September 17, 2006

NASA: arctic ice melting faster than before

Posted Sep 16th 2006
NASA recenty released two studies that show Arctic ice shrinking at a more rapid pace than previously thought.

September 15, 2006

AUS: Australien wird erneuerbar

+ 14.09.2006 + Australiens Wirtschaft kann seit fast 15 Jahren ein jährliches deutliches Wirtschaftswachstum von rund 3,7% aufweisen.

US/DK: Vindfarm på 100 MW undervejs i Wisconsin

15-09-2006 - 07:26
Staten Wisconsin i USA har haltet efter andre midtvestlige stater i USA, men nu gør den sin entre på vindmøllekortet, efter at elselskabet Alliant Energy har søgt myndighedernes godkendelse til at opføre en vindmøllepark på 40 vindmøller, der samlet når en kapacitet på 100 MW, og vil koste godt 1 mia. kr. Det skriver Bloomberg News.

DE: REpower Systems Lizenzvertrag mit indischer Essar-Gruppe

Ad hoc
Hamburg ( AG) - Die REpower Systems AG (ISIN DE0006177033 / WKN 617703) (Prime Standard) wird voraussichtlich morgen einen Lizenzvertrag mit der Essar-Gruppe, einem der führenden indischen Industriekonzerne, unterzeichnen. Damit wird REpower mit seiner bewährten 1,5-Megawatt Technologie auch auf dem wachsenden indischen Markt vertreten sein.

DE: Nordex zurück im Kreis der Wind-Elite

15.09.2006 10:27
Rückkehr in die schwarzen Zahlen und den TecDax: Nach der jahrelangen Flaute feiert Nordex seine Wiederauferstehung. Nun hat die Deutsche Börse Nordex gar in den renommierten DAXglobal Alternative Energy aufgenommen.

UK: Warning: bigger carbon cut needed to avoid disaster

Friday September 15, 2006
The Guardian
Leading researchers say government has misled public and call for 90% reduction in greenhouse gases by 2050
Drastic action is needed if Britain is to have any chance of avoiding catastrophic climate change, a ground-breaking environmental report warns today.,,1873070,00.html

FR: Paris veut lutter contre le dérèglement climatique

LE MONDE | 14.09.06 |
Eteindre les lampes inutiles et les téléviseurs et autres appareils en veille, utiliser des ampoules à basse consommation, isoler sa maison et renoncer à la climatisation, marcher à pied plutôt que rouler en voiture : autant de comportements individuels qui contribuent à préserver le climat, et que la Ville de Paris veut encourager. Elle a présenté, mercredi 13 septembre, la méthode d'élaboration de son futur "plan de lutte contre le dérèglement climatique".,1-0@2-3238,36-813002@51-810560,0.html

September 13, 2006

ES: Gamesa wins new 240 mln eur wind turbine supply contract in China

13.09.2006 11:43
MADRID (AFX) - Gamesa (Nachrichten) Corporacion Tecnologica SA said its Gamesa Wind (Tianjin) Co Ltd unit has won a 240 mln eur contract from China's Longyuan Electric Power Group Corporation to supply 601 wind turbines with a total installed capacity of 510.85 megawatts.

US: Climate change heads for the Supreme Court

12th September 2006
The US Supreme Court has agreed to hear the arguments in the case of Massachusetts vs the Environmental Protection Agency.
The suit, brought by Massachusetts and eleven other states, along with a few cities and environmental lobby groups, accuses the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of failing to regulate CO2 emissions from motor vehicles.

CN: China’s great potential (wind)

Wind power in China is developing rapidly and receives particularly strong government support. While European wind turbine manufacturers dominate the market, Chinese expertise is developing and local manufacturers are quickly catching up.

SE: Hannevind: Svensk producent av små vindkraftverk

CN: China Issues World's First 'Green GDP'

China Issues World's First 'Green GDP': Pollution Cost $64 Billion in 2004

DE: Windradhersteller Nordex will wachsen

+ 13.09.2006 + Der Windradhersteller Nordex AG war im Geschäftsjahr 2003/04 in eine Finanzkrise geraten.
Es hagelte Negativ-Schlagzeilen und Häme – hauptsächlich aus der alten Energiewirtschaft. Doch diese Phase scheint vorüber.

Arizona seeks to bypass Bush on CO2 emissions

Sep 11, 2006 — NEW YORK (Reuters) - Arizona's governor signed an executive order late last week to cut emissions of gases linked to global warming, becoming the second state leader in the U.S. West to try to bypass President George W. Bush's refusal to regulate output of the gases.

September 12, 2006

Beyond Kyoto: Europe, Asia pledge to cut carbon emissions

Sept. 11, 2006
HELSINKI, Finland - European and Asian leaders pledged Monday to set new carbon dioxide emissions targets that go beyond those now set for 2012 under the U.N.’s Kyoto Protocol.

MIT: Solar Cells for Cheap

Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Not everyone gets a solar cell named after them: but Michael Gratzel did. He says his novel technology, which promises electricity-generating windows and low manufacturing costs, is ready for the market.

Vindenergi kapacitet vokser globalt 13 pct. årligt

12-09-2006 - 14:34
I årene 2006 til 2011 vil den gennemsnitlige årlige vækstrate (CAGR) for installeret vindmøllekapacitet være på 13 pct. Det kan føre til samlede investeringer i perioden for industrien på omkring 110 mia. euro (820 mia. kr.), vurderer konsulentfirmaet Make Consulting i en ny rapport om markedsudviklingen.

September 11, 2006

Soaring energy costs make solar power a bright idea

What was once a rich eccentrics' foible now makes economic sense
Monday September 11, 2006
They say every cloud has a silver lining. With the hefty rises in electricity and gas prices over the past year, the lining is that solar power, for most of us, is now a realistic, cost-effective option.,,1869855,00.html

Cornell University Researches Organic Semiconductors for Making Cheap, Flexible Photovoltaics and LEDs

September 11, 2006
All this and more could come from cutting-edge research at Cornell that demonstrates a new type of organic semiconductor device which shows electroluminescence and acts as a photovoltaic cell. The device is the first to use an "ionic junction," which researchers say could lead to improved performance. Since organic semiconductors can be made in thin, flexible sheets, they could create displays on cloth or paper.

ES: Desalination in Spain

Spain built Europe's first desalination plant nearly 40 years ago and is the largest user of desalination technology in the Western world. Spanish companies lead the market, operating in regions including India, the Middle East, and North America. Spanish innovation contributes to advancing desalination to bring sustainable clean water to millions. This is the second in an eight-part series highlighting new technologies in Spain and is produced by Technology Review, Inc.’s custom-publishing division in partnership with the Trade Commission of Spain.

Danish wind power industry opens talent factory

To ensure the industry’s future working capacity and expansion the Danish windmill industry has established a new homepage,, with the purpose of getting more engineer students to become aware of the windmill industry, writes Danish newspaper Industriens Dagblad today.

Amazon Selling 400 Watt Wind Turbine For $800

A small wind turbine is available in the U.S. from Amazon for just $799 with free shipping. The Sunforce 44444 12Volt 400 Watt Wind Generator is said to be ideal for cottages, 12v battery charging, remote power, back-up power and hobbyists.

September 09, 2006

Act now, says climate watchdog

Published: 09 September 2006
Britain's new climate ambassador has warned that climate change is "an immediate threat" to the nation's security and prosperity and must be tackled "whatever it costs".

World must wake up to the dangers of biofuels

World must wake up to the dangers of biofuels, head of Kew Gardens warns
Published: 09 September 2006
The world should wake up to the dangers of the mass production of biofuels, which are increasingly seen as a major solution to global warming, according to Professor Sir Peter Crane, director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

September 08, 2006

Solar World: Desperately seeking silicon

Sep 7, 2006, 16:32 GMT
TEL AVIV, Israel (UPI) -- In a world of silicon scarcity, many solar energy companies are trying to find ways to stretch, cut back on, or even cut out the traditional photovoltaic panel`s main ingredient.

BOOK: Solar Revolution - The Economic Transformation of the Global Energy Industry

In Solar Revolution, fund manager and former corporate buyout specialist Travis Bradford argues--on the basis of standard business and economic forecasting models--that over the next two decades solar energy will increasingly become the best and cheapest choice for most electricity and energy applications. Solar Revolution outlines the path by which the transition to solar technology and sustainable energy practices will occur.

The Economist on Climate Change

The heat is on
Sep 7th 2006
From The Economist print edition
Global warming, it now seems, is for real. Emma Duncan examines the nature of the problem, and possible solutions

September 07, 2006

Scientists see climate 'time bomb' in permafrost

Wed. Sep. 6 2006 2:02 PM ET
Associated Press
WASHINGTON -- New research is raising concerns that global warming may be triggering a self-perpetuating climate time bomb trapped in once-frozen permafrost.

Energy Central Network

Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC)

A new report shows that many forecasts have considerably overestimated global reserves of oil and gas.

Brussels, 5 September 2006.
The paper entitled “Plugging the Gap – A survey of world fuel resources and their impact on the development of wind energy” was launched by the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) and Renewable Energy Systems Limited (RES) at a press conference at the Renewable Energy House in Brussels. The report has been prepared by RES in co-operation with GWEC and the EUREC Agency’s Masters programme.[tt_news]=38&tx_ttnews[backPid]=4&cHash=dbc03a0183

September 06, 2006

Le plancton consomme nettement moins de gaz carbonique que prévu

LE MONDE | 06.09.06 |
Le phytoplancton est un piège à carbone moins efficace que prévu. Des travaux de chercheurs américains, publiés jeudi 31 août dans la revue Nature, revoient nettement à la baisse la productivité de ces algues microscopiques en suspension dans les eaux océaniques de surface. Or, moins leur productivité - c'est-à-dire leur capacité à croître - est importante, moins ces organismes photosynthétiques contribuent à absorber, indirectement ou non, le dioxyde de carbone (CO2) atmosphérique.,1-0@2-3228,36-810026@51-810143,0.html

Why greenhouse gases heat the ocean

5 Sep 2006
Observations of ocean temperatures have revealed that the ocean heat content has been increasing significantly over recent decades (Willis et al, 2004; Levitus et al, 2005; Lyman et al, 2006). This is something that has been predicted by climate models (and confirmed notably by Hansen et al, 2005), and has therefore been described as a 'smoking gun' for human-caused greenhouse gases.

Potentiale i vindenergi: 1200 GW til 2030 på gasmangel

Der ligger et uopdaget potentiale for vindenergisektoren på op mod 1200 GW frem mod 2030 som følge af gasmangel. Det forudser Renewable Energy Systems (RES) og det Globale Vindenergi Råd (Global Wind Energy Council - GWEC) i en ny rapport.
2010: 135GW
2020: 1000GW
2030: 1200GW

Arctic Ocean continues to freshen up

* 05 September 2006 * From New Scientist Print Edition.
Fish accustomed to the salty water of the Arctic may have to think about finding a new home.
As a result of global warming, the Arctic Ocean has been getting less salty over the past half century and the trend looks set to continue. The culprits are a massive increase in rainfall over the Arctic and faster melting of sea ice and glaciers.

Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation: Whats Next Forum

Challenges and Visions for Another Development.
• Critical reflections on development
• New threats and challenges
• Moving forward/social change


Climate Catastrophe?
Editor's Note: There are several reasons we have decided to jump into the global warming debate. First of all, it apparently is no longer a debate - everything's been decided. Around the world, politicians and big businesses are now enthusiastically embracing the need to fight global warming. In order to curb CO2 emissions, we are on the verge of enacting sweeping regulations that will affect every industrial sector on earth.

CN: Datang bygger 200 MW vindfarm i Indre Mongoliet

06-09-2006 - 08:26
Kinesiske Datang vil bygge en vindmøllepark på 200 MW i indre Mongoliet, skriver Bloomberg News. Første fase af vindmølleparken vil blive på 50 MW og Datang og China Energy Power Industry Fuel Corp vil i fællesskab investere i vindmøllerne.

September 05, 2006

Energías Renovables Periodismo

Windpower Monthly Magazine

Climate change will reach point of no return in 20 years, says expert

· Government review 'failed to address problem'
· Renewables could fill energy gap, delegates told
Tuesday September 5, 2006
The Guardian
The world only has 10 years to develop and implement new technologies to generate clean electricity before climate change reaches the point of no return - something the UK government failed to appreciate in its recent energy review, according to an expert.,,1865081,00.html

R&D: Windkraftwerk mit Kites

Power-Surfen in 1000 Metern Höhe
von Volker Mrasek
Eine neue Art von Windkraftwerken könnte den Strommarkt in Kürze aufmischen: Riesige Gleitschirme fangen dabei bis zu achtmal so viel Energie ein wie bisher möglich – zu einem Bruchteil der heutigen Kosten.

DK: Vestas egne aktiviteter udspinder en ny konkurrent

05-09-2006 - 09:34
Salget af Vestas' 49 pct.'s andel i Vestas RRB India er ikke umiddelbar positiv, vurderer FIH Capital Markets.
- Vores umiddelbare vurdering er, at der er en risiko for, at Vestas skyder sig selv i foden med denne transaktion, at man så at sige laver en "mini-Gamesa" i Indien, hvor man ud fra koncernens egne aktiviteter udspinder en ny konkurrent, skriver FIH.
Dermed henvises til da Vestas solgte sin andel i den spanske mølleproducent Gamesa for år tilbage.

DK: Vestas på leverandørjagt i Vietnam

Vindmøllerproducenten Vestas Wind Systems er på jagt efter nye leverandører, og senest er jagtmarkerne udvidet til Vietnam. Her deltager møllekoncernen i Erhvervs- og Udenrigsministeriernes erhvervsfremstød med økonomi- og erhvervsminister Bendt Bendtsen (K) i spidsen, hvor vejen lægges omkring såvel Hanoi som til Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon).

Modern Green Living Home Directory

Connect with green interior designers, architects, builders, consultants and realtors. Locate luxury green apartments, condos, prefab homes and residential communities.

IND: Vestas sælger sine aktier i Indien

05-09-2006 - 08:38
Vestas sælger sin andel på ca. 49 pct. i Vestas RBB India til direktøren for selskabet, oplyser Vestas. Det sker som led i en strategisk repositionering. Vestas bliver dermed et helejet indisk selskab, oplyser Vestas.

Dokumentär: The Planet

Tre filmteam under ledning av Jan Röed har åkt jorden runt för att dokumentera på pågående miljöförstörelsen.

British Council: ZeroCarbonCity

ZeroCarbonCity is a global British Council campaign to raise awareness and stimulate debate about climate change and the energy challenges facing the world’s greatest cities. It hopes to build on the success of the previous British Council Science campaign DNA50 which directly reached four million people worldwide. Our aim is to raise awareness and stimulate debate around climate change and the challenges we face, reinforcing the UK’s commitment to tackling climate change.

DE: SOLON AG eröffnet größtes Solarkraftwerk der Welt

+ 05.09.2006 + Der Solarpark Gut Erlasee hat eine Gesamtleistung von 12 Megawatt und produziert pro Jahr etwa 14.000 Megawattstunden Strom aus Sonnenkraft. Somit kann der jährliche Strombedarf einer Kleinstadt mit 9.000 Einwohnern gedeckt werden.

CN/HK: Time to blow fresh wind into renewable energy

Monday, September 04, 2006
The emissions trading scheme offers hope that, finally, it might be possible to tackle the worsening air quality in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta. Or does it? Is Hong Kong too small to embrace other forms of renewable energy? C

September 04, 2006

AUDIO/VIDEO: Solar PV: The Path From Niche to Mainstream Supplier of Clean Energy

Xerox Parc
Dr. Richard Swanson, President and CTO of SunPower
The technology development path that has enabled a 10-fold reduction in the price of PV generated power since 1979 will be reviewed, and the roadmap for the next ten years outlined. This shows that within the next decade, PV generated electricity will be cost-effective for grid connected applications without the need for incentives. It is expected that by 2015, 18% of new electric generation capacity worldwide will be from PV. PV will then begin taking its place as a major contributor of clean energy.

Abundant Power from Universal Geothermal Energy

Tuesday, August 01, 2006
An MIT chemical engineer explains why new technologies could finally make "heat mining" practical nearly anywhere on earth.

BOOK: Sustainable Living: 25 International Examples

REpower unterzeichnet Joint Venture-Vertrag in China

Hamburg ( AG) - Die REpower Systems AG (ISIN DE0006177033 / WKN 617703) meldete am Montag, dass sie am Wochenende mit dem chinesischen Stahl- und Maschinenbauunternehmen North Heavy Industry Corporation (NHIC) sowie dem britischen Windpark-Projektentwickler Honiton Energy Ltd. den Vertrag zur Gründung des Joint Ventures REpower North (China) Ltd. unterzeichnet hat.

DE: Starke Auslandsnachfrage verhilft Solarfirmen zu Produktionsboom

Die deutschen Solarzellenhersteller haben ihre Produktion im ersten Halbjahr dank einer ungebremsten Nachfrage aus dem Ausland deutlich hoch gefahren. Davon profitiert vor allem Ostdeutschland, wohin derzeit die meisten Investitionen fließen.

Global warming 'cannot be stopped

Published: 04 September 2006
THE world must be more realistic about the chances of preventing climate change and prepare for the inevitability of global warming, the head of one of Britain’s foremost scientific societies will urge today,,2-2341516,00.html

Newsweek: Force of Nature

Newsweek International
Aug. 14, 2006
Environmentalism is no longer the province of the left. Conservative politicians and big business have both jumped on the bandwagon.

Suzlon får amerikansk ordrer på 105 MW

04-09-2006 - 07:57
Den indiske vindmølleproducent Suzlon har fået en mølleordre på 105 MW til amerikanske Edison Mission Group, skriver Bloomberg News.

September 03, 2006

NASA: We still have time to keep global warming from reaching catastrophic levels.

Immediate steps to sharply reduce emissions could still prevent the worst consequences of global warming, says famed NASA climatologist Jim Hansen.

Strategien für Energieeffizienz - der zukunft haus Kongress 2006

Strategien für Energieeffizienz - der zukunft haus Kongress 2006

TV-Hersteller verschweigen Stromverbrauch

BUND-Analyse „Fernsehgeräte-Hersteller verschweigen Stromverbrauch“
Bund für Umwelt und Natur­schutz Deutschland (BUND)

VIETNAM: Harness the power of alternative energy, says industry ministry

HA NOI — Viet Nam has to urgently generate alternative energy sources to meet the rising demand of power from industries and related sectors and for economic development.

SolarPedalflos Providing Water in Uganda Africa

Uganda --- Two nonprofit groups located in Uganda received SolarPedalflo systems earlier this summer. Path Ministries, founded by Bob and Carol Higgins, received two systems and AidChild founded by Nathaniel Dunigan received a single system.

The 2006 Hydrogen Production & Storage Forum

2006 H2PS to be held at the Renaissance Vancouver Harbourside Hotel in Vancouver, BC, Canada on September 13-15

21st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition

From 4th to 8th of September 2006 the 21st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition will be held at MESSE DRESDEN - Exhibition & Convention Centre in Dresden, Germany.

SolarNightStore: Clean Energy Products

Solar Night Industries, Inc. is a global manufacturer and distributor of innovative clean energy products.

US: New Solar Hybrid Product Successful in Field Tests

September 1, 2006
Peterborough, New Hampshire [] Hybrid Solar Lighting, a new product developed by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), is being tested in five locations around the U.S. with another 20 test sites planned for the coming months.

REPOWER: Five Megawatt Turbine Installed Offshore

September 1, 2006
Hamburg, Germany [] For the first time, an REpower type 5M wind turbine has been set up on the open sea. In the Scottish North Sea, in the Moray Firth, the first of a total of two turbines for the "Beatrice" demonstrator wind farm has just been set up on a lattice-like jacket structure, piled to the seabed at a depth of 44 meters. Never before have wind turbines been set up in water this deep, according to the company.

Top scientist's fears for climate

Thursday, 31 August 2006
Kangerdlussuaq Glacier, East Greenland (J.A. Dowdeswell)
Sea levels could rise by 4m over the coming century, he warns
One of America's top scientists has said that the world has already entered a state of dangerous climate change.

US: Washington state's glaciers are melting, and that has scientists concerned

Posted on Mon, Aug. 28, 2006
WASHINGTON - With more glaciers than any state in the Lower 48, Washington state has emerged as a bellwether for global warming.
The signs are not encouraging. German portal about Renewable Energy

SE: "Bakom den varma sommaren finns oron för klimatförändringar" / DagensEko Kulturkrönikan

En av alla tiders längsta heta somrar är till ända. Till kontor och andra arbetsplatser återvänder solbrända svenskar med laddade batterier, noterar tidningen Dagens Miljö. Men finner samtidigt hur solbrännan döljer en oro.

September 01, 2006

Wind Blade Technology Blog

A Forum About Composite Materials in Turbines

XETRA: BDI - BioDiesel will noch im Herbst an die Börse

01.09.2006 16:35
Bei einem entsprechend günstigen Kapitalmarktumfeld will die österreichische BDI - BioDiesel International AG, ein Hersteller von Anlagen zur Produktion von BioDiesel, bereits im Herbst 2006 an die Börse gehen.
BDI - BioDiesel plant ein öffentliches Angebot in Deutschland und Österreich und strebt eine Notierung im Prime Standard des Amtlichen Marktes der Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse an.

Soil reaction may require bigger cuts in emissions

Friday September 1, 2006
The Guardian
Far bigger cuts in greenhouse gas emissions could be needed to prevent dangerous climate change than previously thought, a leading scientist warned yesterday.,,1862579,00.html

Sharp Sees Solar Power Costs Halving By 2010

Thu Aug 31, 2006 12:48pm ET145 BERLIN (Reuters) - Japan's Sharp Corp. (6753.T: Quote, NEWS, Research), the world's biggest maker of solar cells, expects the cost of generating solar power to halve by 2010 and to be comparable with that of nuclear power by 2030, Sharp's president said.

Repower: Gå kun i Kina med jointventure-partner

01-09-2006 - 14:19
Hvis man går ind i Kina alene og altså uden lokal partner er det dårligt, vurderer Repowers udviklingsdirektør Carsten Corino over for Dow Jones.
De store spillere på markedet, spanske Gamesa og danske Vestas opererer i Kina uden partnere for at kontrollere teknologien og sikre sig mod kopiering.
Tyske Repower har været i Kina siden 2004 og opererer der med en kinesisk partner.

DK: Vestas: Styrket turnaround, aktien på vej mod 200 - Danske

01-09-2006 - 12:57
Værdien af vindmølleproducenten Vestas nærmer sig med hastige skridt niveauet fra, før halvårsmeddelelsen barberede 10 pct. af aktiekursen. Analytiker Henrik Breum fra Danske Equities mener, at en nærlæsning af regnskabet og et positivt indtryk af selskabets kapitalmarkedsdag i Kina har styrket investorernes tro på, at Vestas kan vende vinden.

PT: Tribunal suspende negociações do concurso de energia eólica

Após contestações do consórcio da Iberdrola
[ 2006/08/31 | 19:40 ] EditorialMF
O Tribunal Administrativo e Fiscal de Lisboa mandou suspender as negociações relativas ao concurso de atribuição de uma licença de energia eólica, disse uma fonte do sector energético à «Reuters».

Dropping Knowledge: the world’s first international thought-summit

Berlin, August 23 —The votes are in. The 100 questions to be asked at the world’s first international thought-summit will soon be finalized.
In just 16 days, on September 9, 2006, the questions will be posted on dropping knowledge’s website and the global public invited to answer them. That same day, in Berlin’s historic Bebelplatz square, 112 great minds will take their seats around the world’s largest table, where their answers will be recorded by 112 cameras and microphones.
Challenging, incendiary, poetic and profound, the 100 questions to be asked on September 9 engage the key social topics of our age. Today, dropping knowledge provides an exclusive preview of the questions by announcing the 8 themes around which the global dialog will be launched. They are:

The New Global Frontier
Questions about culture, communication and interconnection.

The Human Footprint
Questions about energy, ecology and sustainable ways of life.

Reinventing Economics
Questions about poverty, prosperity and expanding opportunity.

Innovation Acceleration
Questions about science, technology and the future.

Politics of Violence
Questions about peace, conflict and casualties of war.

Understanding Power
Questions about freedom and governance.

Conscious Recognition
Questions about ethics and responsibility.

A Perceiving Eye
Questions about your view.

Plankton for Biofuel

August 31, 2006
A Spanish company, Bio Fuel Systems, based in Alicante, Spain claims it is on the verge of producing an limitless source of biofuel based on plankton (algae).

ES: Gamesa Halvårsresultat/Q2 idag

Changing climate: 'Compost effect' may cause global warming to reach crisis point in 2050

Published: 01 September 2006
The world faces a catastrophic rise in global warming in 2050 unless urgent action is taken to cut human-induced carbon emissions, a leading academic warned yesterday.

US direct action: How American cities have bypassed Bush on Kyoto

Published: 01 September 2006
It is not just the state of California that is bypassing the authority of the US government to take action on global warming.