unlikely to meet its target to improve its energy efficiency by 2010, according to local and foreign analysts, because of the surge in investment in heavy industry in the past five years.
The failure to meet the target would be an embarrassment to Beijing, as it was one of only two numerical benchmarks laid out by the government in its latest five-year economic plan, covering 2006-2010. The other calls for China to double per capita income between 2000 and 2010, something that is easily in sight because of strong GDP growth.
China boosts power capacity
Last year China added 102 GWe of new generating capacity, more than the total installed capacity in UK and Ireland and exactly twice Australia\'s total. Most of this was coal-fired, and only one 1000 MWe nuclear plant started up. The announcement said that Beijing would resist international pressure to slow its growth in energy demand and CO2 emissions. The 2006 power increment is likely to account for some 500 million extra tonnes of CO2 emissions annually.
China Electric Power News in FT 7/2/07.
C-Power NV is a Belgian company which stands for the development and implementation of a farshore wind farm on the Thornton Bank, 27 to 30 km in the North Sea.
Wind- und Sonnenergie sind Exportschlager für deutsche Firmen
AFP-Meldung, 19.02.2007 (08:38)
Frankfurt/Main (AFP) - Deutsche Unternehmen profitieren massiv vom weltweiten Trend zu Wind- und Sonnenergie. Im vorigen Jahr wurden Anlagen im Wert von sechs Milliarden Euro exportiert, berichtete die "Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung". 2005 waren es 4,6 Milliarden Euro. "Mit der Steigerung um 30 Prozent haben wir unsere hochgesteckte Prognose für 2006 erreicht", zitiert das Blatt den Verband Erneuerbare Energie. Der weitaus größte Teil des Exportvolumens entfiel nach dessen Angaben auf die Windindustrie. Selbst wo die US-Marke General Electric draufstehe, sei die Technik größtenteils aus Deutschland.
Scientists Warn It May Be Too Late to Save Icecaps
February 19, 2007 · Filed under Global Warming Science by Craig Mackintosh
We recently saw the release of the first of four parts of the latest IPCC report. Today we’ve heard a snippet from the second volume. If the first volume caused a stir, the second, third and fourth volumes will certainly drive the nail home.

February 19, 2007

AREVA prêt à surenchérir pour s'offrir REPOWER
(AOF) - Thierry Breton est-il prêt à soutenir la surenchère d'Areva ? C'est la question que se soulève "Le Monde" après la contre-offre du fabricant de turbines indien Suzlon Energy sur l'allemand REpower, un des principaux fabricants mondiaux de turbines pour éoliennes. Le 22 janvier, Areva avait lancé une OPA amicale sur REpower pour 850 millions d'euros. Cette offre avait été approuvée par la la direction de REpower, dont 29,99% du capital est déjà détenu par le groupe français. Le 9 février pourtant, Suzlon Energy a surenchéri, valorisant l'allemand à près de 1,02 milliard d'euros.
La politique européenne de l'énergie se heurte aux intérêts nationaux
LE MONDE | 16.02.07 |
A fin d'éviter un affrontement entre Jacques Chirac et Tony Blair au Conseil européen de mars, la présidence allemande de l'Union a revu à la baisse les ambitions qu'elle avait affichées pour lancer, sous son mandat, une véritable politique européenne de l'énergie. Les ministres de l'énergie des Vingt-Sept ont décidé, jeudi 15 février, à Bruxelles, de ne pas reprendre à leur compte, pour le moment, la recommandation que la Commission avait faite, en janvier, d'obliger la dissociation des activités de transport et de production d'énergie
19.02.2007 18:01
Areva CEO tempted to raise bid for Germany's Repower - report
Areva souhaite surenchérir sur un indien pour acquérir un fabricant allemand d'éoliennes
LE MONDE | 19.02.07 |
La présidente d'Areva, Anne Lauvergeon, contre le milliardaire indien Tulsi Tanti avec le gouvernement français en arbitre : tel est le scénario de la bataille sans concession que les trois protagonistes se livrent depuis quatre semaines pour le contrôle du groupe allemand REpower Systems, un des principaux fabricants mondiaux de turbines pour éoliennes.
Der Sonne entgegen
von Helene Laube (San Francisco) und Olaf Preuss (Hamburg)
Nach jahrelangem Tiefschlaf haben auch die Amerikaner den Klimaschutz als Markt entdeckt. Mit viel Geld und Engagement stürzen sie sich auf die neue Herausforderung. Noch liegen sie hinter den Europäern zurück. Doch das könnte sich schon bald ändern.

Der Ort ist nicht besonders einladend. Die schäbigen Büros liegen in einem gesichtslosen Nutzbau in Palo Alto und sind nur äußerst spärlich möbliert. Doch hier liegt ein Stück Zukunft, denn hier basteln ein paar Tüftler an einer besseren Welt. In der kalifornischen Kleinstadt forscht das Startup-Unternehmen Nanosolar unermüdlich an Technologien für erneuerbare Energien. Es hat ein Verfahren entwickelt, das die Herstellung von Solarzellen zehnmal effizienter und die Gewinnung von Strom somit viel billiger macht.
Unternehmen wie die Swiss Re oder Investoren wie die Google-Gründer Larry Page und Sergey Brin hat die Firma damit so beeindruckt, dass sie im vergangenen Jahr eine Finanzspritze von 100 Mio. $ erhielt. Noch testen Vorstandschef Martin Roscheisen und seine Mitarbeiter fleißig, doch die Produktion der Solarzellen soll bereits in diesem Jahr starten. Die Kunden warten schon ungeduldig. "Unsere Produktion ist bis 2010 praktisch ausverkauft", sagt Roscheisen. Er will in Kalifornien künftig 200 Millionen Solarzellen mit einem Output von 430 Megawatt pro Jahr herstellen. Das würde die bestehende Kapazität in den USA fast verdreifachen.
Publicerat 19 februari 2007 05:58
Färre biffar snabbaste boten mot växthusgas
Världsproduktionen av kött ökar snabbt och svarar redan för 18 procent av de utsläpp av växthusgaser som orsakats av människan. Det visar en rapport från FN:s jordbruksorganisation, FAO.
Erneuerbare Energien
Wie deutsche Ökofirmen die Welt retten
Von Bettina Weiguny
18. Februar 2007 
Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel hat die Zukunft entdeckt - zusammen mit George Bush und der chinesischen Regierung, mit Siemens-Chef Klaus Kleinfeld und Südkorea. Die Zukunft, verkünden sie, liege in Wind, Sonne, Wasser und der Biomasse.
Solche Schwärmerei für die Ökoenergien war bis vor kurzem aus diesen Lagern selten zu hören. Wer die Abkehr vom Öl propagierte, womöglich auch den Ausstieg aus der Atomenergie forderte, galt als Jobkiller oder als Phantast.

February 18, 2007

Ambitionierte Ziele
Der Börsenneuling hat bis 2002 noch Korn gebrannt. Nun stellt er Biodiesel her und bewegt sich damit in einem Wachstumsmarkt, in dem er rasant zulegen will.
Die Experten von Hot Stocks Europe empfehlen sehr risikobereiten Anlegern die Aktie von BKN Biokraftstoff Nord (WKN A0LD4M) zu kaufen. Die Analysten von First Berlin hätten in einer Begleitstudie zum Börsengang geschrieben, dass BKN im Geschäftsjahr 2007/2008 rund 99,6 Millionen Euro umsetzen und 1,60 Euro je Anteilschein verdienen dürfte. Die Analysten geben das Kursziel mit 13,75 Euro an. Die Börsenbriefautoren gehen bei einem moderaten KGV von 10 von Notierungen von bis zu 16 Euro aus, wenn die sehr ambitionierten Ziele erreicht werden. BKN will die Jahreskapazität von derzeit 50.000 Tonnen Biodiesel bis ins Geschäftsjahr 2007/2008 auf 200.000 Jahrestonnen vervierfachen. Der Erlös aus dem Börsengang soll dieses Wachstum finanzieren.
Renewable Energy Information, Analysis and Consulting
Intelligent Renewable Energy (Intelligent-RE) is a consultancy specialising in policy, intelligence, analysis and research in the renewable energy field. Extensive international contacts, state-of-the-art information gathering and management tools and many years of experience in the sector mean that we can provide considerable value to the endeavours of our clients.
Die Renditerenner der Zukunft
18.02.2007 Ausgabe 07/0

Das nennt man wohl sonnige Aussichten: In Erfurt beim Solarzellenspezialisten Ersol sind die
Auftragsbücher prall gefüllt. Denn hohe Preise für herkömmliche Energie und staatliche
Förderungen heizen die Nachfrage nach Ökostrom nicht nur in Deutschland an. Vorstands-Chef
Claus Beneking setzt auf Wachstum: Ende August haben die Thüringer ihren ersten Großkunden
February 7, 2007
Sandia helps develop new wind turbine blade design
Blade’s most distinctive characteristic is gently curved tip

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — A new wind turbine blade design that researchers at Sandia National Laboratories developed in partnership with Knight & Carver (K&C) of San Diego promises to be more efficient than current designs. It should significantly reduce the cost-of-energy (COE) of wind turbines at low-wind-speed sites.
Named “STAR” for Sweep Twist Adaptive Rotor, the blade is the first of its kind produced at a utility-grade size. Its most distinctive characteristic is a gently curved tip, termed “sweep,” which unlike the vast majority of blades in current use, is specially designed for low-wind-speed regions like the Midwest. The sites targeted by this effort have annual average wind speeds of 5.8 meters per second, measured at 10-meter height. Such sites are abundant in the U.S. and would increase by 20-fold the available land area that can be economically developed for wind energy.
Tires Meant to Foster Sea Life Choke It Instead
Published: February 18, 2007
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., Feb. 17 (AP) — A mile offshore from this city’s high-rise condominiums and spring-break bars lie as many as two million old tires, strewn across the ocean floor, a monument to good intentions gone awry.
Biodiesel Fuel Raises Hopes of Greening Cars
Published: February 18, 2007
AS a cardiologist, Jonathan Sackner-Bernstein recognized the familiar signs: an excess of saturated fat had restricted flow and made movement impossible. But the patient in question was his Volkswagen Jetta, which he had filled the day before with biodiesel fuel consisting largely of rendered animal fat. Plummeting overnight temperatures had caused the fat to congeal, and the result was a clogged engine and a stalled car.
On the Water Front
Published: February 18, 2007
ON a raw winter’s day, the water riffling over the spillway of the Ashokan Reservoir looks icy and pure. Set at the eastern end of this vast artificial lake in Ulster County, the spillway curves and drops like a wedding cake, in four tiers, before sending its flow through a narrow granite passage flanked by evergreens. The setting is grand, as befits an enormous public work, a manipulation of nature for the benefit of humanity — or at least for the 8.2 million residents of New York City, 100 miles to the south.
Inherit the Wind
The Gulf Coast is littered with the carcasses of unused oil equipment. Now those structures are being repurposed to build the first offshore wind farm in the United States.
Tiefensee plant Radikalreform der Kfz-Steuer
Verkehrsminister Tiefensee will die Kfz-Steuer radikal umgestalten - und dabei weiter gehen als bisher geplant: Die Abgabenlast soll sich nach dem gesamten Schadstoffausstoß eines Autos richten. Motto: Wer die Umwelt schont, spart.

February 17, 2007

February 16, 2007
No Nukes for California, More Solar Needed, Says State Utilities Chief
A group of Fresno, Calif., businessmen and farmers a few months back formed a group to push for the construction of a nuclear power plant in the state's Central Valley, in part, as a solution to global warming. On Thursday, California Public Utilities Commission president Michael Peevey weighed in on the issue. "It's a non-starter," said Peevey of the nuke plant proposal, during a press conference at utility PG&E (PCG) before a panel on solar energy began. Peevey, a former utility company executive, said there's no getting around a California law that bans new nuclear power plant construction in the Golden State until a way is found to dispose of radioactive waste.
Data shows last month was hottest January on record
16 Feb 07
The record-setting January was spurred on by unusually warm Siberia, Canada, northern Asia and Europe, said scientists, who went beyond their normal double-checking and took the unusual step of running computer climate models "just to make sure that what we're seeing was real."
No stake sale to fund REpower deal: Suzlon
PUNE, FEB 15 : Wind power company Suzlon Energy’s CMD Tulsi R Tanti denied reports that the company would sell shares to help fund its $1.3-billion bid for REpower Systems AG, Germany.
He said the company had already tied up 100% of the funds required for the acquisition. “There is no need to dilute equity to fund the acquisition and this is pure speculation with no basis to it,” Tanti said.

February 16, 2007

UK wind industry joins energy elite
A snowy hill on the outskirts of Stirling in Scotland is the scene of a significant milestone of achievement for the UK wind industry when Secretary of State Alistair Darling switched on the turbine which pushed the UK into position as one of the top seven players in the global wind market.
Jetropha: Europe's Answer for Biofuel?
The Cinderella Plant
Africans used to think jatropha was a worthless bush.
Now it may be an important new source of energy.
Feb. 19, 2007
Jatropha Circas is the Cinderella of the plant world. Throw a seed in the poorest soil on the planet, and up comes a bush that will likely last 50 years. During a drought, jatropha bushes simply drop their leaves and keep pumping out seedpods. ..
General Electric Announces Major Wind-Power Investments
FAIRFIELD, Conn., Feb. 16, 2007 -- GE Energy Financial Services, the energy-investment unit of General Electric, announced two major deals in the wind-power industry this week, including major investments in the United States and Europe.
Germany Counting on Wind Energy to Reduce Foreign Energy Reliance
Germany Putting More Wind Into Energy
Feb 15
Germany is blowing more wind into energy with the setting up of new offshore facilities. Germany already has the world's largest installed capacity for wind energy.
February 16, 2007
Geothermal: An Undervalued U.S. Energy Source
Icelanders, who get most of their heating, hot water and a good portion of their electricity from geothermal sources, are well aware that Reykjavik, which means "Smoky Bay," is named for the steam from the local hot springs. In the United States, especially in the non-volcanic northeast, we don't tend to think about geothermal energy.
GE Wind får meget stor ordre
16-02-2007 - 17:50         
Vestas-konkurrenten GE Energy har fået en ordre på levering af hele 450 MW vindmøller i staten New York i USA. Ordren omfatter 300 møller på 1,5 MW, og de skal leveres i 2007 og 2008, meddeler selskabet.

Bag ordren står Noble Environmental Power, der har flere vindenergi-projekter i såvel New York som Michigan. Møllerne skal leveres til to vindmølleparker, den ene Bliss Windpark i den vestlige del af staten New York og den anden Clinton Windpark i den nordlige del af staten. Staten New York har ifølge GE Energy et mål om, at en fjerdedel af dens energiforbrug skal være vedvarende i 2013.
Miljöhoten på börsen
Klimatförändringarna hotar inte bara miljön. När hårdare regler drabbar industrin gäller det för placerarna att se över sina portföljer. Annars kan det bli obehagliga överraskningar.
Att källsortera och återlämna uttjänta batterier är bra, men det är lika viktigt att dina pengar arbetar för en hållbar utveckling. För en investerare blir det allt viktigare att ta hänsyn till kommande regleringar inom miljöområdet för att göra en korrekt värdering och bedömning av utsikterna för en sektor eller en aktie.
"Klimatförändringar kommer att bli allmänhetens fiende nummer ett under 2007, ofta med en direkt avgörande påverkan på flera olika sektorer som kraft och energi, olja och gas, cement- och bilindustrin, stål- och byggsektorn samt transporter", skriver Cheuvreux i en färsk analys om "Sustainable & Responsible Investment".

February 15, 2007

Suzlon may sell equity for REpower bid
Thursday February 15, 04:15 PM
MUMBAI (Reuters) - Indian wind turbine maker Suzlon Energy Ltd. may sell shares to help fund its $1.3 billion bid for Germany's REpower and other expansion plans, a company source said on Thursday.
"This could be a possibility as only 30 percent equity is in public hands right now," the official, who did not wish to identified, told Reuters.
The Tanti family holds a 70 percent stake in the company.
"The debt component is much higher than Suzlon's own funds and it may have to go for an equity dilution," said an official from the company's banking consortium, who did not want to be identified.
China's Goldwind wants US share float
June 20, 2006
HONG KONG (Reuters) - China's top homegrown maker of wind-power generators, Goldwind Science and Technology Co. Ltd., is pursuing a U.S. IPO to bankroll an expansion and a hoped-for eight-fold surge in sales as it seeks to capitalize on Beiing's increasingly strident calls for cleaner energy.
John Seager: Population growth critical factor in global warming fight
Feb 14, 2007
WASHINGTON - Global warming is “unequivocal,” according to the just-released report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The most likely culprits are people — all of us.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Measuring the Uncertainty of Climate Change
Better models are rapidly defining the uncertainties ahead, says leading climate scientist Ronald Prinn.
Report: Carbon Tax a Better Way to Fight Global Warming
A former Clinton administration commerce department official today released a report arguing that a global tax on companies' greenhouse house gas emissions is a more efficient way to combat global warming than the carbon trading markets endorsed by a host of government officials and corporations like Alcoa (AA), BP, (BP), DuPont (DD), Duke Energy (DUK) and General Electric (GE). "A carbon tax would both directly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and provide powerful incentives for technological progress," wrote Robert J. Shapiro, a Washington D.C. consultant, veteran think tanker and former under secretary of commerce for economic affairs. "Carbon taxes also should provide greater incentives for companies to develop new, environmentally-friendly technologies or abatement strategies than a cap-and-trade program." Shapiro's study was released by the American Consumer Institute, a free-market oriented Washington group.
February 14, 2007
Discovery Propels Hydrogen Fuel Research
San Diego, California [The Guardian] The reality of creating a viable and cost-effective hydrogen fuel cell is one step closer after a recent discovery by UC Berkeley and Argonne National Laboratory. Scientists from the UC-managed Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and ANL have collaborated to find a version of a platinum-nickel catalyst that is far more active than the common catalysts used to date.
February 14, 2007
IAUS Reaches Breakthrough in Solar Panel Manufacturing
Salem, Utah [RenewableEnergyAccess.com] International Automated Systems, Inc. (IAUS) has finished its first high-volume run of its new thin-film lens solar panels. Nearly 1,000 kilowatts (kW) of IAUS's solar panels were manufactured in a short 24-hour run. On a 24/7 operating schedule, an estimated 350 megawatts (MW) of IAUS panels can be produced annually. In comparison, a traditional photovoltaic (PV) solar module manufacturing plant with a yearly capacity equal to IAUS would cost an estimated $840 million to construct. IAUS claims its thin-film solar lens can thus be produced at a fraction of the cost of today's traditional PV solar panels.
February 14, 2007
ECCO Energy Corp. Forms ECCO Biofuels
Houston, Texas [RenewableEnergyAccess.com] ECCO Energy Corp. has formed a subsidiary, ECCO Biofuels, to focus on production, distribution, and manufacturing of biodiesel and ethanol fuel. ECCO Biofuels will manufacture biodiesel production facilities as well as produce biodiesel fuel itself. In addition to the production of biodiesel fuel, ECCO Biofuels will be a fuel distributor of both biodiesel and ethanol fuel in the U.S. ECCO Energy Corp. is an independent oil and gas exploration and production company.
Suzlon to play safe on REpower
February 15, 2007 10:51 IST
Armed with a counter offer, country's largest wind energy company Suzlon Energy is confident to acquire the German firm REpower but will refrain from getting into a bidding war if that hurts the interest of its shareholders.
Tulsi Tanti, chairman and managing director of Suzlon Energy, told Business Standard, "If the bidding becomes unviable, we will have to withdraw. But we are confident of winning the bid."
15.02.2007 09:02
Suzlon: Bei Übernahme von Repower könnte sich Stellenzahl bis 2011 verdoppeln
Wenn der Windkraft-Konzern Suzlon aus dem Bietergerangel um den Windanlagen-Hersteller Repower <RPW.ETR> (Nachrichten/Aktienkurs) als Sieger hervorgeht, wollen die Inder ihre Mitarbeiterzahl in Deutschland kräftig aufstocken. "Im Falle einer Übernahme von Repower werden wir die Region Hamburg zu einem globalen Zentrum für Forschung und Entwicklung ausbauen und in Deutschland 100 bis 200 sehr qualifizierte Arbeitsplätze schaffen", sagte Suzlon-Chef Tulsi Tanti der "Süddeutschen Zeitung" (Donnerstagausgabe). "Zum Ende des dritten Quartals 2006 beschäftigte Repower 740 Mitarbeiter. In drei bis vier Jahren können es - wenn alles weiterhin so positiv läuft - rund 1.500 sein."
15.02.2007 09:44
GE übernimmt 22% an französischem Windparkentwickler Theolia
LONDON (Dow Jones)--Über ihre Tochter GE Energy Financial Services übernimmt der US-Mischkonzern General Electric Co (Nachrichten/Aktienkurs) (GE), Fairfield, rund 22% am französischen Windparkentwickler Theolia SA (Nachrichten/Aktienkurs) . Die Transaktion diene der Stärkung der Position bei erneuerbaren Energien in Europa, teilte das Unternehmen am Mittwochabend mit.
Mist des Tages: IV für mehr Realismus bei Erneuerbarer Energie
Verpflichtende Ziele ohne Strategie falscher Weg
(PdI) Vor dem Hintergrund des heutigen Energieministerrates warnt die IV vor überambitionierten, verpflichtenden Zielen im Bereich der Erneuerbaren Energien. Ohne vorhergehende Potenzialanalysen und Machbarkeitsstudien Ziele vorzugeben führt aus Sicht der Industriellenvereinigung (IV) zuüberteuerten Fördersystemen und unerwünschten Marktverzerrungen, was schon im alten Ökostromgesetz 2003 ganz offensichtlich wurde.
Canada’s House Backs Steep Emission Cuts
OTTAWA, Feb. 14 (Reuters) — The House of Commons passed a bill Wednesday intended to force the Conservative government of Prime Minister Stephen Harper to achieve the steep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions required by the Kyoto Protocol on climate change.
Study Questions Prospects for Much Lower Emissions
WASHINGTON, Feb. 14 — As Democratic leaders in Congress prepare to put climate change legislation on the agenda, some in the utility industry are arguing that it will take decades of investments and innovation to get substantial reductions in their emissions of greenhouse gases.

February 14, 2007

Britain tries to block European targets for renewable energy
Tuesday February 13, 2007
The Guardian
Britain is trying to block new European rules that would set binding targets on renewable energy generation to tackle climate change, according to leaked papers.
February 13, 2007
Sustainable Biodiesel: The Ecological Cost of Fuel
Motivated to help the environment and support the American economy, many consumers of biodiesel go out of their way to get the fuel -- and pay a premium price for it. But what if, after all that effort, their biofuel contributed to deforestation in Asia, traveled across the globe using fossil fuels and actually encouraged global warming?
A Call for Climate Adaptation
February 13, 2007 8:45 AM
The reasons to care about climate change are obvious, right? A planetary fever is about to deal a wallop of catastrophic floods, insect borne disease, deadly heat waves, and an all around worsening of the risks people face everyday across the world. But if human vulnerability gives climate change saliency, aren’t direct adaptations to current risks a more efficient way to meet our goals than greenhouse gas mitigations that would have an indirect effect decades away?
Consolidation: cutting traffic and waste
February 13, 2007 6:26 AM
The term 'consolidation centre' may not sound sexy, and little about the contemporary construction industry is. But in London a pilot program has found that managed consolidation of delivery operations can cut construction-related vehicle emissions by 70%, and cut waste by a huge percentage too. Pretty impressive? Even more so when you consider the simplicity of the idea.
Gamesa sells wind turbines to Egypt
Wednesday, 14 February 2007
Gamesa has signed two new contracts, awarded through an international tender, with the New Renewable Energy Authority (NREA), for the construction of two wind farms (241MW) in Zafarana, Egypt, on the shores of the Red Sea.
The scope of these contracts, drawn up as turnkey arrangements, covers the supply of 284 wind turbines as well as their operation and maintenance. Assembly work on the wind power installation is set to begin in the second half of 2008. These projects will also have a local component, as the towers for the wind turbines are to be built in Egypt, with subcontracting of the civil engineering and electrical work for the wind farms and their accesses and roads. The subscription of these two new contracts, are worth more than € 279 million.
LM Glasfiber signs strategic cooperation agreement with Goldwind
Wednesday, 14 February 2007
LM Glasfiber has signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the Chinese wind turbine manufacturer Xinjiang Goldwind Science & Technology Co., Ltd.
The agreement comprises a firm blade supply contract of minimum six-years for the Goldwind 70/1,500kW and 77/1,500kW turbines and an additional contract to develop blades for Goldwind's next generation of turbines of 2MW and above for onshore and offshore applications. The blades will be delivered from a new LM Glasfiber factory in Urumqi, Xinjiang, where Goldwind is based as well as from LM Glasfiber's existing factory in Tianjin. Supply from the new factory is expected to begin in the middle of 2007.
EU study to investigate a network of European wind parks
Wednesday, 14 February 2007
Siemens Power Transmission and Distribution (PTD) is taking part in a study initiated by the EU Commission.
The object of this study is to investigate the feasibility of creating a reliable link from offshore wind parks to the European grid via gas-insulated, high-voltage transmission lines. The countries bordering the North Sea, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, France and the United Kingdom are included in the study. Siemens PTD and Submarine Cable & Pipe, a subsidiary of the Bohlen & Doyen Group together with ForWind, the Wind Power Research Center of the Universities of Oldenburg and Hanover are taking part in the study, which has a total budget of € 2.1 million. The project will be subsidised for a period of three years with a 50 per cent grant from the EU Commission to study the field of trans-European networks.
Blair, Merkel Say Fight Global Warming
(02-13) 20:27 PST BERLIN, Germany (AP) --
British Prime Minister Tony Blair and German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Tuesday the moment was right to come up with new measures to combat global warming and vowed that the world's industrialized countries would push strongly this year for new emissions goals.
Accumulate Suzlon Energy: Edelweiss
2007-02-13 11:00:14 Source : Moneycontrol.com
Broking house, Edelweiss Research has recommended accumulate rating on Suzlon Energy.
Edelweiss Research report on Suzlon Energy:
"Suzlon Energy, on February 11, 2007, made a friendly tender offer for RePower Systems, a leading wind turbine producer in Germany. Suzlon’s is a counter offer at Euro 126 per share, against Areva’s offer of Euro 105 per share. The counter offer is supported by Martifer (Portugese steel construction company and second-largest share holder of RePower Systems). The offer values RePower at Euro 1.02 bn (EV/EBITDA of 15x CY08E and P/E of 24x CY08E)."
Suzlon Energy an underperformer: CLSA
2007-02-13 16:54:08 Source : Moneycontrol.com
CLSA has maintained underperform rating on Suzlon Energy.
CLSA report on Suzlon Energy:
Suzlon made a counter-bid for REpower at 20% higher price than Areva's bid, pegging the market cap of REpower at USD 1.3bn. We believe there is a high probability of a counter bid by Areva. At the current offer price (which is at 53x 2007 consensus EPS), acquisition is likely to result in EPS decline for Suzlon at least for next two years. We believe the key reason for Suzlon's aggressive bid for REpower is access to good technology and R&D capabilities. Acquisition will increase Suzlon's consolidated end-FY07 net gearing from 80% to around 250%. We believe equity dilution is imminent. Maintain our UNDER-PERFORM rating on the stock.
Suzlon may go the Tata way

Some months back, Suzlon chairman Tulsi Tanti laid out his long-term plan, wherein he wanted only 20% of the company’s business to come from India. The US, China, Europe and the rest of the world would all account for 20% each. The bid for German wind energy company REpower seems to be a step towards that objective.

Suzlon is bidding for 100% of the equity of REpower in a JV with Martifer of Portugal, which already owns a 25% stake. Martifer will transfer their holdings to the JV company, while Suzlon will bring in the cash. The total value of REpower is being pegged at $1.3 billion.

This wouldn’t be the first such acquisition for Suzlon, which had acquired Belgium-based gearbox manufacturer Hansen for 465 million euros in March 2006. Mr Tanti feels the price paid is justified, as Suzlon and REpower are in the same business and the two companies share synergies.

However, on the face of it does seem that Suzlon is paying too much for REpower. The bid for one, at 126 euros, is 20% higher than the bid by French company Areva, which was also in the running. If REpower goes the Corus way, the final price could be a lot higher than the initial bids.

Moreover, REpower isn’t making money. For the nine months ended September 2006, Areva recorded profit of less than 1 million euros. The company had recorded a loss of 8.3 million euros for the corresponding period in 2005. Clearly, past financials don’t justify the price. In effect, Suzlon is paying close to $1 billion for the footprint in Europe.

However, that may not be the force driving Suzlon. The company is already the largest player in India but has a small footprint in markets like Europe, China and the US. It has recently set up operations in the US and China, and if it is successful in acquiring REpower, will get a base in Europe, which currently accounts for only 6% of Suzlon’s current order backlog.

REpower is not a manufacturing company. It purchases equipment such as wind-turbines, blades and gear-boxes from various manufacturers and assembles windmills. Suzlon, on the other hand, does most of its manufacturing in-house. The difference is apparent when the raw material costs for the two companies are compared — 82% of sales for REpower versus about 62% for Suzlon.

Unless REpower is able to procure equipment at lower prices, improvement in margins isn’t likely. Suzlon could be of some help as it owns a gearbox company. Gearboxes account for 18-20% of the total cost of a windmill, so there could be some benefit. Also, REpower’s presence in areas like offshore wind farms could help Suzlon.
Übernahmefantasie hebt Nordex auf Neunmonatshoch
Gebot für Repower beflügelt ganze Branche
kra Frankfurt - Das Übernahmeangebot von Areva für Repower bringt eine ganze Branche in Bewegung. Die hohen Aufschläge, mit denen der französische Atomkonzern die Aktionäre des Hamburger Windanlagenherstellers lockt, treiben seit Wochen europaweit die Kurse nach oben. Die Papiere von Nordex zählten darum gestern einmal mehr zu den Tagesgewinnern im TecDax. Sie schlossen 3,7 % höher bei 20,98 Euro, dem höchsten Stand seit Mai 2006. Damit hat sich der Wert seit Oktober verdoppelt.
Börsen-Zeitung, 14.2.2007

February 13, 2007

Vindmølleindustrien taler sine medlemmers interesser på den politiske scene både nationalt og internationalt – med gode resultater. Brancheforeningen favner både vindmøllefabrikanter og den brede skare af virksomheder, der leverer komponenter, service og rådgivning. Vi arbejder for bedre rammebetingelser og vilkår for den samlede vindkraftindustri i Danmark.
Erneuerbare Energien - Tüfteln reicht nicht
Von der Papierform her kann Deutschland eigentlich gar nichts Besseres passieren: Alle Welt entdeckt plötzlich, wie wichtig erneuerbare Energien sind, und die Pioniere der Wind- und der Solarenergie, die hierzulande oft schon seit vielen Jahren tüfteln, kommen schlagartig groß heraus.
Italian Vento Power Corporation
Monday, February 12, 2007
Massive Offshore Wind Turbines Safe for Birds
Infrared monitoring shows that savvy seabirds steer clear of wind turbines.
Uncertainty surrounding wind power's impact on wildlife--particularly the potential for deadly collisions between birds and turbines--has tarnished its image and even delayed some wind farms. Indeed, the first large offshore wind farm proposed for U.S. waters--the Cape Wind project in Massachusetts's Nantucket Sound--has been held up in part by concerns that its 130 turbines could kill thousands of seabirds annually. Now a simple infrared collision-detection system developed by Denmark's National Environmental Research Institute is helping clear the air.
Solar Power Heats Up
February 10, 2007; Page B2
The race is on to install solar-energy panels in American homes, thanks in part to generous government incentives such as California's $3.2 billion solar initiative, which was launched in January.
Hydrogen Made by Methanol Electrolysis Process Saves Energy
Water electrolysis for large scale hydrogen production is unattractive because of its high electricity consumption. But hydrogen produced by electrolysis of methanol as proposed by Prof. Shen, from Advanced Energy Materials Research laboratory of Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China uses only 1/3 electricity consumption of water electrolysis.
Ecosystem Goods and Services Series: Valuation 101
February 12, 2007 10:24 AM
How much is a pristine lake worth? A clean atmosphere? An oil field?
Answering these questions takes us from the heart of economic philosophy to the frontiers of analytical science. It turns out to be very difficult to give objective monetary values, even in principle. But as our analytical capabilities and understanding of ecosystem services increases, we're developing useful valuation methods that will form the basis for future policy and financial activities.
Knight & Carver builds first STAR blade Monday, 12 February 2007
Knight & Carver's Wind Blade Division has completed the first in a series of 27.5-meter wind blades as part of a US Department of Energy project.
With the name "STAR", which stands for "Sweep Twist Adaptive Rotor", the blade is the first of its kind ever built. Its most distinctive characteristic is a gently curved tip which is specially designed for low-wind-speed regions. Sized overall at 27.5 meters x 2.4 meters, the blade takes maximum advantage of all wind speeds, including marginal speeds. Instead of the traditional linear shape, the blade features a curvature toward the trailing edge, designed to relieve pressure on the blade and turbine drive train. The blade is scheduled for static-testing at Knight & Carver's on-site test facility in San Diego during December. A second blade will be built before the end of the year.
Musterdepot: China-Solar-Stern
Ein Wert aus China ist mit einem 30-prozentigen Gewinn ausgebucht und dafür ist ein neuer China-Titel eingebucht worden, der den Gewinn bis 2008 ver-fünfundzwanzig-fachen soll.
Boommarkt Biosprit
Alternative Treibstoffe werden im Hinblick auf den steigenden Ölpreis immer mehr an Bedeutung gewinnen. Mit diesem weltweit führenden Ethanolproduzent profitieren Investoren vom Branchenboom.
Financement des énergies nouvelles : L’éolien brille.
On apprend en effet que la banque britannique Barclays assure le financement de la ferme éolienne de 65 MW Scout Moor en Angleterre. Par ailleurs, le fabricant allemand de turbines Nordex fournira pour 150 millions d’euros de turbines à la firme espagnole Acciona ( BME : ANA). Le même Nordex fournira également les turbines et la maintenance du complexe de Kibraur en Ecosse pour un montant de 60 m €. D’autre part, le fabricant Danois Vestas va livrer 69 turbines à Vento Power corp pour son site au sud de l’Italie. Une autre entreprise danoise, Dong Energy vient d’acquérir auprès de General Electric Wind Energy les droits de développement pour un complexe de Gunfleet Sands en Angleterre qui devrait être mis en exploitation début 2009. Enfin l’entreprise d’état Chinoise National Building Material Group vient d’acquérir le fabricant de turbines allemand RotorTechnic pour 20 millions d’euros. Notons que dans ce cas, la symbolique est inversement proportionnelle à l’importance de l’acquisition si on la compare à celle de Repower par Areva le mois dernier pour un montant proche du milliard d’euros.

February 12, 2007

Biodiesel-Hersteller in Bedrängnis - Steuern und Ölpreis belasten
dpa-Meldung, 12.02.2007 (08:28)
Hamburg - Die Biodiesel-Hersteller in Deutschland kommen in Bedrängnis. Durch höhere Steuern und den gesunkenen Preis für Diesel aus Mineralöl gerät die Branche von zwei Seiten in eine Klemme, die sie ihre Konkurrenzfähigkeit kostet. "Das erste Unternehmen hat schon aufgegeben", sagt Karin Retzlaff vom Verband der Deutschen Biokraftstoffindustrie (VDB). Und Bernd Schnittler vom Außenhandelsverband für Mineralöl und Energie ergänzt: "Die Biodiesel- und Pflanzenölbranche, vor sechs Monaten noch ein blühender Wirtschaftszweig, kämpft heute ums Überleben."