November 30, 2006

Hydrogen to boost CNG vehicles from 2007
New Delhi, November 26, 2006
Delhi, the 'CNG capital of India', will see the launch of the next-generation, zero-emission hydrogen fuel early next year.,000600010001.htm
November 30, 2006
Geothermal Energy to Play Vital Role in New Zealand's Future
Kawerau, New Zealand []
Construction on a 90-megawatt (MW), $275 million geothermal power plant in New Zealand is finally underway this week after four years of cumulative planning. The new power station, located in Kawerau in the eastern Bay of Plenty, will be the largest geothermal power development in New Zealand in over 20 years -- and is expected to produce more energy annually than all of the country's existing wind turbines, said Mighty River Power Chief Executive Doug Heffernan.;jsessionid=AA67DF0E90FAEEFD4FE9C2E8C48300DB?id=46701
November 30, 2006
Denmark Points Way in Renewable Energy Sources

[] ... As a nation with few energy resources of its own, Denmark had to consider its needs and rethink its policies in the face of an almost complete withdrawal of its oil supply. ... Twenty percent of Denmark's energy needs are now met by electricity generated by wind turbines, and the proportion is steadily increasing. ... the cost of wind power has been reduced by 75 percent since 1970. ... Denmark's long-term commitment and dedication ... prompt other nations to learn from Denmark's example.;jsessionid=AA67DF0E90FAEEFD4FE9C2E8C48300DB?id=46708
Two Solar Power Plants to be Built near Nuclear Plant

Prague, Czech Republic [CTK Czech News Agency] Two photovoltaic power plants will be built in southern Bohemia near the Temelin nuclear power plant, TV Prima said on Saturday [Nov. 25] adding that the investors are now waiting for subsidies without which they could not carry out the projects. Each plant will cost CZK 30 million and construction could begin next year, TV Prima said.
Cloudy Outlook for Renewable Energy in California
Here's some sobering reading for startups and other companies hoping to cash in on California's green energy boom by building solar power stations, wind farms and wave generators: The Golden State is faltering in its efforts to meet a mandate to produce 20 percent of its electricity from renewable energy by 2010 and a third of its power from solar, wind and other green sources by 2020, according to a new report from the California Energy Commission.
The Revolution Will Be Solarized
An interview with Travis Bradford, author of Solar Revolution
30 Nov 2006
Solar power has been the Next Big Thing for decades now, yet it remains a niche player in the energy world. The problem of intermittency is unsolved, up-front capital costs remain high, and surging demand for polysilicon, a key component of solar panels, has recently outstripped supply, stifling production.
Europe sets tough caps on carbon dioxide emissions
* 18:31 29 November 2006
The European Commission set tough new caps on carbon dioxide emissions for 10 nations on Wednesday. The move means Europe has taken a significant step towards meeting its Kyoto Protocol commitments.
Alternative energy powers up new jobs
Rising demand for solar, wind, biofuels brightens outlook for manufacturing in U.S.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Justices’ First Brush With Global Warming
WASHINGTON, Nov. 29 — A Supreme Court argument Wednesday on the Bush administration’s refusal to regulate carbon dioxide in automobile emissions offered three intertwined plot lines to the audience that had come to watch the court’s first encounter with the issue of global climate change.
"Grön panik" bland företagen - så räddar ditt företag miljön
Världen har drabbats av "grön panik", skriver Veckans Affärer. Möbeljätten Ikea är ingen undantag och satsar nu - i ett första steg - på att sänka energiförbrukningen med 25 procent. Nu tipsar VA hur ditt företag kan haka på trenden.
2006-11-30 | 12:22
Hel-grön investerare litar ej på marknaden
Allt fler satsar på gröna pengar i form av utsläppsrätter. De traditionella investmentbankerna konkurrerar med nyare aktörer som ser möjligheter att kombinera rädda-världen-tänk med chansen att tjäna pengar.

November 27, 2006

Austermann: Fünf Offshore-Parks vor Schleswig-Holstein nun gesichert
dpa-Meldung, 24.11.2006 (17:35)
Kiel - Für fünf Offshore-Windparks vor der schleswig- holsteinischen Küste ist dank einer Bundesratsentscheidung jetzt der Weg frei. Das sagte Wirtschaftsminister Dietrich Austermann (CDU) am Freitag auf dpa-Anfrage. Möglich werde dies durch das Gesetz zur Beschleunigung wichtiger Verkehrsprojekte. "Mit der im Gesetz enthaltenen Einführung einer neuen Netzanschlussregelung für Offshore-Windparks und einer gleichmäßigen Kostenverteilung auf alle Netzbetreiber im Bund ist das Startsignal für die Verwirklichung von zunächst fünf Parks in Schleswig-Holstein sicher gestellt", sagte der Minister. Der Bundesrat hatte dem Gesetz zuvor grünes Licht gegeben.
Canada doubles wind energy output in 2006
Wed Nov 22, 2006 12:39 PM EST26
TORONTO (Reuters) - Canada has nearly doubled its wind energy capacity in 2006, adding 657 megawatts, and now has the ability to meet the power needs of 406,000 homes, according to the Canadian Wind Energy Association.
The quest for clean energy: China's green revolution
The air in Beijing was classified as 'hazardous' this week as the city became choked with smog, but following dire warnings of rampant pollution, alternatives are emerging. By Clifford Coonan reports
S.D.E. Wave Power for $0.02 per kWh
S.D.E. Energy Ltd. is a Tel Aviv, Israel manufacturer and marketer of Sea Wave Power Plants - utilizing sea wave energy to produce electricity economically, and in an environmentally-friendly manner claiming that their system an generate electricity for 2 cents.
Siemens SOFC Test Results Exceed SECA Requirements
Siemens_seca_planarSiemens Power Generation, a division of Siemens AG (NYSE: SI) announced the successful testing of a prototype 5 kW-class solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) that incorporates its high power density technology being developed under the U. S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Solid State Energy Conversion Alliance (SECA).
Q-Cells AG to invest in CIGS Thin-Film Technology
Q-Cells AG (OTC: QCLSF), the world's second-largest manufacturer of solar cells, is investing in CIGS thin-film technology to complement its current technology portfolio. Q-Cells is joining forces with Solibro AB from Uppsala, Sweden, to set up a joint venture under the name of Solibro GmbH, in which Q-Cells will hold a share of 67.5%.
A New Renewable Energy Source: Generating Electricity from Vibrations
Here’s a potential source of electricity to help Wal-Mart (WMT) achieve its goal of using 100 percent renewable energy in its stores: its customers. Each step a person takes produces 64 watts of dissipated energy and scientists at Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation are developing technology to “harvest” vibrational energy and feed it to the power grid or store it in batteries.
"After communications revolution, we need an energy revolution"
“Our central mission over the next 30 years will be to make the third industrial revolution happen: we already have a new communications world order; now we need an energy revolution.” said Jeremy Rifkin (1) in an interview the European Wind Energy Association published in its magazine Wind Directions.[tt_news]=118&tx_ttnews[backPid]=1&cHash=07d5c239b4
November 23, 2006
Baltic Sea Strategy to Consider Several Renewable Energies
Brussels, Belgium and Strasbourg, France [] Parliament adopted an own-initiative report on a Baltic Sea strategy ... The report stresses the need to reduce the region's dependency on Russian energy and encourages the Member States in the region to examine the possibility of a common energy market. Parliament calls on the Commission, the Member States and the partners to promote joint projects on energy efficiency and renewable energy resources, in the light of the region's potential as a source of bio-energy, and to encourage the usage of biomass, solar, wind and hydro energy and support the work of the Baltic Sea Region Energy Co-operation.;jsessionid=4FB1B43B30FC269CEAB164580D182374?id=46651
Spain: the next great solar market?
by Tyler on Wed 15 Nov 2006 11:33 AM EST
Automation released its quarterly financials this week and talked about how Photowatt International, the solar unit it plans to spin off in an IPO later this year, is focusing its attention more on Spain these days and less on Germany, which in past years has been the world's solar superpower. "Spain has become its largest market, representing 38 per cent of revenue, with Germany representing 31 per cent of revenue for the six months ended September 30, 2006," ATS said. "This compares to 14 per cent and 58 per cent for Spain and Germany respectively for the six months ended September 30, 2005."
EU Technology Platform launched for Wind Energy
Recently the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) and Energy Commissioner Andris Piebalgs launched the European Technology Platform for Wind Energy (TPWind). This platform aims to identify the priorities for wind energy research up to 2030. Furthermore, the platform will direct public and private funding towards targeted research areas.
Energy tycoons to expand
By Shangguan Zhoudong (
Updated: 2006-11-09 08:47
Suntech Power Holdings Co Ltd, one of the world's leading solar energy companies specializing in the design, development, manufacturing and sale of photovoltaic (PV) cells, modules and systems, made its initial public offering (IPO) debut on the New York Stock Exchange on December 14 last year.
November 10, 2006
Solar: California's Rising Star
With a $3 billion state budget, the promise of 40,000 new jobs and more than $325 million in venture capital from Silicon Valley investors, California's solar industry seems poised for stellar growth.;jsessionid=7FB4C0227C8FF7AF8D11956F7FE67757?id=46494
Bahrain climate ideal for solar energy
Bahrain Tribune - 11/11/2006
A visiting German expert has said the Kingdom is well placed to set an example in the field of solar energy.
Dr Karin Freier, who was in Bahrain to represent her country at the Arab Regional Energy Conference, told Bahrain Tribune that the regional countries, including Bahrain, enjoy ideal climate conditions to install the necessary infrastructure for solar energy.
Wind energy research top priority for new technology platform
The European Technology Platform for Wind Energy (TPWind) was officially launched recently, raising the profile of European research in the field of renewable energy sources (RES). At the launch conference in Brussels, public officials and industry players alike affirmed the leading role research and development will take during first stages in the development of the platform.
Can renewable energy provide for our needs?
Can we decarbonise the global electricity sector by 2050?
A few points:
1. Our consumption of electricity is increasing rapidly.
2. Increasing energy prices would have a serious impact on those who can least afford electricity but for whom it provides many valuable functions.
3. Renewables are typically smaller in unit size and have availability charachtersistics that are different from large traditional power stations.
4. Increasing a proportion in a growing energy pie is a formidable challenge.
5. We are starting from a very low base.
6. Many people support an energy system more fully integrated through electricity as the carrier i.e electric cars or onsite H2 generation from electricity (less common).

If you have ever read the IEA energy projections then you will know what a roadmap straight to hell looks like. Globally emissions to 2030 are predicted increase by an eneromous amount (roughly a doubling?) rather than the dramatic cuts that we need.
How ambitious are the IEA projections for renewable energy? Surely they must be wholly conservative values.
Nanosolar set for expected clean-tech boom
Private and institutional investors rush to jump on environmental bandwagon
PALO ALTO, CALIF. -- With the backing of Google Inc.'s founders and $75-million (U.S.) in recent financing, Silicon Valley startup Nanosolar Inc. is on the cutting edge of a clean-tech boom.

Ocean Power files $100 million IPO
Underscores investor attraction to alternative energy
Last Update: 12:46 PM ET Nov 13, 2006
NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- Ocean Power Technologies Inc., a builder of buoys that generate electricity, filed to raise up to $100 million in an initial public offering Monday, joining what's been a small parade of alternative-energy IPOs to emerge lately.
The Democrats' Clean-Energy Mandate
November 13, 2006
Now that the mid-term elections are over -- and the votes counted -- the Democrats step into power in both the House and Senate.;jsessionid=06A94C09AE27F5C2E548E360B233F4DF?id=46537
RAND: Renewable Resources Could Produce 25% of Total US Electricity and Fuels by 2025
13 November 2006
Renewable resources could produce 25% of the combined demand for electricity and motor vehicle fuels in the United States by 2025 at little or no additional cost if fossil fuel prices remain high enough and the cost of producing renewable energy continues falling in accord with historical trends, according to a RAND Corporation study issued today.
Integrating Wind Energy into the European Power Network
November 14, 2006
The European power network was the key topic of conversation last week during the two-day policy conference, Large Scale Integration of Wind Energy. Held in Brussels, more than 250 delegates from the European Union (EU) were in attendance to discuss the need to modernize the grid, increase interconnection between networks and adapt the grid to new technologies such as wind energy.
Zimbabwe: Solar - Sustainable Source of Energy
The Herald (Harare)
November 15, 2006
ZIMBABWE and numerous other African countries are experiencing a major energy crisis despite the enormous potential for the development of solar energy which is the easiest, cleanest and most sustainable source of energy in the coming future.
A Sunnier Forecast for Solar Energy
Still Small, Industry Adds Capacity and Jobs to Compete With Utilities
Monday, November 20, 2006; Page D01
The top of a large steel vat gently swings open, and a slab of silicon, cut into pieces the size of large bricks, is lifted onto a conveyor belt. On a mezzanine above the warehouse-style floor of the factory in Frederick, Bill Good is monitoring the six-foot furnaces that melt the silicon that goes into bricks, which are later sliced into wafers and turned into solar panels in a building next door.
Silicon shortage hits solar power hopes
Published: November 20 2006 19:30
The fragile economics of solar power could be thrown into jeopardy by a severe global shortage of the basic material used to convert the sun’s rays into electricity.
Wind energy licences proposed for UK
Tuesday, 21 November 2006
The DTI (Department of Trade and Industry) and Ofgem (the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets) have launched a joint consultation on the licensing regime for the transmission of power from future offshore wind farms to the electricity networks.
Växande Vietnam lockar svenskar
Publicerat 27 november 2006 05:30
Affärer i Vietnam är lika med krångel och krav på tålamod, men det är nu det händer i Asiens näst snabbast växande ekonomi. Svenska företag på plats hoppas att landets WTO-inträde får fler att våga ta steget.
Europe accepts its role as the green pioneer of the world
The EU will not put the challenge of tackling global warming in the 'too difficult' pile, says European Commission president Jose Manuel Barroso, who will tomorrow present UK bosses with his arguments for vital groundbreaking action
Sunday November 26, 2006,,1956931,00.html
China Wants Biggest Solar Plant
Hundred-megawatt project could be world’s largest, but must race against competitors.
November 21, 2006

In the latest sign that solar projects are growing larger, China announced plans Tuesday to build the world’s largest solar power plant in Dunhuang, a city in the northwestern Gansu province.§or=Industries&subsector=Energy

November 25, 2006

24-11-2006 - 11:52 Forventningerne om en meget positiv markedsstemning for Vestas-aktien i den kommende tid får analytikerne hos Jyske Bank til at sætte et betydeligt højere kursmål for aktien, end fair værdi ellers indikerer. Det begrundes med en fortsat stærk efterspørgsel på vedvarende energi herunder vindenergi. Hertil kommer, at markedets tillid til vindmølleproducenten vil øges, hvis det som ventet lykkes løbende at forbedre indtjeningen.

November 16, 2006

Weltklasse: Umweltschutz made in Germany

In der Umwelttechnologie ist Deutschland Weltspitze - obwohl die Spitzentechnik im eigenen Land nach wie vor zu wenig eingesetzt wird. Wenn sich das nicht ändert, könnte der Vorsprung bald dahin sein - denn auch andere Länder rüsten auf.

DK: Vestas indgår rammeaft. med EEN - EDF Energies Nouvelles

15-11-2006 - 08:48
Vestas har underskrevet en rammeaftale med EEN - EDF Energies Nouvelles - på i alt 200 MW pr. år i 2008 og 2009 til vindkraftværker i Frankrig, Grækenland og Italien. Vindkraftværkerne skal leveres i løbet af 2008 og 2009, og rammeaftalen indeholder ligeledes en option på levering af yderligere 200 MW pr. år i årene 2008 og 2009.

ES: Gamesa på linie med forventningerne

15-11-2006 - 07:22
Den spanske vindmølleproducent Gamesa havde en vækst i nettoverskuddet til 220,1 mio. euro i de første ni måneder af 2006 fra 101,9 mio. euro i samme periode sidste år. Det var på linie med analytikernes forventninger til regnskabet, skriver AFX.

DE: Repower får stor kinesisk ordre

16-11-2006 - 11:59
Det kinesiske selskab Dongfang, der er partner med den tyske vindmølleproducent Repower, har fået en ordre i Kina på samlet 300 megawatt. Det oplyser Repower i en pressemeddelelse.

November 14, 2006

Washington ger Vestas vind i seglen

2006-11-13: Nils ÅkessonDemokraternas valseger i kongressen är mumma för vindkraftsaktörerna i USA. Beskedet lyfter danska vindkraftsjätten Vestas.

November 07, 2006

DK: Vestas får spansk ordre på 94 megawatt

07-11-2006 - 13:01
Den danske vindmøllekoncern Vestas har fået en ordre i Spanien på 47 vindmøller af typen V90 2 megawatt. Vestas vil starte leveringen af møllerne i foråret 2007, og leveringen ventes at være afsluttet året efter.

DE: Vindenergiproduktionen dag för dag (grafik)

November 06, 2006

SITE: Plan B 2.0: Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble

SV: En nordisk klimatportfölj

Klimatfrågan blir allt tyngre. Många företag kommer tvingas att helt ställa om sin verksamhet framöver. Men här finns inte bara förlorare. På börsen finns också vinnarbolag – inte minst sol, vind och vatten, som det brukar heta i sångens värld.

DE: Nordex får fransk ordre til 515 mio. kr

06-11-2006 - 09:19
Den tysk/danske vindmølleproducent Nordex har fået en ordre i Frankrig til en værdi på mere end 69 mio. euro (515 mio. kr.). Det oplyser Nordex i en pressemeddelelse.

Six Arab states join rush to go nuclear

Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, UAE and Saudi Arabia seek atom technology
THE SPECTRE of a nuclear race in the Middle East was raised yesterday when six Arab states announced that they were embarking on programmes to master atomic technology.,,3-2436948,00.html

November 05, 2006

Talks to Start on Climate Amid Split on Warming

Published: November 5, 2006
Climate negotiators are gathering in Nairobi, Kenya, for their 12th conference since 1992, with the world divided into three seemingly inflexible blocs on what to do about global warming.
The conference will begin tomorrow and continue through Nov. 17. A host of specialists, including economists, environmentalists and United Nations officials, say the challenge this year is more daunting than ever.

November 04, 2006

Biodiesel Grows To Commodity Status

A newly published report heralds tough times for biodiesel producers in the near future.
"With capacity growing at 115% per year, the world is expected to run into overcapacity during 2007, even though growth in biodiesel consumption is expected to peak in 2006–2007," said report author Ralf Gubler, who's also a Vice President at SRI Consulting, the publisher of the report.

Growth of the Renewable Energy Market Will Be Driven by Investment in Storage Technology

Press Release
Wednesday October 18, 9:00 am ET
CAMBRIDGE, England, October 18 /PRNewswire/ -- The renewable energy sector is attracting over $30 billion of investment a year, but future growth will depend on advances in energy storage technology. This is the conclusion of a recently publishe report by Cambridge UK based analysts, CarbonFree. According to the report, emphasis will shift away from photovoltaic technology and towards fuel cell, hydrogen generation and geothermal systems. According to CarbonFree, this shift will provide investment opportunities in downstream renewable energy products such as hydrogen and electricity - at present only polysilicon, rather than the energy it generates, is traded as a commodity.

Lågenergihus / "Passivhaus"

Interessengemeinschaft Passivhaus Österreich
Netzwerk für Information, Qualität und Weiterbildung

Emissionsverpflichtungen: 75% der Autohersteller erfüllen Vorgaben nicht!

Neue Zahlen belegen: Drei Viertel der 20 meistverkauften Automarken in Europa haben es versäumt, die Verbrauchswerte so zu verbessern, dass die EU-Klimavorgabewerte erfüllt werden

PL: Polen entdeckt die Windkraft

FTD 060901
In Polen entstehen immer mehr Windparks. Die Branche hat das Potenzial erkannt und pflastert die Küste mit Windrädern. Damit erfüllt das Land die Vorgaben der Europäischen Union zum Ausbau der erneuerbaren Energien.

DE: Rückenwind für Offshorestrom

FTD 061026
Das neue Infrastrukturgesetz entlastet die Betreiber von Windparks auf dem offenen Meer. Doch Seewetter und Salzwasser stellen die Technik auf eine harte Probe.

November 03, 2006

Greenhouse gases hit record levels in 2005: U.N.

GENEVA (Reuters) - Levels of heat-trapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere hit a record last year and are likely to keep rising unless emissions are radically cut, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said in a report on Friday.
The U.N. weather agency found that the so-called "mixing ratios" of carbon dioxide reached an all-time high of 379.1 parts per billion in 2005, and the global average for nitrous oxide hit a record 319.2 parts per billion.

Power firm buys into European wind energy

Wednesday November 1, 2006
Guardian Unlimited
International Power (IP) has made a significant move into the renewable energy field with the €567m (£379m) purchase of wind farms in Germany and France.,,1936661,00.html

November 02, 2006


PUBLICERAD 061101, 16:06
Den tidigare juridiskt löst sammanhållna grupp intressenter i cellulosaetanolprojektet i Örnsköldsvik har nu bildat koncernen Sekab med fyra dotterbolag, en omsättning på 2 miljarder kronor och 120 anställda.

USAs drömmar om olja krossade

2006-11-02 | 10:47
USA har länge förutspått att 25 procent av världens oupptäckta oljeresurser finns i Arktis. Det visar sig nu vara en rejäl överskattning.

SE: Stena Adactum satsar på vindkraft

2006-11-02 | 11:28
Stenagruppen planerar stora investeringar i vindkraft och etanol. I slutet av den här veckan börjar gruppens första vindkraftsverkspark, utanför Ludvika, att producera ström.
”Förnyelsebar energi är ett väldigt intressant investeringsområde för oss”, säger Martin Svalstedt, vd för Stenas investmentbolag Adactum

DE: Studie: Erneuerbare Energien können Atomstrom vollständig ersetzen

Der hessische Ministerpräsident Roland Koch ist für seinen freundliche Haltung gegenüber der Kernenergie bekannt. So brachte er anlässlich des jüngsten Energiegipfels bei Kanzlerin Merkel zum wiederholten Mal den „Ausstieg aus dem Ausstieg“ aufs Tapet. Gerne betont er zu diesen Anlässen, dass es keine vernünftige Alternative zur Kernenergie gebe. Eine Studie, die auf Anfrage der hessischen SPD-Landesvorsitzenden Andrea Ypsilanti erstellt wurde, kommt nun zu anderen Schlüssen.

November 01, 2006

Solar Energy - the recent pullback is creating a buying opportunity.

For Solar Energy Firms, Future May Be Brighter
The Wall Street Journal
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
HONG KONG, Oct. 24 -- Now may be a good time for investors to soak up some sun.
Shares of solar energy companies in the United States and Asia have fallen about 25 to 50 percent in recent months as declining oil prices have cooled interest in renewable-energy stocks. But analysts who see long-term growth potential in the $10 billion global solar equipment industry say the recent pullback is creating a buying opportunity.

CN: China to increase input in alternative energy projects in next 5 years

The Ministry of Finance has decided to increase input in projects involved in developing bio-energy and other alternative energies between 2006 and 2010.

Study: Wind Power Fastest Growing Energy Source

(U-WIRE) SAN JOSE, Calif. ­— According to the Earth Policy Institute, a private organization dedicated to providing a vision of an environmentally sustainable economy, wind is the world’s fastest-growing energy source with an average annual growth rate of 29 percent over the last 10 years.
In contrast, over the same time period, coal use has grown by 2.5 percent per year, nuclear power by 1.8 percent, natural gas by 2.5 percent and oil by 1.7 percent, according to a report published this summer by the organization.

MIT designs 'invisible,' floating wind turbines

CAMBRIDGE, Mass.--An MIT researcher has a vision: Four hundred huge offshore wind turbines are providing onshore customers with enough electricity to power several hundred thousand homes, and nobody standing onshore can see them. The trick? The wind turbines are floating on platforms a hundred miles out to sea, where the winds are strong and steady.

Solar to become top alternative energy, author says

Tue Oct 31, 2006 6:50pm ET30
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Solar power will become economically viable and available to almost anyone in the next 10 to 15 years, Travis Bradford, a former corporate buyout specialist, says in his book "Solar Revolution."


PUBLICERAD 061101, 00:00
Australien gör en kovändning i klimatfrågan och bygger världens största anläggning för solenergi. Den börjar byggas 2008 i delstaten Victoria och ska stå klar 2013.

GE Announces Industry Milestone: More Than 5000 1.5-Megawatt Wind Turbines Installed

Monday October 23
Technology Continues to Advance as Experience Base Grows
ATLANTA--(BUSINESS WIRE)--GE Energy (NYSE: GE - News) today announced it has surpassed 5,000 installations for its 1.5-megawatt wind turbine, one of the most widely used machines in the global wind power industry.

PT: Portugal Launches Major Windfarm Project

Oct. 31, 2006, 1:23PM
LISBON, Portugal — Portugal launched a $2 billion windfarms project Tuesday, part of the country's effort to reduce its heavy reliance on imported energy.

DE: The world’s tallest wind turbine

MEASURING 205 METRES to blade tip, the world’s tallest wind power tower is located in eastern Germany.
The world’s tallest wind turbine is located west of Cottbus in eastern Germany. The 160-metre machine is expected to produce up to 40 per cent more power than a 100-metre version. The design might bring previously unused inland sites into wind energy generation.

DK: Vestas får ordre på 103 møller i Kina

Vestas har modtaget en ordre på 145 MW til to vindkraftprojekter i Kina. Der skal leveres i alt 103 vindmøller bestående af 50 stk. V80-2,0 MW møller og 53 stk. V52-850 kW møller. Ordrene omfatter levering og idriftsættelse af vindmøllerne.

China Calls for a Better Kyoto Protocol

October 31, 2006
As Australia’s government insists today that any commitment it would make to the Kyoto protocol would mean nothing without the participation of major carbon culprits like China, Beijing made its own noise about the emissions framework last week, calling for a new and improved agreement after the current Kyoto end date of 2012.