August 31, 2006

DE: Nordex interessant

Kulmbach ( AG) - Die Experten vom Anlegermagazin "Der Aktionär" halten die Nordex-Aktie (ISIN DE000A0D6554 / WKN A0D655) für ein interessantes Investment.

DE: NORDEX - Chance auf Kursrallye

31.08.2006 09:55
Intradaykurs: 13,08 Euro
Charttechnischer Ausblick: Das kurzfristige Chartbild ist wieder deutlich aufgehellt. Steigt NORDEX Aktie auf Tagesschlussbasis über 13,40 Euro an, ist ein Anstieg bis zunächst 15,30 Euro wahrscheinlich. Über 15,30 eröffnet sich weiteres deutliches Aufwärtspotenzial bis 23,10 - 25,00 Euro. Fällt sie hingegen per Tagesschlusskurs unter 12,20 Euro zurück, neutralisiert sich das mittelfristig bullische Szenario wieder. Ein Verkaufsignal mit ersten Zielen bei 7,70 und 6,10 Euro wird aber erst bei einem Rückfall unter 9,60 Euro ausgelöst.

DK: Vestas Full-Year Risks Remain -JP Morgan

Wednesday, August 30, 2006 4:44:00 AM ET
Dow Jones Newswires
0731 GMT [Dow Jones] Vestas' (VWS.KO) full-year risks remain after 2Q, says JP Morgan

Schwarzenegger: the Debate on Climate Change is over

08/30/2006 - 12:15.
Schwarzenegger behind science on climate change:
"I say the [global warming] debate is over. We know the science," California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger declared forcefully at a recent United Nations summit. "We see the threat, and we know the time for action is now."

DK: Vestas vil trække sine partnere til Kina

30. august 2006 kl. 22:30
TIANJIN: På sin nye fabrik i den kinesiske by Tianjin har verdens største vindmølleleverandør, Vestas Wind Systems, nu taget skridt til at lokke sine underleverandører til Kina.

DK: Vestas fordobler sit forskningsbudget.

30. august 2006 , 09:00
Vestas: Snart 800 job i udviklingsafdelingen
Vestas fordobler sit forskningsbudget. Pengene skal ikke bruges til større møller, men derimod mere effektive møller. Udviklingen sker i tæt samarbejde med underleverandøre

August 30, 2006

Global Warming a Boon for Greenland's Farmers

August 30, 2006
ARCTIC HARVEST Known for its massive ice sheets, Greenland is feeling the effects of global warming as rising temperatures have expanded the island's growing season and crops are flourishing. For the first time in hundreds of years, it has become possible to raise cattle and start dairy farms.,1518,434356,00.html

DE: Nordex erhält Großauftrag aus Irland

Norderstedt ( AG) - Die Nordex AG (ISIN DE000A0D6554 / WKN A0D655) hat ihren bislang größten Auftrag aus Irland erhalten.

Ethiopia: Further Delays in ETC Solar Energy Tender

Addis Fortune (Addis Ababa)
August 29, 2006
The Ethiopian Telecommunications Corporation (ETC) has cancelled the international tender it issued 10 months ago to purchase 301 solar electricity generators with capacities of 200 watts to 1,100 watts and the batteries to accompany them; a tender valued at 120 million Br.

Vestas: Kan gå lang tid før turnaround er ovre - JP Morgan

30-08-2006 - 12:44
Vindmøllekoncernen Vestas skal måske helt hen til slutningen af 2007, før ledelsen kan konstatere, at den igangværende turnaround er gennemført. Det vurderer analytikerne hos JP Morgan, ifølge Dow Jones.

SE: Många hinder för miljöteknik

Publicerat 30 augusti 2006 07:07
Svensk miljöteknik i spjutsspetsklass förvisso. Men hindren är många och inte minst är fallgroparna flera på tillväxtmarknaden nummer ett i världen just nu, Kina.

SE: Världen nästa för svensk miljö

Publicerat 30 augusti 2006 07:04
Vindkraften är miljövänlig, men det krävs tålamod om man ska sälja den till kineserna.
De svenska miljöteknikföretagen ligger i startgroparna för att ta marknadsandelar på den snabbt expanderande miljömarknaden.

KLIMAWANDEL: 1000 Eiszeiten für die Präzision

30. August 2006
Ein Grad, neun Grad? Wie stark wird sich die Atmosphäre wirklich erwärmen, wenn der Kohlendioxidgehalt verdoppelt wird? Für eine Antwort haben deutsche Forscher tausend Varianten der letzten Eiszeiten simuliert. Ergebnis: Auf bis zu vier Grad plus muss die Menschheit sich einstellen.,1518,434104,00.html

Global warning: Devastation of an atoll

Villagers on the South Pacific island of Tegua are packing up and leaving their homes for good - the first real victims of increasing sea levels caused by climate change. By Peter Boehm
Published: 30 August 2006

August 29, 2006

DK: Vestas receives an order for 15 units of the V80-2.0 MW turbine in Turkey

Barcelona, 29-08-2006
Local press release no. 06/2006
Vestas has received an order for delivery of 15 units of the V80-2.0 MW turbine in Turkey for the Sabenova project. The order comprises supply, installation and commissioning of the wind power plant. Delivery will take place during the first half of 2007.

DK: Vestas forsigtighed åbner vinduet for overtagelse - Carnegie

29-08-2006 - 08:11
For meget forsigtigper kan ende med, at Vestas bliver slugt af en potentiel opkøber, der kan se mulighederne i selskabets turnaround. Det vurderer analytiker Peter Rothausen fra investeringsbanken Carnegie.

DK: Vestas: Dårlig kommunikation slørede stærkt regnskab - Carnegie

29-08-2006 - 08:26
Vestas ledelse skabte unødig forvirring om resultatet i andet kvartal, mener analytiker Peter Rothausen fra investeringsbanken Carnegie.

DK: Selskab vil bygge havmøller i Østersøen

28-08-2006 - 16:31
Danish Offshore Wind (DOW) har søgt Energistyrelsen om lov til at opføre en havvindmøllepark på den danske del af Kriegers Flak i Østersøen, cirka 25 kilometer øst for Møn. Parken skal være på op til 91 møller på hver fem megawatt (samlet 455 MW).

DK: Vestas: Stadig for mange risici - Soc Gen

28-08-2006 - 15:39
Selv om Vestas Wind Systems har forsikret investorerne om koncernens evne til at fortage den igangværende "turn around" er der stadig for mange risici. Det vurderer den internationale investeringsbank Societe Generale ifølge Dow Jones Newswires.

DK: Vestas på sporet med hensættelser - Jyske Bank

28-08-2006 - 11:22
Troen på at den danske vindmøllekoncern Vestas vil holde sit ord er vokset. Koncernen har endnu ikke vasket pletten fra sidste års choknedjustering af sig, men grunden til nedjusteringen ser ud til at være fjernet. Dengang var det ekstraordinære garantihensættelser til defekte møller, der ødelagde tingene for Vestas

DK: Vestas tror på New Zealand

28-08-2006 - 09:06
Hos den danske vindmøllekoncern Vestas er der store forhåbninger til New Zealand. De to forblæste øer er ideelle for vindenergi, mener Vestas der tidligere har leveret møller til elselskaberne Meridian og TrustPower.

DK: Vestas beskytter sig mod kinesiske kopiproducenter

28-08-2006 - 09:06
Ingen adgang, står der foran Vestas' vingefabrik i Kina. Og det skal tages helt bogstaveligt, da den danske vindmøllekoncern prøver at beskytte sig mod de kineiske kopiproducenter.

DK: Vestas på frierfødder over for underleverandører

28-08-2006 - 08:59
Den danske vindmøllekoncern Vestas har forårsfornemmelser i maven. Vindmøllekoncernen vil meget gerne indgå langsigtede aftaler med sine underleverandører for at sikre sig de nødvendige komponenter.

Engineers race to steal nature's secrets

Giant wind turbines based on a seed, and desalination plant that mimics a beetle
Tuesday August 29, 2006
The Guardian
A new generation of small green companies is emerging with radical but proven ideas to revolutionise engineering and create anything from intelligent fridges to colossal wind turbines moored at sea.,,1860249,00.html

BP buys wind energy firm

Posted: Monday, August 28, 2006
BP has announced that it has purchased Greenlight Energy, a US-based developer of wind power generation projects. The purchase will allow BP to accelerate its plans to develop a leading wind power business in North America.

August 28, 2006

Portail solaire

Plus de 1100 sites internet français autour de l'énergie solaire

August 27, 2006

Blair's 'broken pledges' on global warming

Sunday August 27, 2006
The Observer
A leading environmental pressure group yesterday accused Tony Blair and Gordon Brown of betraying promises to lead the way in tackling the effects of global warming and climate change.,,1859334,00.html

Offset your carbon emissions with a SMS

Sunday August 27, 2006
The Observer
Mobile phone users will be able to offset their carbon emissions by sending a text message using a scheme launched by conservation charity the World Land Trust.,,1859373,00.html

DE: Countdown für deutsches Wellen-Kraftwerk

27. August 2006 NORDSEE
Weil er so stark auf Atomenergie setzt, ist der Versorger EnBW bei Umweltschützern unbeliebt - an der deutschen Nordsee aber will er mit einem ökologisch nicht uninteressanten Projekt experimentieren: Strom aus Wellenkraft. Der Standort für die Anlage soll bis Oktober ausgewählt sein.,1518,433165,00.html

August 26, 2006

AUS/DK: Macfarlane rejects blame for Vestas closure

Friday, August 25, 2006. 11:42am (AEST)
Federal Industry Minister Ian Macfarlane has rejected claims the Federal Government's lack of support for renewable energy targets has driven Vestas offshore.

DK: Still Too Many Risks In Vestas - SG

Friday, August 25, 2006 11:13:47 AM ET
Dow Jones Newswires
1356 GMT [Dow Jones] Although Vestas (VWS.KO) has reassured investors about an ability to turn the company around, too many risks remain, says Societe Generale. Component delays, weak dollar, warranty provision and patent dispute all could prevent group from reaching 4%-7% 06 margin guidance. Keeps sell rating and DKK130 12-month fair value on the stock, which fell 10% after 2Q results after 30% rise in 3 months. Shares trade +1.5% at DKK155.25. (CAP)

SOLAR energy congress 2006

The congress on Solar Energy “Energy of the Future” will be held on October 4th, 5th and 6th 2006 within the scope of the Renewable Energies Exhibition (III Feria de Energías Renovables y Tecnologías del Agua) at the Exhibition Centre Roquetas de Mar, in Almería, Spain.

Earlier springs and later autumns: climate change sends nature awry

· Shifting seasons threaten plants, birds and insects
· Scientists urge action to counter global warming
Saturday August 26, 2006
The Guardian,,1858858,00.html

Rich Countries, Poor Water

August 25, 2006

DK: Vestas/Dresdner: fastholde sin købsanbefaling og et kursmål på 200

Vestas: Markedsstyrke og turnaround giver optimisme - Dresdner
25-08-2006 - 13:33
Opløftende nyt om den fundamentale forretning i Vestas får analytiker Alastair Bishop fra Dresdner til at fastholde sin købsanbefaling og et kursmål på 200 - knap 30 pct. over fredagens kursniveau. Det til trods for, at Vestas ledelse udtrykte sig i forsigtige vendinger torsdag, ligesom en ventet opjustering ikke kom på tale.

DK: Vestas genoptages på "akkumuler", kursmål 175 af Handelsbanken

25-08-2006 - 08:44
Vindmølleproducenten Vestas indledes med anbefalingen "akkumuler" og et kursmål på 175 af analytiker Kitty Grøn fra Handelsbanken, der genoptager dækningen af selskabet.

August 24, 2006

US/DE: Frischer Wind!

Erschienen in DER AKTIONÄR Ausgabe 35/2006.
Das angeschmutzte Umweltimage der USA scheint sich zu bessern. In Sachen Windkraft legen die Amerikaner richtig los.
An Erneuerbarer Energie geht kein Weg vorbei. Das wissen auch die USA – und sind dabei, die Windenergie in großem Stil aufzuziehen. Clipper Windpower, ein Hersteller von Windturbinen aus dem US-Bundesstaat Kalifornien, macht begeistert mit.

The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA)

The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) is the national trade association of solar energy manufacturers, dealers, distributors, contractors, installers, architects, consultants, and marketers. We work to expand the use of solar technologies in the global marketplace.

The American Solar Energy Society (ASES)

The American Solar Energy Society (ASES) is a national organization dedicated to advancing the use of solar energy for the benefit of U.S. citizens and the global environment. ASES promotes the widespread near- and long-term use of solar energy.

U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Solar Energy Technologies program

We focus on developing solar energy technologies to power our world. We are motivated by a belief that science and technology, guided by purpose and vision, can deliver new energy resources that are clean, reliable, and secure.

DK: Vestas diskuterer rammeaftaler med energiselskaber - direktør

24-08-2006 - 17:47
Den danske vindmøllekoncern Vestas vil gerne lave flere store rammeaftaler. I december indgik Vestas en stor rammeaftale på 5 mia. kr. med et selskab ledet af den amerikanske investeringsbank Goldman Sachs, mens konkurrenten Clipper for nylig indgik en stor aftale med oliegiganten BP.

DK. Vestas Wind Systems to close production plants in Tasmania, Scotland - CEO

Thursday, 24th August 2006 14:49
COPENHAGEN (AFX) - Vestas Wind Systems AS is to close production plants in Tasmania and Scotland, newswire RB-Boersen reported, citing the Danish wind turbine producer's chief executive officer, Ditlev Engel.

DE: Nordex volle Kraft voraus

Nordex hat die roten Zahlen hinter sich gelassen und einen Gewinn erzielt. Angesichts der prall gefüllten Auftragsbücher hat der Windkraftanlagenbauer die Prognose angehoben. Die Aktie freuts.

DE: Nordex Zahlen zum ersten Halbjahr 2006

Ad hoc
Norderstedt ( AG) - Im ersten Halbjahr 2006 erhöhte der Nordex-Konzern (ISIN DE000A0D6554 / WKN A0D655) seinen Umsatz um 140 Prozent auf 252 Mio. Euro (Vorjahr: 105 Mio. Euro). Basis hierfür waren die gute Auftragslage sowie der verbesserte Produktionsdurchfluss. Der Auftragsbestand hat sich zum Bilanzstichtag auf 410 Mio. Euro verdoppelt (Vorjahr: 212 Mio. Euro). Zudem konnte sich der Konzern weitere Projekte im Volumen von rund 470 Mio. Euro vertraglich sichern. Damit ist Nordex bis Ende 2007 voll ausgelastet. Die Produktionsleistung in der Turbinenmontage stieg um 220 Prozent auf 284 Megawatt (Vorjahr: 89 MW).

DE: Nordex steigert Umsatz deutlich, erzielt positives Ergebnis

Norderstedt ( AG) - Die Nordex AG (ISIN DE000A0D6554/ WKN A0D655), ein Hersteller von Windenergieanlagen, konnte ihren Umsatz im ersten Halbjahr um 140 Prozent steigern und erzielte ein positives Ergebnis. Zudem erhöhte der Konzern seinen Ausblick.(24.08.2006/ac/n/t)

DK: Vestas: Fald på 19 pct. i nettoarbejdskapital

24-08-2006 - 08:43
Vestas lider under den svære forsyningssituation for en række komponenttyper, og det afspejler sig i selskabets nettoarbejdsmarkedskapital.

DK: Vestas fastholder resultatprognose for 2006

24-08-2006 - 08:48
Vestas lod forventningerne til hele året være uændrede efter et halvårsregnskab, der var lavere end ventet.

DK: Vestas: Forsyningsproblemer større end ventet - Danske

24-08-2006 - 09:14
Vestas har langt større problemer med forsyningen af komponenter end ventet, og det har formentlig kostet markedsandele i første halvår, vurderer analytiker Henrik Breum fra Danske Equities.

DK: Vestas-regnskab dårligere end ventet

24-08-2006 - 09:25
Mangel på komponenter betyder, at den danske vindmøllekoncern Vestas har klaret sig dårligere i første halvår end ventet. Alligevel er resultatet for årets første seks måneder bedre end sidste år.

DE: Nordex øger overskud

24-08-2006 - 08:15
Den tysk/danske vindmølleproducent Nordex er kommet ud af årets første seks måneder med et driftsoverskud på 7,6 mio. euro mod et u på 11,4 mio. euro samme periode sidste år. Det skriver Bloomberg.

Ozone hole has stabilised, say scientists

Wednesday August 23, 2006
Guardian Unlimited
Efforts to stop the hole in the ozone layer over the Antarctic from growing have worked, leading US scientists said today.

Namibia to boost solar, wind power by 0.5 pct/year

Wed Aug 23, 2006 8:37 AM GMT160
FLORENCE, Italy (Reuters) - Namibia aims to increase the amount of electricity produced from solar and wind sources by 0.5 percent a year, with solar energy taking a lead, an adviser at its Mines and Energy Ministry said on Tuesday.

U.S. wind energy reaches major milestone

U.S. wind energy installations now exceed 10,000 megawatts (MW) in generating capacity, and produce enough electricity on a typical day to power the equivalent of over 2.5 million homes, the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) announced. A megawatt of wind power generates enough to serve 250 to 300 average homes.

U.S. Leads World in Climate Refugees

August 23, 2006 04:04 PM - Lester Brown, Washington, D.C
lester-brown-th-01.jpgIn my recent book, Plan B 2.0, I discuss the forced migrations that will result from impacts of global warming. Asian countries, I argue, like Bangladesh, India, and China, could see the creation of millions of these “climate refugees” over the coming decades: driven from their low-lying coastal homes by the rising seas and fiercer storms caused by global warming.

The Cruel Irony of the Thirsty Rich

There's a cruel irony in a new report just out from the World Wildlife Fund: Water crises, long seen as a problem of only the poorest, are increasingly affecting some of the world's wealthiest nations.

August 23, 2006

DK: Vestas: Frankrig ser lovende ud i de kommende år - dir.

23-08-2006 - 16:07
Med de nye afregningsbetingelser for vindenergi og et ambitiøst mål om 13.500 MW vindenergi-effekt opstillet i 2010 ser det franske marked for vindmøller lovende ud i de kommende år . Det vurderer administrerende direktør for Vestas Mediterranean, Ebbe Funk.

DK: Vestas får ordre på 33 stk V-90 møller (66 MW) til Frankrig

Vestas får ordre på 33 stk V-90 møller (66 MW) til Frankrig

DK: Vestas: Mulighed for opjusteret salgsprognose - JP Morgan

23-08-2006 - 14:46
Vestas kan muligvis være på vej med en opjusteret salgsprognose, der flytter forventningen til den øvre ende af prognoseintervallet på 3,6-3,8 mia. euro. Det vurderer investeringsbanken JP Morgan, ifølge nyhedstjenesten Standard & Poor's Marketscope.

DK: Vestas prisstigninger dækker kun dyrere råvarer - S&P

23-08-2006 - 13:24
Vestas har formentlig solgt vindmøller til stigende priser i andet kvartal, men størstedelen af stigningen er spist op af dyrere råvarer, vurderer analytiker Lars Glemstedt fra Standard & Poor's Equity Research, der fastholder anbefalingen "stærkt salg" med et kursmål på 105, op til regnskabet torsdag.

Suzlon får første ordrer i Europa

Den indiske vindmølleproducent Suzlon er kommet ind på det europæiske marked.

DE: Solarboom beflügelt Ersol

Der Erfurter Solarzellenhersteller Ersol hat wegen der Zusammenfassung von Geschäftsfeldern im zweiten Quartal seinen Gewinn mehr als vervierfacht und seine Prognosen für das Gesamtjahr bestätigt. Zudem will das Unternehmen die Gesamtkapazität seiner Produktion stiegern.

Suzlon får ordrer på godt 60 MW

23-08-2006 - 07:37
Den indiske vindmølleproducent Suzlon har fået to ordrer på sammenlagt 60,9 MW i Europa. Den ene ordre er på vindmøller med en samlet kapacitet på 39,9 MW til Portugal og den anden på vindmøller med en samlet kapacitet på 21 MW til Italien.
Ordregiver i Italien er Maestrale, mens det er Technologias Energenticas, der står bag den portugisiske ordre.

August 22, 2006

US: Schwarzenegger Signs Solar Law

California will churn out tons of solar energy under a $2.9-billion program.
August 21, 2006
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who long has put alternative energy as one of his top priorities, signed into law Monday a program that would make the state one of the world’s largest generators of solar energy.

DK: Vestas RRB to pump in Rs 1,400 cr for wind farms

Our Regional Bureau / Mumbai/ Ahmedabad August 23, 2006
Vestas RRB India, a joint venture between Danish company Vestas Wind System and RRB Engineers and Consultants is all set to invest Rs 1,400 crore to set up large wind farms in western India.

TW/NO: Motech remains open on funding REC expansion

Nuying Huang, Taipei; Esther Lam, [Tuesday 22 August 2006]
On the sideline of its polysilicon supply agreement with Norway-based Renewable Energy Corporation (REC), Motech Industries remains open to the possibility of supporting REC's expansion, according to Motech.

Guinnes har hang til vind når olien slipper op

22-08-2006 - 08:40
Tim Guinnes, der er en del af Guinnes´ bryggerifamile, har i marts etableret en investeringsfond, der fokuserer på alternative energikilder, herunder vindkraft. Han tror på, at verdens olieproduktion når tinderne inden for 20 år, og når det sker, vil olieprisen ikke være til at stoppe.

August 21, 2006

CN: China Suntech Sees Solar Cell Prices Peaking

CHINA: August 21, 2006
SHANGHAI - China's Suntech Power Holdings Co. Ltd. said on Friday it expects rising prices for solar power cells will start to decline as soon as next year, fuelling demand for solar energy.

DE: Nordex Halten

Die Analysten von AC Research empfehlen weiterhin, die Aktien von Nordex zu halten. (21.08.2006/ac/a/t) Analyse-Datum: 21.08.2006

DK: GP Børs hæver kursmålet på Vestas til 185 kr

21. august 2006 kl. 13:04
Børsmæglerselskabet GP Børs hæver kursmålet på Vestas til 185 kr. fra tidligere 175 kr. forud for halvårsregnskabet på torsdag.

ARCHITECTURE: Severe weather warning

Climate change is bringing more rain, more wind, more chaos. So why are architects planning for a future in which we bask in eternal sunshine?
Monday August 21, 2006
The Guardian,,1854749,00.html

DK: Vestas investerer yderligere i Indien

21-08-2006 - 08:02
Vestas RBB, der er Vestas indiske selskab og 49 pct. ejet af Vestas, fortsætter med at investere i Indien. Vestas RBB meddelte lørdag at selskabet vil investere 5 mia. rupees (ca. 625 mio. kr.) i vindmølleparker i Maharashtras. Det skriver Til formålet har Vestas RBB købt land i Dhule distriktet.

DK: Vestas løfter sandsynligvis salgsprognose - Handelsbanken

21-08-2006 - 09:01
Vindmølleproducenten Vestas forhøjer sandsynligvis sin prognose for salget i forbindelse med kvartalsmeddelelsen torsdag, men branchens forsyningsproblemer fastholder usikkerhed om lønsomheden. Det vurderer analytiker Kitty Grøn fra Handelsbanken i et notat.

DK: Vestas - Update før regnskab : Køb

GP Børsmæglerselskab A/S
Vestas - Update før regnskab Køb 21/8-2006 11:57

DK: ESTIMAT Vestas 24/8: halvårs-EBIT 44 mio. euro

Atter engang vil der være fokus på leverandørsituationen, når den danske vindmøllekoncern Vestas aflægger regnskab. Vindmøllekoncernen vil torsdag den 24. august om morgenen offentliggøre regnskabet for de første seks måneder af 2006.

August 20, 2006

US: Government Green Lights Minnesota Wind Project

(AP) Austin, Minn. The federal government has given the green light to a major wind energy project near Austin that had been held up over concerns that it might interfere with military radar systems.

WIND: Wind power pioneers learning lessons at sea.

Operation offshore
The wind power industry has set more than 600 megawatts of clean power capacity into the sea. Market leader Vestas in particular had to pay dearly for lessons learnt from its pioneering spirit. But the offshore industry is learning fast from its mistakes.

Future storage


WIND: Battle of the giants

In developing large wind converters manufacturers are opting for evolution rather than the big revolution. Many innovations are based on well-established technologies.

Silicon hike hits solar energy

Published: 20 August 2006
The price of silicon has soared by 50 per cent over the past year, curbing the growth of the solar industry and driving up costs.

August 19, 2006

Vestas RRB will invest Rs 14000 mn to set-up wind farms

2006-08-19 13:45
Vestas RRB has been spreading and expanding its business at a rapid rate. The Company today announced that they would be investing about Rs. 5000 million to set-up Wind farms in Maharashtra. At the outset, they have acquired more than 1200 acres of land in Dhule district, Maharashtra and infrastructure development for more than 100 MW capacity installations would commence with effect from current fiscal year. The company has also acquired land in Sourashtra and Kutch regions of Gujarat and an investment of more than Rs. 9000 million is envisaged during the period 2006 – 2008. The Company is in an advanced stage of developing sites for the establishment of large wind farms in Gujarat. The Company would also soon be commissioning a State- of-the-Art Wind Electric Generator (WEG) Blade Manufacturing Facility at Chennai, Tamil Nadu in South India.

Wind Turbine Developments for the Individual Homeowner

August 19, 2006 12:45 AM - Christine Lepisto, Berlin
If you have been looking for a good, concise education on wind turbines for everyman, you should check out the August 15 edition of the Wall Street Journal. In an article titled "A Novel Way to Reduce Home Energy Bills: Smaller, Quieter Wind Turbines Reduce Reliance on Power Grid, But Cost and Aesthetics Are Issues", Sara Schaeffer Munoz covers the territory.

WIND: Affordable foundations for offshore turbines

Stiff prices for a firm base
The German wind industry is looking for affordable foundations for offshore turbines. Six types are in the running, none of them cheap.

WIND: Green power giant

Big and small players alike are benefiting from wind enetrgy in Spain.
Spain’s power giant Iberdrola has become one of the world’s biggest regenerative electricity producers by capacity. What drives them to consistently extend their goals?

EVENT: 2007 European Renewable Energy Policy Conference

The conference aims at:
*Presenting and evaluating the most important renewable energy policy developments and bringing forward new initiatives
*Facilitating networking between senior decision makers and leading industry players


GLOBAL WINDPOWER 2006 is the world’s premier wind energy industry event. It provides a unique forum for speakers to meet, share information, exhibit products and ensure that wind power continues to establish itself as one of the world’s leading energy resources.
The wind energy industry has now reached 50,000 megawatts (MW) of installation worldwide. The industry employs around 100,000 people, and the value of global installations is expected to increase to AUD 25 billion by 2010.

WIND: Wind outpowering hydro

Spain upped its horsepower, adding more than 1,500 MW of new wind power capacity to grid in 2005.
Spain’s wind energy industry keeps powering on, although last year it didn’t quite match the good 2004 outcome.


Quo vadis solar?
The global photovoiltaik industry is growing in two technological directions - conventional silicon cells and thin-film variations.

World Bank fine tunes clean energy funding proposal

A World Bank proposal to its steering committee to create two new funds to help developing countries generate cleaner, more efficient power is misguided because it backs fossil fuel projects, experts said on Monday.
Published: 2006/08/15
Author: Reuters

UK: Scottish Wind Farm Expansion Gets Go-ahead

August 18, 2006
Scotland, United Kingdom [] North Ayrshire Council's Planning Committee gave the go-ahead to an extension to Airtricity's Ardrossan Wind Farm at Busbie Muir in Scotland. The committee unanimously approved a planning application to erect three additional wind turbines and associated infrastructure, increasing the capacity of the wind farm from 24 to 30 megawatts (MW).

August 18, 2006

DK: Danish shares - Vestas rise

Vestas Wind Systems closed 0.75 higher at 172 ahead of next week's results. The consensus is for an operating profit of 51 mln eur for the first six months of the year, a huge improvement from the loss of 78 mln the year earlier, and analysts said they believe the wind turbine maker is likely to raise its guidance for the full-year 2006.

DK: Jyske Bank fastholder sin Sælg-anbefaling på Vestas-aktien forud for Vestas

Jyske Bank fastholder sin Sælg-anbefaling på Vestas-aktien forud for Vestas
halvårsregnskab på torsdag den 24. august.
- Vi har estimeret en fair værdi i vores DCF-model på 138 kr. pr. aktie, hvilket
indikerer, at aktien fortsat er fundamentalt dyr. Aktiekursen er drevet op af gentagne overtagelsesrygter, en høj oliepris og en stor efterspørgsel efter vedvarende energi, skriver analytiker Jesper K. Frederiksen fra Jyske Bank i et notat. Aktien handles aktuelt i kurs 172.
- Vi sætter vores kursmål til 170 kr. pr. aktie, da vi fortsat ser en række operationelle risici relateret til produktkvalitet og mangel på nøglekomponenter
samt en skærpet konkurrence på vindmøllemarkedet.

Jyske Bank forventer, at Vestas fastholder forventningerne til helåret - og at regnskabet ikke får en større kursmæssig effekt. En kapitalmarkedsdag i Kina med fokus på Vestas nye produktionsfaciliteter og roadshows i forlængelse af regnskabet kan dog opretholde det positive fokus på aktien.
Jyske Banks estimater for Vestas lyder på en omsætning i 1. halvår på EUR 1.667 mio.
(konsensus EUR 1.674 mio.), hvilket er 20 pct. højere i forhold til året før.
Jyske Bank forventer et overskud fra driften på EUR 39 mio. (konsensus EUR 47 mio.)
sammenholdt med et underskud på EUR 78 mio. i 1. halvår 2005.

CH: Ökostrom boomt

Elektrizitätswerke der Stadt Zürich müssen im Ausland Ökostrom zukaufen

NO: REC Doubling Silicon Capacity

REC Doubling Silicon Capacity
Aug 17, 2006
Renewable Energy Corporation (Oslo:REC.OL) has initiated construction of a new production facility for granular polysilicon in Moses Lake, Washington, USA. The new plant will be built adjacent to REC's existing plant where the production is already focused on production of solar grade silicon (SOG) qualities.

SOLAR: The thin-film variants heading for the photovoltaic market

From micromorpheus to CIGS
Ever new thin-film technologies are moving out of the laboratories into factories. But which one has the most promising future? The amorphous silicon cell, which as yet has by far the highest market share of all thin-film cells? Or the CIS cell of cadmium indium diselenide, favoured by the media in the past ten years? Or maybe the CIGS cell of copper, indium, gallium and selenide, whose conversion efficiency promises to be the highest? Optionally also in the CIGSSe variant with sulphide? Or the micromorphous silicon cell, which is claimed to better the amorphous silicon in efficiency, but is based on the practically infinitely available silicon?

US: 98 Wind Turbines Approved for Southern Idaho

August 17, 2006
Ninety-eight wind energy turbines have just been approved for the top of the Cotterel Mountains.

US: The U.S.'s First Cap-and-Trade Program Addresses Global Warming

August 17, 2006
[] Seven Northeast states participating in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a multi-state program to reduce harmful climate-changing emissions from power plants, released a model set of regulations to be proposed in each state to implement the first mandatory cap-and-trade program in U.S. history.

US: Akeena Solar Completes Merger and Goes Public

August 17, 2006
Los Gatos, California [] In business, the right timing is often well rewarded. During the same week California's Million Solar Roofs Bill passed the state's legislature, one of California's well-established project integrators began trading publicly.

UK: Sites Studied for Tidal Energy Farm off UK Coast

August 17, 2006
Bristol, United Kingdom [] Marine Current Turbines (MCT) has announced plans to investigate the potential for a commercial tidal energy farm in waters off the Anglesey coastline. This follows the UK Government's Energy Review and the publication of the Welsh Affairs Select Committee report (July 20th) calling on the country's energy needs for the development of marine renewable energy in the UK.

August 17, 2006

VÅGENERGI: Marine Turbines

Marine Current Turbines Ltd (MCT) is developing radically new technology, backed by the UK government, for exploiting tidal currents for large-scale power generation. We do not have any commercially available products at present, but we aim to achieve this by 2007-8.

Nordex erhält Auftrag aus Ostasien

Norderstedt ( AG) - Die Nordex AG (ISIN DE000A0D6554/ WKN A0D655) hat den Zuschlag für den Bau eines Windparks in Ostasien er

AUS: Vandals damage Victorian wind farm equipment

Thursday Aug 17 13:16 AEST
Expensive monitoring equipment has been vandalised at the proposed site of a contentious Victorian wind farm.
The two $50,000 devices, which have been monitoring the site at Bald Hills in eastern Victoria since 2003, were damaged some time in the past week.

Vestas: Fastholder "køb" forud for regnskab - Dresdner

17-08-2006 - 12:55
Vindmølleproducenten Vestas vil torsdag i næste uge offentliggøre et stærkt kvartalsregnskab med en markant forbedring i resultatet i forhold til andet kvartal 2005, da vindenergimarkedet fortsat er optimistisk. Det vurderer analytiker Alastair Bishop fra Dresdner Kleinwort i en kommentar forud for regnskabet. Han fastholder sin købsanbefaling af aktien med et uændret kursmål på 200.

Nordex får ordre til 105 mio. kr.

17-08-2006 - 11:28
Den tysk/danske vindmølleproducent Nordex har fået en ordre i Østasien på 14 mio. euro (105 mio. kr.), oplyser vindmølleproducenten i en pressemeddelse.
Nordex skal levere 9 møller af typen N90/2500 i 2007.

Vestas: Tjekkiet øger satsning på vindenergi

17-08-2006 - 17:56
Den tjekkiske regering vil have mere vindenergi. Regeringen har netop vedtaget en lov, der garanterer faste priser for producenter af vedvarende energi i de næste femten år. Andelen af vindenergi i Tjekkiet kan blive 20-doblet over de næste fire år, skriver avisen Hospo Noviny, ifølge Bloomberg.

Vestas fastholder strategi efter konkurrent-etablering i USA

17-08-2006 - 16:03
Atter en af Vestas' konkurrenter etablerer sig i USA. Denne gang er det Siemens Wind Power der etablerer en fabrik til produktion af vindmøllevinger i staten Iowa. Men til trods for, at flere af konkurrenterne etablerer sig i USA, kigger Vestas stadig med på sidelinien.
Den danske vindmøllekoncern har i modsætning til flere af sine konkurrenter ikke produktion i USA
I stedet for produktion i USA har Vestas åbnet en vingefabrik i millionbyen Tianjin i det nordøstlige Kina.

Siemens Selects Iowa Site for Its First Wind Turbine Blade Manufacturing Facility in the U.S

August 17, 2006 09:25 AM US Eastern Timezone
Siemens Selects Iowa Site for Its First Wind Turbine Blade Manufacturing Facility in the U.S.; Will Help Meet Strong U.S. Demand for Clean, Renewable Energy
ORLANDO, Fla. & FORT MADISON, Iowa--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aug. 17, 2006--Siemens Power Generation announced today that it has executed a purchase agreement for a U.S. wind turbine blade manufacturing site located in Fort Madison, Iowa. The manufacturing facility will be established in an existing 224,000-square-foot building complex on nearly 127 acres in Lee County, which is located in the southeastern area of the state, close to the Mississippi river. The facility is expected to employ an estimated 250 people. This new manufacturing facility in Fort Madison will allow Siemens to meet the strong U.S. demand for wind power generators in the future. Closing for the facility is scheduled in the coming weeks.

Solar energy is hot stuff

Thursday August 17, 2006
Once a distant technology that just sat on roofs, solar power has become a tool we can hold in our hands,,1851492,00.html

SE: Etanolfabriker till Norrland

Umeå och Skellefteå kommer att få de två etanolfabriker som Bio Fuel Industries tänker bygga i Västerbotten. Det bekräftar projektets talesman Per Carstedt för Västerbottens-Kuriren.

August 16, 2006

NO: REC breaks ground on major polysilicon project

Press releases
Høvik, 16 August, 2006: Renewable Energy Corporation (REC) has today initiated construction of the company's new production facility for granular polysilicon in Moses Lake, Washington, USA. The new plant will be built adjacent to REC's existing plant where the production is already focused on production of solar grade silicon (SOG) qualities.

Durchbruch auf europäischem Markt für große Photovoltaikkraftwerke

City-Solar-Gruppe baut in Spanien derzeit weltgrößte Photovoltaikanlage


The Business Resource for Climate Management

US: SolFocus Receives $25 Million in Funding

August 15, 2006 10:54 AM
SolFocus, which recently teamed up with Xerox PARC (details), has now received 25 million dollars in venture capital funding to manufacture it's innovative solar panels.

Residential wind systems gain popularity

15 Aug 2006
It's somewhat ironic, considering all the NIMBY opposition to wind farms, that more and more consumers are seeking out wind power for, well, their back yards. Three-bladed turbines are popping up at personal abodes across the country, with the potential to save consumers 30 to 90 percent on their electric bills.

The Royal Society: Answers the Climate Change Skeptics, Point for Point

An exhaustive, point-by-point response to the 12 most commonly used arguments that deny climate change.

The Royal Society: Climate change - in my view

We have invited five members of the Royal Society's 'family' of scientists to give their personal opinions on climate change.

Oliepriser ventes at falde i 2008

/ritzau/ Offentliggjort 16. august 2006 15:25
De amerikanske oliepriser ventes at falde markant i 2008, når en epoke med skyhøje priser på råolie begynder at svække den globale efterspørgsel samtidig med, at olieproduktionen øges i navnligt Vestafrika og Mellemøsten, vurderer analytikere.

World Bank Fine Tunes Clean Energy Funding Proposal

US: August 15, 2006
WASHINGTON - A World Bank proposal to its steering committee to create two new funds to help developing countries generate cleaner, more efficient power is misguided because it backs fossil fuel projects, experts said on Monday.

Ethanol could leave the world hungry

August 16 2006: 5:39 AM EDT
(Fortune Magazine) -- The growing myth that corn is a cure-all for our energy woes is leading us toward a potentially dangerous global fight for food. While crop-based ethanol -the latest craze in alternative energy - promises a guilt-free way to keep our gas tanks full, the reality is that overuse of our agricultural resources could have consequences even more drastic than, say, being deprived of our SUVs. It could leave much of the world hungry.
Already commodity prices are rising. Sugar prices have doubled over the past 18 months (driven in part by Brazil's use of sugar cane for fuel), and world corn and wheat prices are up one-fourth so far this year.

BP buys U.S. wind firm Greenlight Energy

LONDON, Aug 15 (Reuters) - Oil major BP Plc (BP.L: Quote, Profile, Research) said on Tuesday it had bought U.S. wind energy firm Greenlight Energy Inc. for around $98 million to boost its wind power business in North America.

DE: Nordex bereitet sich auf den Wiedereinstieg in den USA vor.

"Nordex bereitet sich auf den Wiedereinstieg in den USA vor. Dabei geht es vor allem um die Lösung eines Patentstreites für drehzahlvariable Maschinen mit GE Wind. Repower hat vor dem gleichen Hintergrund ein Lizenzabkommen mit GE geschlossen, dass jedoch ihre Wettbewerbsfähigkeit in den USA einschränkt. Eine solche Lösung streben wir nicht an.

Andererseits können wir alle Maschinen, die Nordex bis 2008 produzieren kann, außerhalb der USA absetzen. Wir müssen also kurzfristig nicht zwingend in die USA gehen."

CN: Honiton Energy Ltd

Honiton Energy Ltd
1. Perfect blend of Chinese and foreign expertise
2. 100% foreign-owned
3. Speed
4. Sustainability

Company website

DE: Repower kann nicht genug Windräder bauen

Artikel erschienen am Di, 15. August 2006
Hamburg - "Es gibt einfach nicht genug Schmieden auf der Welt", beklagte sich Fritz Vahrenholt, Vorstandschef des Windrad-Herstellers Repower, bei einer Telefonkonferenz. Lieferengpässe bei Metallteilen wie Getrieben zwingen Repower dazu, das Auftragsbuch zu schließen. "Wir sind für dieses und das nächste Jahr ausgelastet. Derzeit suchen wir für unsere Zulieferer nach Herstellern für Schmiedeteile in Indien, China und Europa, um die Engpässe zu überwinden", sagte Vahrenholt.


Studie: "Der Markt für Windenergie in China"

DE: Repower

15.08.2006 09:07
REpower Systems AG: buy (First Berlin)
Berlin ( AG) - Die Wertpapieranalysten von First Berlin stufen die Aktie des deutschen Windturbinenherstellers REpower Systems (ISIN DE0006177033 (Nachrichten/Aktienkurs)/ WKN 617703) nach wie vor mit "buy" ein.
Das Kursziel würden die Wertpapieranalysten von First Berlin von 62,15 EUR auf 66 EUR anheben.

15.08.2006 09:07
REpower Systems AG: halten (AC Research)
Westerburg ( AG) - Der Analyst Henning Wagener von AC Research empfiehlt weiterhin, die Aktien von REpower Systems (ISIN DE0006177033 (Nachrichten/Aktienkurs)/ WKN 617703) zu halten.

Repower schreibt wieder schwarze Zahlen
erschienen am 15. August 2006
Der Windkraftanlagenbauer Repower ist im ersten Halbjahr in die Gewinnzone zurückgekehrt. Der Überschuss belaufe sich auf 900 000 Euro nach einem Fehlbetrag von 8,6 Millionen Euro im Vorjahreszeitraum, teilte das Unternehmen gestern in Hamburg mit. Das Ergebnis vor Steuern und Zinsen (Ebit) wuchs auf 2,4 Millionen Euro nach einem Minus von 12,7 Millionen Euro ein Jahr zuvor.

DK: Vestas Wind Systems neutral

J.P. Morgan Securities
New York
Das Kursziel der Aktie sehe man nach wie vor bei 150 Dänischen Kronen.
Vor diesem Hintergrund halten die Aktienspezialisten von J.P. Morgan Securities an ihrem "neutral"-Rating für den Anteilschein von Vestas Wind Systems fest. (16.08.2006/ac/a/a)

Need for Battery Power Runs Into Basic Hurdles of Science

Published: August 16, 2006
Researchers are working on better batteries, but they must work around problems rooted in basic chemistry and physics.

L'eau se fait rare partout, même dans les pays riches

L'eau se fait rare partout, même dans les pays riches
LEMONDE.FR | 16.08.06 | 08h18
Les pays riches subissent, de plus en plus, des problèmes d'approvisionnement en eau, affirme un rapport du Fonds mondial pour la nature (WWF), publié mercredi 16 août. Changement climatique et mauvaise gestion des ressources provoquent des pénuries, même dans les pays les plus développés.,1-0@2-3228,36-803758@51-803766,0.html

August 15, 2006

US: First Neutral CO(2) Global Warming Biodiesel Plant To Be Built

August 15, 2006 09:30 AM US Eastern Timezone
SAN DIEGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aug. 15, 2006--Green Star Products, Inc. (OTC:GSPI) (Website: will build the first biodiesel plant to emit almost zero net Global Warming Gases (GWG)(CO(2)) from direct plant production of biodiesel.

UK: UK's 'first' building-integrated wind turbine and PV system to go up

The 84kW system will provide electricity for the new offices of the London Climate Change Agency (LCCA), due to move into the Palestra building on Blackfriars Road in September.
"This is the first combined photovoltaic and building-integrated wind turbine system in the UK," LCCA chief executive Alan Jones told edie.

CAN: Canadian Wind Power Developer Gains Financial Clout

August 15, 2006
Toronto, Ontario [] Renewable Energy Generation Limited (REG) announced its acquisition of AIM PowerGen Corporation (AIM), giving the Canadian wind developer access to capital markets and opportunities in the fast-growing Canadian wind energy marketplace.

DE: Repower Q2 presentation

UK: The Beatrice Wind Farm Project www-Site

The Beatrice Wind Farm is the flagship project for offshore wind energy development in Scotland, the UK and Europe. The €41 million project aims to install two demonstrator wind turbines adjacent to the Beatrice oil field, 25 km off the east coast
of Scotland.


Malta launches international call for offshore wind farms

Aug 3, 2006, 17:08 CET
The Malta Resources Authority, acting on behalf of the Government of Malta launched an international Call for Expressions of Interest from interested parties that are capable and willing to undertake offshore wind projects with a final capacity of between 75 and 100 Megawatt (peak) in Maltese territorial waters on a public private partnership basis.

DK: ABN Amro dropper små danske aktier

14. august 2006 kl. 08:38
Investeringsforeningen ABN Amro Danmark har fraveget strategien om at satse meget på mindre selskaber.
- Vi er meget orienterede mod selskaber med et solidt cashflow, og som er orienterede mod vækst. Særligt kan vi godt lide selskaber, som kan komme til at gennemgå gunstige forandringer, siger porteføljemanager Allan Nielsen, der har fravalgt Vestas, fordi han ikke er sikker på, at virksomheden kan komme til at tjene mange penge i fremtiden.

DK: Danske Equities: Forsinkelser påvirker Vestas 2. kvartal

15. august 2006 kl. 14:17
Danske Equities fastholder købsanbefalingen på Vestas, fremgår det af et nyt notat.
Nyligt offentliggjorte tal fra den amerikanske vindenergiorganisation indikerer, at projektforsinkelser stadig påvirker andet kvartal.
Til gengæld har Vestas vist en stærk aktivitetsstigning i første halvår og en mere balanceret ordreeksekvering i USA ved væsentlige højere priser. En øget rentabilitet i USA er vigtig for at få vendt resultatet i år.
Vestas fremlægger halvårsregnskab den 24. august.

DE: Solar Millennium hat das weltgrößte Solarthermie-Kraftwerk entwickelt

Erschienen in DER AKTIONÄR Ausgabe 33/2006.

Unter Volldampf
Solar Millennium hat das weltgrößte Solarthermie-Kraftwerk entwickelt und steht vor weiteren Großprojekten.
Siliziummangel und drohende Kürzung der deutschen Solarstromvergütung? Kein Problem für Solar Millennium. Denn die Erlangener haben sich auf die Projektentwicklung und Realisierung von solaren Großkraftwerken spezialisiert.;jsessionid=FAF3F8B44AE3FCF18C2AB81B9CCDD2F6

DK: Vestas har øget volumen med 345 pct. i Nordamerika - Danske

15-08-2006 - 11:31
Lønsomhed i USA er afgørende for, at Vestas vender udviklingen i indtjeningen i år, og umiddelbart tegner det lovende, hvis vindmølleproducenten har tjent penge på en væsentlig aktivitetsforøgelse på hele 345 pct. i andet kvartal. Det fremgår af et notat Danske Equities, der anbefaler "køb" af Vestas op til halvårsregnskabet i næste uge.

DE: Credit Suisse Ups Q-Cells Target Price

Tuesday, August 15, 2006 5:42:37 AM ET
0825 GMT [Dow Jones] Credit Suisse ups Q-Cells (QCE.XE) target price to EUR47.35 from EUR46.97 to adjust for new earnings estimates following strong 1H data. Says Q-Cells' improved guidance is the result of the company's ability to produce less silicon-intensive solar cells and secure new quantities of solar-grade silicon.

UK Solar panels pilot 'could be rolled out to thousands of homes'

Published: 14/08/2006 - 13:18:14 PM
A bid to cut soaring energy bills by installing affordable solar panels is being piloted by housing experts.
The solar panel heating system could be put into thousands of new homes nationwide, according to Places for People, the UK's largest housing association and developer.

Forecast puts Earth's future under a cloud

· 3C increase would bring fires, floods and famine
· Climate prediction most comprehensive so far
Tuesday August 15, 2006
The Guardian
More than half of the world's major forests will be lost if global temperatures rise by an average of 3C or more by the end of the century, it was claimed yesterday. The prediction comes from the most comprehensive analysis yet of the potential effects of human-made global warming.,,1844788,00.html

US: Climate change – investing in the $10 trillion dollar trend

A year on from its creation, KLD’s Global Climate 100 Index takes a broad and inclusive approach to better inform eco-conscious investors

VESTAS: Vestas i Singapore

For Denmark's Vestas Wind Systems, which recently announced a 150-engineer R&D facility, the clinchers included the chance to collaborate with local universities, which will team up with the EDB to cover almost all of Vestas' research costs. The Danes even got permission to install prototype windmills in Singapore. "The EDB offered us almost everything we wanted and more," says Vestas Asia President Thorbjorn Rasmussen.

August 14, 2006

CN: China goes solar

Chinese boomtown mandates solar power in new buildings

DE: Gewinn von Q-Cells mehr als verdoppelt

Solarzellen sollen noch effizienter produziert werden - 400 neue Arbeitsplätze geplant.
Frankfurt/Main - Ein starkes Auslandsgeschäft hat dem Solarzellenhersteller Q-Cells im ersten Halbjahr zu einem Gewinnsprung verholfen. Das Unternehmen hob nach knapp zwei Monaten erneut die Prognosen für das Gesamtjahr an, was dem Aktienkurs zum Wochenbeginn einen deutlichen Schub verlieh.
Artikel erschienen am Di, 15. August 2006

RU/DE: Stahlmonstrum aus Sibirien liefert Daten zum Klimawandel

Fernab der Zivilisation bauen deutsche Forscher einen Messturm, um den Einfluss der endlosen Taigawälder auf den Klimawandel zu klären. Das Stahlmonstrum ragt mit seinen 300 Metern beinahe so hoch auf wie der Eiffelturm im fernen Paris, und der wichtigste Standortfaktor ist die Abgeschiedenheit.

DK: ESTIMAT Vestas 24/8: halvårs-driftsres. 51 mio. euro

14-08-2006 - 17:52
Konsensus i markedet er i øjeblikket, at Vestas vil få et driftsoverskud på 51 mio. euro ud af en omsætning på 1,7 mia. euro i første halvår af 2006. Det svarer til en overskudsgrad (EBIT-margin) på 3 pct. Det viser estimaterne fra fem analytikere, som RB-Børsen har spurgt op til halvårsregnskabet fra den Randers-baserede vindmøllekoncern.
Analytikerne venter, at Vestas vil komme ud af 2006 med et driftsoverskud på 241 mio. euro ud af en omsætning på 3,9 mia. euro, hvilket svarer til en overskudsgrad på knap 6 pct. Vestas venter selv en overskudsgrad på 4-7 pct. ud af en omsætning på 3,6-3,8 mia. euro.
I rundspørgen har samtlige analytiker købs-anbefalinger i stærkere eller svagere grad.
Siden nytår har de høje oliepriser sat deres tydelige spor på på Vestas-aktien. Vestas-aktien har slået det toneangivende C20-indeks med 62 pct.


People all over the globe are taking part in events that are changing our world. Find out about what's on down the street and around the world and join in on the fun. Or add your own event to the list and let everyone know what you're doing for the planet.

CO2: Scooter vs SUV

The worst scooter tested (from 1968) spewed out 4,900 parts per million of hydrocarbons and 8.6 percent CO2 emissions.
A more modern scooter (2006 model) had 168 ppm of hydrocarbons and 3.1 percent CO2.
The SUV 10 ppm and 1 percent CO2.


German Stocks Rise as Oil Drops to 2-Week Low
Aug. 14 (Bloomberg)

Q-Cells AG (QCE GY) advanced 1.03 euros, or 3.3 percent, to 32.02. The maker of solar cells said second-quarter profit increased to 20.6 million euros from 8.23 million euros a year earlier.

Repower Systems AG (RPW GY) climbed 80 cents, or 1.5 percent, to 53.10 euros. The maker of wind turbines posted a profit in the first half after it built more windmills. Net income was 900,000 euros, compared with a loss of 8.6 million euros a year earlier, the company said.

Sunways AG (SWW GY) slumped 1.70 euros, or 17 percent, to 8.47. The maker of solar power cells said it broke even in the second quarter, repeating the result from a year earlier as both raw-material costs and sales increased.

HAWAII: The Basics of Solar Electric Design & Installation

From Sunlight to Electricity
The Basics of Solar Electric Design & Installation
Press Release from Solar Energy International
August 14, 2006
Honolulu, Hawaii BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! This November Solar Energy International (SEI), in partnership with Inter-Island Solar Supply ( will be teaching the SECOND ANNUAL hands-on Photovoltaic (PV) Design & Installation workshop. Don't miss this opportunity to learn about solar electricity in a beautiful setting. This workshop is accredited by the institute of Sustainable Power and helps fulfill one of the requirements for national photovoltaic certification. The class runs from Monday November 13th through Saturday November 18th.

Clipper Wind and BP

Clipper Wins Shareholders' Approval
08 Aug 2006 at 05:52 PM EDT
DAMMAM, Saudi Arabia ( -- Clipper Windpower [AIM:CPW; OTCPK:CRPWF] held an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of shareholders in London Monday, August 7 during which senior management, led by Chairman and CEO James Dehlsen, provided further details of a string of recently concluded U.S. and international turbine sales, services and wind power project development agreements.

By far, the largest and most significant of these is a strategic alliance with BP Alternative Energy [NYSE:BP; LSE:BP], discussed last week by Resource Investor, a pact that marks the multinational energy conglomerate’s first major foray into the fast-growing wind power market.

US: PG&E to Buy 500 MW of Solar Energy in 2010 for SF Bay Area

August 14, 2006
San Francisco, California [] Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) plans to purchase at least 500 megawatts (MW) of solar energy from Luz II, LLC, beginning in the spring of 2010. The energy, said to be enough solar power for 350,000 PG&E customers including the San Francisco Bay Area, would be produced through a series of projects incorporating Luz II's proprietary hybrid solar-gas design.

US: Sandia and Monsanto to Research Bioenergy

August 14, 2006
Livermore, California and St. Louis, Missouri [] Sandia National Laboratories and Monsanto Company announced a three-year research collaboration that is expected to play a role in both organizations' interests in biology and bioenergy. The arrangement is aimed at aligning Sandia's capabilities in bioanalytical imaging and analysis with Monsanto's research in developing new seed-based products for farmers, including corn products that may be able to produce more ethanol per bushel.

ZA: First Commercial Wind Farm Venture in South Africa

August 14, 2006
Cape Town, South Africa [] The City of Cape Town signed a 20-year power purchase agreement (PPA) with a wind energy producer that will generate an estimated 13.2 gigawatt-hours (GWh) per year of "clean" electricity, as reported by Shaun Benton for BuaNews Online. The City of Cape Town intends sourcing about 10 percent of its energy from renewable sources -- which could include solar and other forms of energy -- by 2020.

US: World's Largest Solar Project Unveiled

Stirling Energy and Southern California Edison have announced they plan to construct a 4,500-acre solar generating station in Southern California. When completed, the proposed power station would be the world's largest solar facility, capable of producing more electricity than all other U.S. solar projects combined. They promise a cost of electricity of 0.06$/kWh.

DE: REpower Systems verstärkt Marktpräsenz in China

Auftragsbestand auf Rekordniveau - Lieferengpässe sorgen für Verzögerungen
Hamburg (pte/14.08.2006/13:53) - Das deutsche Technologieunternehmen REpower Systems hat die Gründung eines Joint-Ventures am chinesischen Markt bekannt gegeben. Der auf Windenergieanlagen spezialisierte Konzern wird dabei 50,01 Prozent der Anteile an "REpower Morth (China)" halten, das chinesische Stahl- und Maschinenbauunternehmen NHIC hält 33,34 Prozent, der britische Windpark-Projektentwickler Honiton Energy übernimmt 16,65 Prozent. Das Joint Venture umfasst die Produktion von Zwei-Megawatt-Windenergieanlagen, bis Ende des Monats soll die Zusammenarbeit fixiert werden. REpower Systems verstärkt damit seine Präsenz am chinesischen Markt, wo bereits drei Partnerunternehmen mit Lizenzproduktion und Vertrieb von REpower-Anlagen beauftragt wurden.

REpower ist bereits seit 2004 über ein Lizenzabkommen mit Dong Fang Steam Turbine Works (DFSTW) für die 1,5-Megawatt-Klasse auf dem chinesischen Markt vertreten. DFSTW aus Deyang (Provinz Sichuan) ist mit 7.000 Mitarbeitern einer der führenden chinesischen Hersteller von Dampf- und Gasturbinen.

DE: Nordex kaufen

Die Experten von "" empfehlen die Aktie von Nordex zum Kauf. Als Kursziel würden sie 20 Euro festsetzen. (14.08.2006/ac/a/t)

DE: Repower fik nettooverskud i første halvår

14-08-2006 - 09:44
Den tyske vindmølleproducent Repower, der konkurrerer med danske Vestas, kom ud af første halvår med et nettooverskud på 900.000 euro mod et underskud på 8,6 mio. euro i samme periode året før. Resultatet blev nået på baggrund af en omsætning, der voksede 46,9 pct. til 178,.5 mio. euro, skriver Bloomberg News

DE: Ausland beschert Q-Cells satte Zuwächse

Ein starkes Auslandsgeschäft hat dem Solarzellenhersteller Q-Cells im ersten Halbjahr einen Gewinnsprung beschert. Für das Gesamtjahr hob das Unternehmen aus Thalheim in Sachsen-Anhalt erneut die Prognosen an.

UK: Plasma screens threaten eco-crisis

Sunday August 13, 2006
The Observer
Our insatiable appetite for the big picture is threatening the planet. A scientist has warned that if half of British homes buy a plasma-screen TV, two nuclear power stations would have to be built to meet the extra energy demand.,,1843587,00.html

UK: Tories plan tax rise on air travel

Sunday August 13, 2006
The Observer
David Cameron's transport policy review team will propose a radical programme for steep tax rises on air travel and gas-guzzling cars offset by cuts in council tax, VAT and national insurance, it was revealed last night.,,1843655,00.html

August 13, 2006

REPORT: Environmental Markets: Opportunities and Risks for Business

Business for Social Responsibility | Environmental Markets: Opportunities and Risks for Business
July 2006

INTERVIEW: Al Gore 3.0

The man who won the presidency in 2000 is looser and more outspoken than ever. Is his global-warming movie a warm-up for a third run at the White House? (From the July 13-27, 2006 issue of ROLLING STONE)

Portal om Solenergi

US: Energy Efficiency Looks Sexier

Cleantech Venture Network: Venture investments in the niche more than triple.
August 10, 2006
Venture capital investment in energy efficiency technologies more than tripled in the second quarter year-over-year, according to a report released Thursday by the Cleantech Venture Network.
“Energy efficiency is a sleeping giant,” said Robert Wilder, CEO of WilderShares, which manages two clean-energy indices. “It doesn’t have the sexy allure of solar power or huge wind. But we have Saudi Arabia-sized oil reserves under our feet in America through energy efficiency.”

Pumping power onto the grid from your basement

August 10, 2006, 4:00 AM PDT
In a 21st century twist on Microsoft's original "PC in every home" vision, a young company has created a home energy-storage appliance that connects to the power grid--and the Internet.

US: Nanosolar

June 21, 2006, 3:00 AM PDT
Nanosolar is only a few years old, but it has laid plans to take on multinational corporations, such as BP and Sharp, in the solar industry.

IL: Water wizards of the desert

August 10, 2006 4:00 AM PDT
Although it hasn't attracted as much attention as alternative energy, water has emerged as one of the more promising opportunities in the clean-tech boom.

US: Current clean energy research at MIT

MIT Energy 'Manhattan Project'
02:00 AM Aug, 11, 2006
Solar cells made from spinach. Algae-based biofuel fattened on greenhouse gas. Plasma-powered turbo engines. These are just some of the technologies being developed by a Manhattan Project-style research effort for new energy technologies at MIT.,71574-0.html?tw=wn_index_1

DE: Tysk nyhetssajt om ekologiska investeringar

Dow Jones: Alternative Energy Stocks In Demand

Tuesday, August 08, 2006 12:12:17 PM ET
Dow Jones Newswires

1453 GMT [Dow Jones] Alternative energy stocks are currently in demand ahead of the release of Conergy's (CGY.XE) 2Q figures due out Wednesday, say traders. Furthermore the sector is profiting from higher oil and raw material prices, which are making solar and wind power stocks more attractive for investors, says one. Trader adds wind energy systems company Nordex (NDX1.XE) has the potential to catch up with the gains of other alternative energy stocks. Nordex +7.7% at EUR13.47. Solarworld (SWV.XE) +0.4% at EUR49.81. Conergy +1.1% at EUR46.75. Ersol (ES6.XE) +3.9% at EUR57.14. Q-Cells (QCE.XE) +0.8% at EUR31.94. (SUG/JAS)

August 12, 2006

Clean energy special: The big clean-up

03 September 2005
They said Kyoto would never work. They said capping emissions was not the answer. And now the US and Australia are putting their money where their mouth is as part of a six-nation pact dedicated to using technology to halt climate change. In this special focus (see links on the right) we assess what the new partnership means for the world, identify the technologies that could make the biggest difference, and visit energy-hungry China for a glimpse of the future.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has been established by WMO and UNEP to assess scientific, technical and socio- economic information relevant for the understanding of climate change, its potential impacts and options for adaptation and mitigation. It is open to all Members of the UN and of WMO.

DE: Angst vor der Sonnenfinsternis

10. Februar 2006
Jahrtausendwende kauften Anleger im großen Stil Internetaktien - und verzockten damit oft ein kleines Vermögen. Sechs Jahre später scheint ein ähnlicher Käuferansturm auf eine neue Aktiengattung einzusetzen: auf Solarwerte. Platzt bald die nächste Börsenblase?,1518,400105,00.html

DE: Neuer Dreh verspricht mehr Strom

15. Mai 2006
Vertikal montierte Windräder sollen den Höhenflug der Öko-Energiebranche fortsetzen. Ingenieure versprechen billigere Anlagen, die gleichzeitig mehr Strom erzeugen. Doch Experten sind skeptisch und verweisen auf Flops in der Vergangenheit.,1518,415921,00.html

US: Exit Energy (Oil)

A. Gary Shilling 08.14.06, 12:00 AM ET
My Apr. 10 column recommended a wide spectrum of North American energy investments: natural gas, coal, offshore drilling, nuclear and Canadian tar sands. Robust global demand plus political and military risks in Russia, Nigeria, Venezuela and the Mideast have pushed prices high enough to propel the development of expensive domestic energy.

DE: Größtes Hybridkraftwerk Europas wieder in Betrieb

Europas größtes Hybridkraftwerk ist nach rund zweijährigen Modernisierungsphase auf der Nordseeinsel Pellworm wieder am Netz

DE: Energiesparen leicht gemacht...durch Waschen bei niedrigeren Temperaturen

30 statt 40 Grad bringt 40% Energieeinsparung

DE: Solarpraxis Börsengang erfolgreich

Das Beratungs- und Dienstleistungsunternehmen für die Solarbranche, die Solarpraxis AG, ist am Montag erfolgreich an die Börse gestartet. Der erste Kurs am freien Markt des Handelsplatzes Frankfurt lag bei 7,30 Euro und damit über dem Ausgabepreis von 7 E.

Making the Sun Brighter: Hyper-Concentrators

Nanosolar and SolFocus are two concentrator companies, both recently attracting financing for further development.

Smaller Wind Turbines

Wind Turbines on the Edge: Small Wind Power Could be Moving in Next Door
August 11, 2006 06:45 PM

Wind Turbines on the Parapet

Small Wind

DIY Wind Power

Architectural Wind, Aerovironment

Flying Windmills

Small Wind is Beautiful

Turby — A Wind Turbine that Loves City Turbulence

New Turbine To Make Wind Power Cheaper and Easier To Install

August 11, 2006

Greenland Ice Sheet Is Melting Three Times Faster, Study Says

DE: Nordex übergibt 50 MW-Windpark in Spanien an Kunden / 37 Turbinen vom Typ N62 errichtet

Hamburg, 10. August 2006 – Im küstennahen Gebirge in der Nähe der Kleinstadt Tortosa, etwa 200 Kilometer südlich von Barcelona, hat Nordex vom Herbst 2005 bis Frühjahr 2006 seinen bislang größten spanischen Windpark errichtet. Jetzt hat der Hersteller die 37 Turbinen vom Typ N62 mit einer installierten Gesamtleistung von rund 50 MW an seinen Kunden EYRA (Energía y Recursos Ambientales), eine Tochtergesellschaft des spanischen Baukonzerns ACS, übergeben.

CHILE: Chile wind farms to promote energy independence

President Michelle Bachelet announced Tuesday that Chile will aspire to be completely energy independent within two years.

AU: Wind farm approved

THE Victorian Government has shrugged off the Bald Hills wind farm controversy and approved another similar project.,22049,20090911-5001028,00.html

How Wind Energy Works

Nuclear power's green promise dulled by rising temps

from the August 10, 2006 edition
By Susan Sachs | Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor
Problems with Europe's nuclear plants have raised worries just as the energy was gaining support.

NEW YORK, Aug 1 (Reuters) - With a heat wave warming the Mississippi River water used for cooling at the nuclear power plant in Quad Cities, Illinois, Exelon Corp. has cut the power at the plant about 19 percent, a spokeswoman said on Tuesday. plants

US: Alliance forms a new Anti-Wind Farm lobbying arm

By Dick Farley, Cape Cod Today Washington Correspondent
WASHINGTON, DC -- The Alliance to Protect Nantucket Sound, a tax-exempt, nonprofit, charitable organization established in 2001 to block development of the Cape Wind offshore power generating project six to eleven miles off Cape Cod, has created a new lobbying arm.

US/DE: GM, BMW, Daimler to invest $1 bln in hybrid project

The three automakers have about 500 engineers who have been working for the past 18 months on the joint development of the next-generation hybrid engine technology, which combines a battery-powered electric motor with a conventional gasoline combustion engine, company representatives said on Friday on the sidelines of an industry trade meeting.

DE: 140 MW Thin Film Modules Delivered to Germany

Hamburg, Germany [] Reinecke + Pohl Sun Energy AG (RPSE) and First Solar confirmed the delivery volumes of the master supply agreement signed in April of this year: From 2007 until 2012 RPSE will purchase 140 megawatts of thin film modules from First Solar.

Smoking out the carbon trading benefits

Business Change
The Times July 24, 2006
Smoking out the carbon trading benefits
NEW opportunities for industry, commerce and consultants have been opened up by the Government’s strengthened support for emissions trading, outlined in its Energy Review this month,,30329-2282690,00.html

August 10, 2006

UK: Arctic thawed in prehistoric global warming

Scientists - Arctic Core Expedition (Acex) - have discovered that the complete disappearance of the Arctic sea ice, 55 million years ago, coincided with a dramatic increase in concentrations of carbon dioxide or methane in the atmosphere - which must have caused global warming.
The scientists also found that the Arctic is currently experiencing one of the fastest temperature rises on record, with more sea ice melting each summer than at any time in hundreds and possibly thousands of years.

DE: Die Solarbranche in Deutschland boomt

Von Rechenkünstlern, Mitnehmern und Profi-Hinhaltern
Die Solarbranche in Deutschland boomt - Der Bundesverband Solarwirtschaft (BSW) spricht vom „Solar Valley“ Deutschland

EU: European Heatwave Disrupts Nuclear Plants

Heat Wave Shows Limits of Nuclear Energy
Interpress Service News Agency, July 27, 2006
PARIS, Jul 27 (IPS) - The extreme hot summer in Europe is restricting nuclear energy generation and showing up the limits of nuclear power, leading environmental activists and scientists say.

EU: THE European Union is facing calls to step up action against member states that are failing to promote green fuels

Green-fuel experts believe that the EU should consider fining countries that are not doing enough to promote take-up of environmentally friendly fuels as its 2010 target deadline draws closer. Europe aims to meet 5.75 per cent of all its fuel needs from biofuels by 2010. Made from crops, they give out significantly lower levels of carbon dioxide than normal vehicle fuels.,,13130-2301731,00.html

August 09, 2006

US: Wal-Mart wants to sell ethanol

E85 is available at only a tiny fraction of gas stations. But Fortune's Marc Gunther says the giant retailer is poised to change that.

DE: Plambeck Neue Energien (PNE3): Group turnover and result in the first half of 2006 clearly increased

Cuxhaven, August 1, 2006 – The wind-farm projector Plambeck Neue Energien AG has successfully continued its restructuring and increased the group turnover in the first half of 2006 by 125 per cent to 44.4 mill. Euro (previous year: 19.7 mill. Euro), thus more than doubling it.
PDF Report Q2 2006

US: Optical fiber solar lighting systems gaining momemtum

With five hybrid solar lighting systems already in place and another 20 scheduled to be installed in the next couple of months, the forecast is looking sunny for a technology developed at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Preliminary data from field units, which collect sunlight and pipe it into buildings using bundles of small optical fibers, show potentially significant energy savings in lighting and maintenance costs. An added benefit is that, for most uses, natural light is vastly superior to artificial light.

US: Wall Street's New Love Affair

Why some of the world's smartest investors are betting billions on clean energy
August 9, 2006

IE: Northern Ireland: Renewable Energy for All New Buildings in 2008?

The government of Northern Ireland has proposed to change building regulations to make it mandatory for all new buildings built from 2008 onward to use renewable energy.

UK: Owners of Britain's highest-polluting cars should pay up to £1800-a-year road tax

Owners of Britain's highest-polluting cars should pay up to £1800 in road tax in a bid to cut carbon dioxide emissions, says an influential committee of MPs.

US: Solar screens reduce summer heat

SunBlox, Inc. ( ) has launched an affordable product that reduces heat absorption through windows by up to 90%, resulting in energy cost savings of up to 30% in the Central Florida market.

DE: UmweltBank: Grüne Aktien

DE: 07.08.2006: Umweltaktien-Wochenrückblick:

Wind-Aktien: Kursentwicklung in der vergangenen Woche, sortiert nach Performance:
Plambeck Neue Energien AG : 8,30 % / 3,13 / 2,89
Nordex AG : 7,75 % / 12,10 / 11,23
Vestas Wind Systems A/S : 7,06 % / 22,15 / 20,69
Gamesa Corp. Tecnologica S.A. : 2,39 % / 17,12 / 16,72
REpower Systems AG : 2,27 % / 53,25 / 52,07
Energiekontor AG : -0,33 % / 3,02 / 3,03

Solar-Aktien: Entwicklung in der vergangenen Woche, sortiert nach Performance:
SolarWorld AG : 13,91 % / 49,05 / 43,06
ErSol Solar Energy AG : 13,41 % / 53,10 / 46,82
S.A.G. Solarstrom AG : 13,06 % / 3,55 / 3,14
Suntech Power Holdings Co. Ltd. : 12,86 % / 22,20 / 19,67
Q-Cells AG : 12,82 % / 32,10 / 28,45
Renewable Energy Corporation ASA : 12,54 % / 11,67 / 10,37
Epod International Inc. : 12,50 % / 0,18 / 0,16
Arise Technology Corp. : 10,34 % / 0,32 / 0,29
Phönix SonnenStrom AG : 9,69 % / 20,83 / 18,99
Solon AG : 8,88 % / 32,85 / 30,17
Conergy AG : 6,75 % / 45,26 / 42,40
Sunways AG : 6,12 % / 10,40 / 9,80
Centrosolar AG : 5,31 % / 13,89 / 13,19
Reinecke & Pohl Sun Energy AG : 3,94 % / 14,50 / 13,95
Roth & Rau AG : 3,47 % / 29,80 / 28,80
Solar 2 AG : 2,98 % / 2,42 / 2,35
Evergreen Solar Inc. : 1,90 % / 7,51 / 7,37
Solar Millennium AG : 1,78 % / 17,20 / 16,90
Solarparc AG : 1,69 % / 8,44 / 8,30 3S
Swiss Solar Systems AG : 1,35 % / 3,00 / 2,96
Dyesol Ltd. : 0,00 % / 0,34 / 0,34
Solar Integrated Inc. : % / n.a. / n.a.
Daystar Technologies Inc. : -0,57 % / 6,95 / 6,99
Solar-Fabrik AG : -1,76 % / 10,58 / 10,77
Carmanah Technologies Corp. : -4,58 % / 2,29 / 2,40
Solco Ltd. : -10,00 % / 0,09 / 0,10

onstige Nachhaltige Aktien: Entwicklung in der vergangenen Woche, alphabetisch geordnet:

a.i.s. AG : 0,00 % / 0,31 / 0,31
Agor AG : 6,17 % / 1,72 / 1,62
Agrana AG : -1,58 % / 78,10 / 79,35
Aixtron AG : -1,02 % / 2,90 / 2,93
Aleo Solar AG : 3,72 % / 12,55 / 12,10
Alternative Energy Sources Inc. : 1,86 % / 1,64 / 1,61
Archer Daniels Midland Corp. : -7,87 % / 31,51 / 34,20
Asia Water SD Ltd. : 5,26 % / 0,40 / 0,38
ATS Automation Tooling System Inc. : 5,65 % / 7,11 / 6,73
Bio Solutions MFG Inc. : 0,00 % / 0,19 / 0,19
Biopetrol Industries AG : 9,86 % / 8,80 / 8,01
Birkert AG : 0,00 % / 2,08 / 2,08
Bodisen Biotech Inc. : -1,92 % / 10,20 / 10,40
Boiron S.A. : -3,79 % / 13,97 / 14,52
BWT Best Water Technology AG : 0,00 % / 30,00 / 30,00
C. Bechstein AG : 1,13 % / 8,05 / 7,96
Calpine Corp. : 0,00 % / 0,32 / 0,32
CCR Logistics Systems AG : -3,25 % / 6,55 / 6,77
Ceco Environmental Corp. : 6,18 % / 6,87 / 6,47
China Water Affairs Ltd. : 16,67 % / 0,21 / 0,18
CWT Christ Water Technology : -3,88 % / 12,64 / 13,15
Creaton AG : 0,16 % / 25,10 / 25,06
Empresa Nacional de Electricidad SA (Endesa) : -0,56 % / 26,61 / 26,76
Engergy Conversion Devices Inc. : -0,16 % / 25,73 / 25,77
Enro AG : 2,08 % / 7,35 / 7,20
EOP Biodiesel AG : -0,78 % / 11,50 / 11,59
FuelCell Energy Inc. : 1,17 % / 6,91 / 6,83
Gea Group AG : 1,60 % / 12,70 / 12,50
Geberit AG : 0,52 % / 876,50 / 871,98
Green Energy Ressources Inc. : % / n.a. / n.a.
Green Plains Renew. En. Inc. : -1,42 % / 24,35 / 24,70
Hain Celestial Group Inc. : -2,25 % / 16,92 / 17,31
Hydrogenics Corp. : -12,96 % / 1,41 / 1,62
Hydrotec Gesellschaft für Wassertechnik AG : -1,52 % / 5,20 / 5,28
Iberdrola SA : 0,71 % / 28,20 / 28,00
Ifco Systems N.V. : -12,16 % / 8,45 / 9,62
init innovation in traffic systems AG : 6,79 % / 7,39 / 6,92
Interface Inc. : 2,34 % / 9,61 / 9,39
Interseroh AG : -2,87 % / 28,75 / 29,60
Kadant Inc. : 12,03 % / 17,42 / 15,55
Masterflex AG : 0,58 % / 24,09 / 23,95
Mayr-Melnhof Karton AG : -0,65 % / 129,35 / 130,19
Mifa Mitteldeutsche Fahrradwerke AG : 1,01 % / 4,02 / 3,98
New Value AG : 2,02 % / 10,60 / 10,39
Ocean Power Technologies Inc. : 0,00 % / 1,10 / 1,10
Ormat Technologies Inc. : 11,58 % / 29,86 / 26,76
Pacific Ethanol Inc. : -0,28 % / 14,16 / 14,20
Plug Power Inc. : 9,27 % / 3,30 / 3,02
Precious Woods Holding AG : -10,25 % / 54,75 / 61,00
PVA TePla AG : 6,30 % / 4,89 / 4,60
Quantum Fuel Syst. Tech. Worldw : -7,20 % / 2,32 / 2,50
Regenbogen AG : 0,00 % / 5,00 / 5,00
Renewable Energy Plc. LS Holdings : 14,00 % / 0,57 / 0,50
Satcon Tech. Corp. : 1,94 % / 1,05 / 1,03
Schmack Biogas AG : -0,56 % / 35,70 / 35,90
Solar Night Inds. Inc. : % / n.a. / n.a.
SPDG Technologies Plc. : 0,00 % / 0,09 / 0,09
SunOpta Inc. : 4,35 % / 7,20 / 6,90
Sustainable Energy Ltd. : -9,09 % / 0,10 / 0,11
Tomra Systems ASA : 1,51 % / 5,39 / 5,31
Triodos Groenfonds N.V. : 0,71 % / 56,69 / 56,29
UmweltBank AG : -2,86 % / 17,35 / 17,86
Unit Energy Europe : -3,64 % / 1,06 / 1,10
United Natural Foods Inc. : -2,55 % / 23,68 / 24,30
Verasun Energy Corp. : -11,37 % / 17,15 / 19,35
versiko AG : -1,35 % / 8,75 / 8,87
Wessanen N.V. : -2,21 % / 11,05 / 11,30
Western GeoPower Corp. : 9,24 % / 0,13 / 0,12
Whole Foods Market Inc. : -10,31 % / 40,00 / 44,60
Wild Oats Markets Inc. : -6,69 % / 13,26 / 14,21
Worldwater & Power Corp. : 10,53 % / 0,21 / 0,19
Xcel Energy Inc. : 0,00 % / 15,53 / 15,53
Xethanol Corp. : -5,83 % / 5,65 / 6,00