December 28, 2006

Un trésor aquatique dans le sous-sol du Niger
La mare, paisible, surprend dans l'environnement aride du Niger : l'eau est limpide, la végétation et les manguiers abondent, les chèvres et les vaches viennent boire à satiété - ainsi que les girafes, tôt le matin, paraît-il. "On l'appelle "la mare où l'on plonge", parce que les enfants s'y baignent souvent", dit Issifou Moumouni, un paysan de Boulakouratégui. Ici, l'eau ne manque jamais.,1-0@2-3228,36-849435@51-849519,0.html

December 27, 2006

1.500 Megawatt aus Offshore-Windenergie in Deutschland bis Ende 2011 realistisch
REpower Vorstandsvorsitzender Vahrenholt gibt auf Maritimer Konferenz in Hamburg Ausblick auf Offshore-Entwicklung
Den svenska regeringen ställer sig bakom Tysklands hårda krav på en 30-procentig minskning av växthusgaser inom EU fram till år 2010. Det beskedet ger miljöminister Andreas Carlgren när han träffar EU:s miljöministrar i Bryssel i dag.
Volkswagen Engines: Today, Tomorrow & Beyond
SunFuel® could already replace gasoline and diesel even today,-tomorrow-beyond
Europe Acts to Penalize Jet Pollution
PARIS, Dec. 20 — In the face of stiff opposition from the airline industry, the European Union moved forward Wednesday with plans to impose extra charges on foreign and domestic carriers that pollute too much.
Outsize Profits, and Questions, in Effort to Cut Warming Gases
Published: December 21, 2006
QUZHOU, China — Foreign businesses have embraced an obscure United Nations-backed program as a favored approach to limiting global warming. But the early efforts have revealed some hidden problems.
Changement climatique : les scénarios s'affinent
LE MONDE | 27.12.06 | 15h51  •  Mis à jour le 27.12.06 | 15h51

En 2100, le monde sera plus chaud, le niveau des mers aura augmenté et les phénomènes météorologiques extrêmes seront plus fréquents. C'était la conclusion du dernier rapport du Groupe intergouvernemental d'experts sur l'évolution du climat (GIEC, IPCC en anglais), publié en 2001.,1-0@2-3228,36-849749@51-816848,0.html
Réchauffement du climat et pétrole cher relancent le nucléaire
LE MONDE | 27.12.06 | 12h50  •  Mis à jour le 27.12.06 | 14h40

L'Europe, la Russie, l'Iran, les Etats-Unis, l'Inde, la Chine, l'Afrique du Sud, le Brésil, l'Australie... Où que les regards se tournent, aucune zone du globe n'échappe, dans ses débats sur l'énergie, à la "contamination" nucléaire.,1-0@2-3234,36-849765@51-849845,0.html

December 22, 2006

Global Warming Poses Threat to Ski Resorts in the Alps
KITZBÜHEL, Austria, Dec. 15 — How balmy has it been in the Alps these last few months? At the bottom of the Hahnenkamm, the famously treacherous downhill course in this Austrian ski resort, the slope peters out into a grassy field. And it’s just 10 days before Christmas.
REpower: Grünes Licht für Serienproduktion der Offshore-Anlage 5M
Produktionsstätte in Bremerhaven als Sofortlösung - Anschließend Produktion in Rendsburg-Osterrönfeld geplant
CO2 -Reduzierung durch Kommunikationsstrategie
Mit Hilfe einer "Vernetzungs- und Kommunikationsstrategie" sollen die CO2-Emissionen in der deutschen Stadt Oldenburg spürbar gesenkt werden

December 16, 2006

Santa Monica Aims to be "Net Zero" City
John Addison writes in his blog about the city of Santa Monica, CA and its plans to be the nation's first "Net Zero" city. Through energy efficiency, solar and other renewable energy, the city hopes to generate enough clean energy to match its total energy consumption.
Emerging Energy Research is an independent research and advisory company that provides pragmatic and forward-thinking advice about new energy technologies, markets and strategies. Our mission is to help clients, on a global basis, to understand, leverage and exploit the technology, regulatory and competitive trends in the emerging energy sector, including renewables, hydrogen and other leading edge technologies.
ThermoEnergy Recieves $1.5 million for Emission Free Power Plant
ThermoEnergy Corporation (OTCBB:TMEN) has received recent funding, through the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA), of a US$1.5 million grant by the US EPA to design, build and operate an initial prototype of the company's patented zero air emission power plant design known as the ThermoEnergy Integrated Power System, or TIPS. This prototype plant, which will be housed at the Canadian energy laboratory (CANMET) in Ottawa, will provide the process data the company needs for the design and construction of a commercial scale multi-megawatt demonstration facility in 2009.
The European Parliament shows the way forward on renewables – binding targets for each renewable energy sector demanded
Today, the European Parliament provided a clear signal on how to promote renewable energy in the EU up to 2020. At the same moment, the Commission is considering to come forward with nice words but no concrete measures to support the rhetoric, according to a leaked draft of the Renewable Energy Roadmap scheduled for January 2007.[tt_news]=229&tx_ttnews[backPid]=1&cHash=6fb81860a7
Wind integration study: green light for more wind power
Thursday, 14 December 2006
Results of a new study show that, under the right policies, utilities can incorporate wind power into their resource portfolio, comprising up to one-fourth of their delivered energy, without sacrificing reliability and with minor costs for absorbing the wind.
Asia Pacific emerges as wind power's new frontier
Friday, 15 December 2006
Led by wind markets in India and China, Asia Pacific is emerging as global wind power's new frontier, with the region expected to add over 46,000MW of wind power over the next decade, according to a recently released market study from Emerging Energy Research (EER).
NASA: 2006 continues heatwave records
15 Dec 06
Thought it was a little warmer than usual this summer? Well that's because it was. NASA is reporting out today that 2006 will most likely be the 5th hottest year on record since we began recording global temperature in the 1880's. The five warmest years on record in descending order are 2005, 1998, 2002, 2003 and 2006.
Massive growth in the Middle East's new and renewable energy sector anticipated
Drastic increases in oil prices and increased awareness of the limited availability of traditional fossil fuels is giving the new and renewable energy sector enormous momentum, with many of the world leaders in the field of photovoltaics (solar power), wind power and other environmentally friendly energy schemes accelerating product innovations that are being embraced across the region as alternative power sources.
Study of Wind Power in UK Finds Actual Results Extremely Variable
11 December 2006
An independent study commissioned by the UK’s Renewable Energy Foundation (REF) has found that power generation by the UK wind sector varies enormously with location, and that even with a large installed base of wind turbines, results for wind power in the UK would be extremely spotty.

Revised wind farm plans unveiled
The company behind the UK's largest onshore wind farm project - proposed for the Hebridean island of Lewis - has unveiled revised plans for the scheme.

December 12, 2006

Publicerat 12 december 2006 04:35
Nordpolens is borta sommaren 2040
Istäcket på Nordpolen och Norra ishavet kan vara helt borta på somrarna efter 2040, visar nya beräkningar av växthuseffekten.
A Great Bubbling
High oil prices are transforming the world's political landscape-and launching an era of high-tech innovation that could rival the Internet boom.
Vestas receives 63MW order in the USA     
Tuesday, 12 December 2006
Vestas has received an order for the second phase of the Solano wind project in Rio Vista, California.
The Energy Challenge
The Cost of an Overheated Planet
Published: December 12, 2006
The iconic culprit in global warming is the coal-fired power plant. It burns the dirtiest, most carbon-laden of fuels, and its smokestacks belch millions of tons of carbon dioxide, the main global warming gas.
Skinny Silver Cells Could Cuts Solar Costs by 60%
December 11, 2006
An Australian National University researcher claims to have invented a technology that could cut the cost of producing solar panels by more than 60 percent.

December 11, 2006

Vestas-aktier dykker på gearproblemer
07-12-2006 - 15:53
Aktierne i den danske vindmøllekoncern Vestas tog et dyk på fondsbørsen i København torsdag. Dykket kom efter, at RB-Børsen kunne løfte sløret for, at vindmøllekoncernen atter engang er blevet ramt af problemer med gearkasserne til vindmøller.
Wind farms 'are failing to generate the predicted amount of electricity'
The claimed benefits of wind energy are called into question today by a study that finds few wind farms in England and Wales produce as much electricity as the Government has forecast.
Boeing Spectrolab Terrestrial Solar Cell Surpasses 40 Percent Efficiency
Boeing says it's solarcell manufacturing subsidiary Spectrolab, has achieved a new world record in terrestrial concentrator solar cell efficiency. Using concentrated sunlight, Spectrolab demonstrated the ability of a photovoltaic cell to convert 40.7 percent of the sun's energy into electricity. The U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in Golden, Colo., verified the milestone.
EU Eyes Binding Targets for Renewable Energy -
December 8, 2006
BRUSSELS - The European Commission will propose a mandatory target next month for energy consumption from renewable sources by 2020 in an overhaul of EU policy on environmentally friendly fuels, a draft showed on Thursday.
How To Live the Good Life Without Oil
The unnervingly high price of oil - along with the increasingly intensive drilling to get it - has suddenly pushed renewable power squarely into the mainstream.
Suzlon skaber frygt for aktieboble
11-12-2006 - 07:46
Indiske Suzlon har på få år skabt vindindustriens mest bemærkelsesværdige succeshistorie. En regulær børstriumf, hvor den indiske opkomling er blevet mere værd end branchens store erfarne spiller, Vestas. Men blandt iagttagere breder frygten sig for, at højprofileringen af den indiske opkomling er så oppisket, at selv små fodfejl kan ryste tilliden til hele vindindustrien, skriver Økonomisk Ugebrev.
Wind aus der Dose
Der Sturm braust, wann er will - unabhängig vom Strombedarf. Um bei Flaute nicht im Dunkeln zu stehen, muss man Energie speichern - zum Beispiel in Form von Wasserstoff.

December 07, 2006

Annual Energy Outlook 2007
The Annual Energy Outlook presents a midterm forecast and analysis of US energy supply, demand, and prices through 2030. The projections are based on results from the Energy Information Administration's National Energy Modeling System. The AEO2007 Early Release includes the reference case. The full publication, to be released in early 2007, will include complete documentation and additional cases examining energy markets.
Solar cell breaks efficiency record
Boeing-Spectrolab has developed a solar cell that can convert almost 41 percent of the sunlight that strikes it into electricity, the latest step in trying to drop the cost of solar power.

December 06, 2006

CO2-Austoß: China überholt USA im Jahr 2008
2006: 30 Milliarden Tonnen CO2-Ausstoß weltweit / China stößt pro Jahr rund 500 Mio. t zusätzlich aus
Jacob Palmstierna satsar en halv miljard på en vindkraftspark på sitt gods Maltesholm.
Utsläppen på ny rekordnivå
Världens utsläpp av koldioxid fortsätter att slå rekord. Nya siffror för 2005 visar att utsläppen ökade med cirka tre procentenheter jämfört med året innan. USA ligger i topp, tätt följt av Kina. Men experter menar att Kinas utsläpp i själva verket kan vara större än USA:s redan nu.
Smart ForFour PHEV Convearsion
Lithium Technology Corporation (LTC) (OTC: LTHU) and Zytek Systems have sucessfully converted a Daimler Chrysler Smart ForFour into a demonstration plug-in vehicle. The vehicle has a fuel economy of over 84 mpg and an all-electric range of 20 miles which is considerably better than the range of HEVs currently on the market.
Lithium Technology Corporation
Millennium Electric to Build Solar Power Station in Italy
Israel [Globes Publisher Itonut] Israel's Millennium Electric TOU Ltd. ... signed an agreement with Italy's Lavori to build solar power stations, solar-powered gas stations, and to convert street lighting in Rome to solar-powered street lights. Lavori is about to build a 105-megawatt (MW) solar power station.;jsessionid=4CA0E27873F0D9FD4B43F51CA40D6F8E?id=46744
Experts Discuss Wind Energy for Viet Nam
Hanoi, Viet Nam [Viet Nam News] Local and foreign energy experts yesterday held a workshop on an EC-ASEAN feasibility assessment for wind energy development in Viet Nam, the Philippines and Cambodia. ... Tasks outlined for further study in the assessment included wind resource assessment, power systems analysis, grid connection capabilities, policy, institutional and market research, technical feasibility studies, economic and financial studies.;jsessionid=4CA0E27873F0D9FD4B43F51CA40D6F8E?id=46746
Green light for serial production of the 5M offshore turbine
Tuesday, 05 December 2006
The Supervisory Board of REpower Systems AG decided on the future production site for the REpower 5M.

December 04, 2006

Nyvaken finansmarknad
Larmrapporterna biter inte. Endast en bråkdel av alla fond- och kapitalförvaltare tar hänsyn till klimatriskerna i sina placeringsbeslut
Wind turbine plant under construction in Inner Mongolia     
Friday, 01 December 2006
Construction of a wind turbine plant began recently in the city of Baotou Inner Mongolia.
Hemligt solcellsbolag bryter tystnaden
Uppstickaren Midsummer bryter nu tystnaden. Tekniken är på plats och om ett år hoppas bolaget på produktionsstart i Stockholm.
Svensk sol säljs ut
Sverige har halkat efter i solcellsracet. De få bolag som finns köps nu upp av utländska ägare.
Fiasko för svensk vindkraft
Vindkraften snurrar på som aldrig förr. Men de svenska vindbolagen lyser med sin frånvaro. Medan danska Vestas är väldens största vindbolag har Sverige reducerats till rollen som underleverantör.
Suzlon starts production of wind turbine blades in USA
Wednesday, 29 November 2006
Suzlon Rotor Corporation (SRC), a subsidiary of Suzlon Energy Limited (SEL) of Pune,India, has announced the production start of its facility in Pipestone, Minnesota, USA which manufactures wind turbine blades and nose cones.
Canada's largest wind farm completed     
Thursday, 23 November 2006
Brookfield Power has announced that it has completed both phases of the Prince Wind Energy Project, located northwest of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario.

December 03, 2006

Cleantech Category Garners 14% of All North American Venture Investment and 12% of European Venture Capital Investment

Japanska Honda bildar idag ett dotterbolag som ska tillverka solceller i tunnfilmsteknik, som påminner om den svenska Solibro har utvecklat. Honda ska uppföra en fabrik med liknande kapacitet som Solibro och tyska Q-Cells.

December 02, 2006

Energy Use Can Be Cut by Efficiency, Survey Says
Published: November 29, 2006
The growth rate of worldwide energy consumption could be cut by more than half over the next 15 years through more aggressive energy-efficiency efforts by households and industry, according to a study by the McKinsey Global Institute, which is scheduled to be released today.
Can Energy Efficiency Be as Sexy as Solar?
It's long been axiomatic that energy efficiency is the awkward stepchild of renewables -- that is, that it's sexier to install cutting-edge renewable-energy technologies like solar panels than to engage in more prosaic (and less-visible) measures to get more value out of each BTU or barrel.
Energy Conservation Is Back. What's Your Company Doing?

ACORE Conference Forecasts 25% of Nations Electricity from Renewables Possible by 2025
Washington, DC ( The U.S. renewable energy industry collectively identified a future deliverable energy potential of 550 to 700 gigawatts (GW) that can be built within the next 10-20 years. At such a GW-production rate, the U.S. could produce, at a minimum, 25% of the country's electrical energy requirement with renewable energy by 2025.
China's Green Tech Boom
China's voracious appetite for energy, its growing contribution to global warming and gargantuan pollution problems present huge opportunities for green tech entrepreneurs and investors, according to a panel of venture capitalists and seasoned China hands who spoke this morning on the People's Republic's impact on energy technology. "China will be the driver for clean tech in the future, more so than Europe and the U.S."
European Wind Energy Conference & Exhibition
MIC - Milano Convention Centre, Milan, Italy, 7-10 May 2007
Ekosol – nätanslutna solceller på småhus     
Projektet ska demonstrera byggnadsintegrering av solceller i ett tiotal småhus i det nya bostadsområdet Skarpan i Strängnäs kommun. Solcellssystemen ska anslutas till elnätet och den producerade elen ska säljas på elmarknaden.
Credit unions flash their green with auto loans
A few of Canada's credit unions are putting the environment ahead of profits by offering a financial incentive to clients who borrow money to buy low-pollution, fuel-sipping cars.