April 05, 2007

Zwei Milliarden Menschen ohne Wasser
+ 04.04.2007 + Das 20. Jahrhundert war das Jahrhundert der Kriegsflüchtlinge. Das 21. Jahrhundert wird das Jahrhundert der Umwelt- und Wasserflüchtlinge.
USA: Oberstes Gericht rüffelt Bushs Klimapolitik
+ 04.04.2007 + Die Umweltpolitik von US-Präsident George W. Bush hat vor dem Obersten Gerichtshof der USA eine Niederlage erlitten.
Top Ten der deutschen erneuerbaren Energienbranche
+ 05.04.2007 + Mit Biomasse, Sonne und Wind lassen sich gute Geschäfte machen.
Vattenfall: Bis 2020 gibt es nur noch Ökokraftwerke
+ 05.04.2007 + Bis 2020 will der drittgrößte deutsche Energiekonzern Vattenfall Europe nur noch Koh­lekraftwerke ohne CO2-Ausstoß betreiben.
ENCAP aims to profit from biofuel byproducts
April 3, 2007
Quick—ethanol producers, stop feeding your distiller grains to cattle.
A small privately-held soil amendment company in Wisconsin thinks it's found a more profitable way to get rid of the byproducts of biofuels.
Solar startup Sunfilm to make thin film sandwiches
April 4, 2007
You won't be able to see through their modules, but a new German solar startup is the latest to announce plans to sandwich glass in several layers of thin film technology, using forthcoming equipment from Applied Materials (NASDAQ: AMAT).
FPL raises $6.5 billion
April 5, 2007
The wind industry might benefit from a $6.5b line of credit arranged this week by FPL Group. This deal and 6 more in this week's dealflow roundup.
Garden chain drops patio heaters
April 5, 2007
Britain's biggest garden centre chain is to stop selling some of its most popular products, including patio heaters and peat, over concerns about their impact on the environment, it was announced today.
Which Way to the Sun? Where is Solar Headed?
I had a chance to talk with David Hochschild, the outgoing Executive Director of PV Now about his thoughts on the solar industry and recent changes. PVNow is an industry association that, among other things, helped lobby for the net metering and the solar initiative in California and increased RPS standards in Texas and New Jersey. David is a well-known advocate and speaker on solar issues.
Waste-to-Energy Plants Could Replace Incinerators
LONDON, Apr. 2, 2007 -- Cutting edge waste-to-energy plants that are smaller and cleaner than incinerators could soon hit the U.K. market, ending the need for polluting incinerator projects.
The plants run a new process that transforms non-recyclable waste into a clean syn-gas, used to generate clean power and a high-strength building material, with the plant itself powered by the syn-gas it produces.
Carbon-neutral and very low in emissions with plants around a third of the size of incinerators, the Gasplasma process can compete with incinerators on a number of counts, according to Andrew Hamilton, CEO of Advanced Plasma Power, the company that patented the process.
Back from the Dead? The Future of EV Powered Cars.
Nouvelles d'Allemagne
Il apparait de plus en plus que le montant annoncé (3.3 %) et qui faisait de l'Allemagne un mauvais élève en matière d'énergies renouvelables est tronqué. En effet, ce sont 7.7 % de la production d'énergie qui se fait par le biais du renouvelable en 2006. L'accroissement est considérable en une année de 6.8 à 7.7.
Général compression
Général compression lance une nouvelle sorte d'éolienne : dotée d'un compresseur, elle produit de l'air comprimé au lieu d'électricité.
X Prize to Inspire Super-Efficient Vehicles
April 4, 2007
The non-profit X Prize Foundation, known worldwide for its efforts to encourage private spaceflight, is launching a new competition to develop super-efficient vehicles that are capable of succeeding in the marketplace. The international, multi-year challenge aims to inspire teams to build desirable, affordable, fuel-efficient, and production-capable vehicles by offering a multi-million dollar cash purse. The contest is open to auto manufacturers and independent innovators alike.
1:1 Digital House and the Future of Green Building
April 4, 2007
There is a direct link between the growing "intelligence" of our homes -- their increasing ability to use electronics to sense, monitor and adapt -- and their sustainability. Many of the coolest aspects of green building involve the building itself responding to the conditions around it, working with, rather than against, the sun, wind and weather. Such adaptive, responsive buildings are at least as important a goal as radical new material breakthroughs.
Khosla Ventures Investments
VC Ratings blog provides a list of 26 renewable energy startups that Vinod Khosla's - Khosla Ventures' has invested in. He is well known for his investments in biofuel related companies, but the list reveals a much broader scope.
* Cellulosic - Mascoma, Celunol, Range Fuels, 1 stealth startup
* Future Fuels - LS9, Gevo, Amyris Biotechnologies, Coskata Energy
* Efficiency - Transonic Combustion, GroupIV Semiconductor, 1 stealth startup
* Homes - Living Homes, Global Homes
* Natural Gas - Great Point Energy
* Solar - Stion, Ausra
* Tools - Nanostellar, Codon Devices, Praj
* Water - 2 stealth startup
* Plastic - Segetis, 1 stealth startup
* Corn/Sugar Fuels - Altra, Cilion, Hawaii Bio
April 5, 2007
Eco-Campaigner Calls for "Freeze on Biofuels"
London, UK [Channel 4/4Car] Biofuels are the current favoured option in the battle to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and slow down global warming, but environmental specialists and campaigners are warning that whilst biofuels -- produced from sustainable-source crops which absorb carbon as they grow -- are not necessarily an ethically-sound alternative to fossil fuels. Award-winning writer and university professor George Monbiot has long warned of the implications of biofuel production, and ... published a new article in which he describes policy on the issue as "plain fraud" which "causes more harm than good" and is "a formula for environmental and humanitarian disaster". It's a sobering thought for those believing that ethanol and biodiesel could be guilt-free fuels.
April 5, 2007
SFNH Forms Biodiesel Energy Corp.
Aspen, Colorado [RenewableEnergyAccess.com] Security First International Holdings, Inc. (SFNH) has formed a wholly owned subsidiary called BioDiesel Energy Corporation (BEC), which will utilize high-grade feedstocks such as soy and canola oil as raw material for the production of biodiesel fuel.
April 5, 2007
Raser Gains $12.5 M for Geothermal Drilling
Provo, Utah [RenewableEnergyAccess.com] Raser Technologies, Inc. has raised $12.5 million and intends to accelerate its geothermal drilling program by securing needed equipment, supporting growth initiatives and other purposes.
April 5, 2007
Boeing Prepares Fuel Cell Demonstrator Airplane for Testing
Iraq considers utilizing solar energy for electricity
Ethanol Drives US Farmers to Plant 15% More Corn in 2007, Says Government Report
Solcellstillverkare skor sig på statligt stöd
Solceller blir allt bättre och billigare att tillverka. Men konsumentpriserna sjunker inte. Hög efterfrågan gör att tillverkarna kan öka vinstmarginalerna och tjäna storkovan
Opålitliga analyser av svenska vatten
I 25 år har svenska vattenprover noggrant samlats in och kontrollerats.Nu avslöjas att viktiga delar av analyserna är felaktiga. - Vi har upptäckt konstiga mönster, säger statisitkprofessorn Anders Grimvall.
Die Mehrkosten für Kyoto sind verkraftbar
Discovery to Start Channel Focusing on Green Movement
April 5, 2007
Discovery Communications, the cable channel operator, plans to start a 24-hour channel focused on eco-friendly living, as part of a push into the rising environmental movement.
U.N. Draft Cites Humans in Recent Climate Shifts
April 5, 2007
The latest United Nations assessment of the role of humans in global warming has found with “high confidence” that greenhouse gas emissions are at least partly responsible for a host of changes already under way, including longer growing seasons and shrinking glaciers.
Klimaschutz im Kindergarten
Am Freitag soll der zwischenstaatliche Ausschuss für Klimawandel der Uno den zweiten Teil seines Weltklimaberichts vorlegen. Die Veröffentlichung könnte platzen, weil sich vor allem die USA gegen einige Formulierungen in der Zusammenfassung sträuben.
Sundance Channel Asks: What's the Big Idea?
1000 Words: A Manifesto for Sustainability in Design
''Öka andelen aktier''
Det ser ljust ut för världsekonomin, varför investerare bör öka andelen aktier, skriver Credit Suisse i en färsk analys. Vissa marknader väntas dock gå bättre än andra framöver. Läs vilka.
Energihus kan ge samma
resultat som tre Kyotoavtal
I dag måndags presenterar FN:s klimatgrupp en ny rapport om hur man drastiskt kan sänka koldioxidutsläppen genom effektivare hus. Med enkla medel kan man få samma effekt som tre Kyotoavtal.

April 04, 2007

Pionjärvillan som håller värmen själv
Michael och Rebecca Malmborg flyttar snart in i sitt nybyggda passivhus, som saknar konventionell uppvärmning, i utkanten av Lidköping. Det blir den första villan i Sverige som byggs på detta sätt.
April 2, 2007
CCID Consulting Reviews China's New Energy Industry
Beijing, China [RenewableEnergyAccess.com] According to CCID Consulting, China's new energy industry has the following characteristics: China's solar water heaters market has grown from sales volume in 2005 at 14.50 million square meters (m2) and is expected to reach 30 million m2 in 2010. This is due to China's patented solar water heater technologies, its supplementary industries for solar water heaters and market mechanisms that advance the development of China's solar water heater industry. CCID Consulting believes China's wind power industry and small hydropower are receiving both attention and investment -- but that the industries of new energies such as methane have yet to be marketed and industrialized.
April 2, 2007
Could 'Artificial Photosynthesis' Lead to Renewable Solar Fuel?
Chicago, Illinois [RenewableEnergyAccess.com] Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory are trying to design catalysts inspired by photosynthesis. The goal is to design a bio-inspired system that can produce fuels like methanol, methane, and hydrogen directly from water and carbon dioxide using renewable solar energy. Four Brookhaven chemists discussed their research on "artificial photosynthesis" last week at the 233rd National Meeting of the American Chemical Society in Chicago. The Brookhaven research is funded through the DOE's Chemical Science Program (Photochemistry and Radiation Research) and Hydrogen Program, which implements the President's Hydrogen Fuel Initiative, a five-year program that began in 2003 to sponsor research, development and demonstration of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies.
April 3, 2007
Italy/Chile Cooperate in Renewable Energy Sector
[The Santiago Times] Chile's presidential Palace La Moneda put out the red carpet this week for a quick official visit from Italy's Prime Minister Romano Prodi. During the day-long visit Prodi announced his country hoped to increase investment in Chile, especially in the renewable energy sector. ... Italy's National Energy Company (ENEL) will lead the investment into renewable energy. It announced two potential projects to produce geothermal energy in the north and south of Chile.
Photovoltaik: Hersteller versprechen sinkende Kosten
+ 04.04.2007 + Der Photovoltaikhersteller Ersol erwartet, dass die Modulkosten bis 2008 um rund 25 Prozent und bis 2010 um rund 40 Prozent sinken werden gegenüber 2006.
Blaues Gold wird immer kostbarer
+ 04.04.2007 + Kauf einheimischer Lebensmittel kann Wasserverbrauch senken helfen.
Der durchschnittliche Deutsche verbraucht täglich etwa 120 Liter Trinkwasser. Davon entfallen auf Kochen und Trinken nur rund 5 Liter. Die hohe Qualität des Trinkwassers, die in der Trinkwasserverordnung festgeschrieben ist, ist ganz selbstverständlich. Wasser in Trinkwasserqualität steht allen Bürgern jederzeit zur Verfügung.
More money on the way for geothermal power in the U.S.
March 30, 2007
Geothermal producers in the U.S. got all excited today about a tenth of a cent.
It's just an inflation adjustment in a tax credit, but multiplied across millions of kilowatt hours it becomes real money. And the industry's association forecasts a real upswing in support for geothermal just around the corner.
Watch hydro in China, says consulting company
April 2, 2007
China has begun to make a name for itself in solar manufacturing, but a leading research and consulting company hints big renewable energy opportunities in China might yet be found in hydro.
CCID Consulting, based in Hong Kong, says small hydropower systems are becoming popular.
April 04, 2007
Flexible Batteries That Never Need to Be Recharged
European researchers have built prototypes that combine plastic solar cells with ultrathin, flexible batteries. But don't throw away your battery recharger just yet.
stormblade turbine
La compagnie britannique Stormblade Turbine vient de devoiler un nouveau type d'éolienne à 3 pales, modéles plus efficaces et plus sûr.
La forme de la stormblade est celle d'un réacteur d'avion, et son constructeur évoque un rendement de 70 %. Ce qui peut sembler curieux, car la loi de Betz, prévoit qu'on ne puisse récupérer plus de 59 % de l'énergie éolienne.
La Chine mise aussi sur les micro-centrales hydauliques
Chine La Chine fait feu de tout bois, et fait preuve en matière énergétqiue d'un activisme tous azimuts.
A l'heure actuelle, deuxième pollueur au monde, le pays qui sera sans doute d'ici peu le premier, ne semble pas idéologiquement lié à quelque sorte de source d'énergie que ce soit.
En effet, elle mise aussi sur un développement fort de la micro-électricité, (150 milliards de Kwh produit en 2006 pour 50 millions de kw de capacité). Jusqu'à présent 1600 districts ont construits leur centrale.
De plus, une bonne partie du pays est sinon pas encore électrifiée, mais souffre au moins de problèmes d'approvisionnement récurrents.
Political Design, Climate Inequity, Urban Eco-Sustainable Networks and the Japanese Homeless: Some Recent Web Finds
Architecture: Green and Greener
April 3, 2007
A new report from the UN Environment Program (UNEP) released last week (downloadable here) [re]confirmed what many of us already know, but what policy-makers and giant development corporations still need to hear from places like the UN: that the building sector plays a huge role in achieving the greenhouse gas reductions necessary to effectively combat climate change.
Time for True Market Reform
April 2, 2007
The mantra of economists, central bankers, the World Bank, the IMF and others advising developing countries calls for , above all, market reform. Un-packing the jargon, they mean de-regulation, free trade, privatization, convertible currencies, export and debt-led growth and flexible labor markets – summarized as the "Washington Consensus." Today, the call for market reform is morphing into demands for reforming markets and capitalism itself.
Breaking: Automaker suit against Calif. greenhouse-gas regulations may be dismissed as early as tomorrow afternoon
03 Apr 2007
The lawsuit filed by automakers against states that have adopted California's greenhouse-gas restrictions on vehicles may be dismissed as early as tomorrow (Wed.) afternoon.
New Engine Design Increase Mileage at Low Cost
11 MW Solar Tower Plant Dedicated in Spain
(XETRA:AYO.DE) press release reveals the dedication of an 11 MW Solar Tower, the PS10, the world's first commercial solar tower power plant. Solucar, an Abengoa company, constructed the plant in the municipality of Sanlucar la Mayor (Seville),which will be operated by Abengoa.
Update on The Green and Gold SolarCube
Green and Gold Energy of Australia just released this picture of their Sun Cube rooftop concentrating solar photovoltaic module. Shown left: 600 kWh/year SunCube Mark 5 Solar Appliance™ with toughened glass lenses, internal 2 axis tracking motors / grid connect inverter.
Retail cost of the AC SunCube = AU$1,500 inc GST at 10%. Cost in the US is expected to be US $1,000
Sky-Scraping Solar Tower Proposed for Texas
Palm oil: the biofuel of the future driving an ecological disaster now
Planning curbs on domestic green energy may be eased
· Kelly says local action must match global efforts
· Permission may not be needed for many schemes
Solarfirmen kassieren Milliarden - auf Kosten der Verbraucher
Gerade einmal ein halbes Prozent - das ist der Anteil der Sonnenenergie an der deutschen Stromproduktion. Trotzdem fahren die Solarkonzerne horrende Gewinne ein, die Zeche zahlen die Verbraucher. Das belegt eine Studie aus der Branche, die SPIEGEL ONLINE vorliegt.
Justices Say E.P.A. Has Power to Act on Harmful Gases
Amerikansk vindmølleboom vil hjælpe Vestas
Reports From Four Fronts in the War on Warming
Global Winners and Losers
Better Thinking Magazine
First ever solar energy power tower in Spain?
Photovoltaic solar energy: new map and interactive information
Main Source: European Commission Press Releases
A new map published by the European Commission shows the photovoltaic solar energy potential of different parts of Europe. Photovoltaic Solar Cells convert sunlight directly into electricity. In addition the interactive on-line Photovoltaic Geographical Information System (PVGIS), developed by the Commission's in-house scientific service, DG Joint Research Centre, allows users to estimate solar energy performance at any given location in Europe.
China joins wind turbine business
But lack of engineers could hurt supply
Himalayas glaciärer smälter
Andra delen av FN:s klimatrapport: ”Det rör sig om en möjlig katastrofal utveckling”
Temperaturhöjning i Australien
Hela Sydney släcktes ner i går för att uppmärksamma klimatförändringen.
  Samtidigt kommer larmrapporter om att temperaturen i Australien kommer att stiga med 6,7 grader.
UN says 'architects can save the world'
"Buildings can play a key role in combating climate change," says the U.N. So wow, architects are cooler then Al Gore.
Poor Nations to Bear Brunt as World Warms
April 1, 2007
The world’s richest countries, which have contributed by far the most to the atmospheric changes linked to global warming, are already spending billions of dollars to limit their own risks from its worst consequences, like drought and rising seas.