January 31, 2007

Vind: Siemens fordobler vindmølle-salg
31-01-2007 - 07:36    
Vindmølleproducenten Siemens Wind Power har alene i sit danske selskab næsten fordoblet omsætningen i det seneste regnskabsår - fra 3,1 mia. kr. til 5,9 mia. kr., skriver dagbladet Børsen onsdag. Væksten fortsætter med stadig større produktion, flere ansatte og nye udenlandske fabrikker.
Once a Dream Fuel, Palm Oil May Be an Eco-Nightmare
Published: January 31, 2007
AMSTERDAM, Jan. 25 — Just a few years ago, politicians and environmental groups in the Netherlands were thrilled by the early and rapid adoption of “sustainable energy,” achieved in part by coaxing electrical plants to use biofuel — in particular, palm oil from Southeast Asia.
Scientists Criticize White House Stance on Climate Change Findings
Published: January 31, 2007
Under its new Democratic chairman, Representative Henry A. Waxman of California, the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform took on the Bush administration’s handling of climate change science yesterday, and even the Republicans on the panel had little good to say about the administration’s actions.
Oil Rigs Turn Into Wind Farms
The Gulf Coast is littered with the carcasses of unused oil equipment. Now those structures are being repurposed to build the first offshore wind farm in the United States.

January 30, 2007

Scientists To Congress: There's Political Pressure To Downplay Global Warming
Two private advocacy groups told a congressional hearing Tuesday that climate scientists at seven government agencies say they have been subjected to political pressure aimed at downplaying the threat of global warming.
The groups presented a survey that shows two in five of the 279 climate scientists who responded to a questionnaire complained that some of their scientific papers had been edited in a way that changed their meaning. Nearly half of the 279 said in response to another question that at some point they had been told to delete reference to "global warming" or "climate change" from a report.
Der Mix macht es
Seit Januar 2007 ist die Mineralölwirtschaft verpflichtet, einen bestimmten Anteil an Biokraftstoffen umzusetzen. Auch CropEnergies profitiert von dem verpflichtenden Mix.'
Sechs Energiewerte
Solar- und Windkraftbetriebe sind im Aufwind, doch nicht alle Unternehmen bieten gleich große Verdienstchancen für Anleger.
George Clooney Will Promote Electric Smart Car in Italy
Hybrid Technologies, the Nevada-based lithium-ion battery slinger, just announced that it has recruited Tango-driving, carbon-neutral Syriana starring, George Clooney to promote its new electric Smart Car in Italy this summer. Word of the coming Smart EV has been on the street for a while but the stats have actually improved since Michael Graham Richard wrote about the project back in 2005. Hybrid Technologies has posted top speeds of 80 mph for the Smart, along with 120 miles of autonomous range and a 6-8 hour charging time. (HT starts filling orders for the car Feb. 2007, starting at $35,000.)
Biodiesel funkar
inte i sträng kyla
Oljebolagen stoppar nu inblandningen av rapspolja och annan biobränselinblandning i dieseln i norra Sverige. Den stränga kylan i början av veckan har gett stora driftsproblem för biodieselfordon, rapporterar lantbrukstidningen ATL.
Wal-Mart Creates Its Own Electricity Company, Eyes Wind Power
Recently, Wal-Mart quietly created its own electricity company in Texas, called Texas Retail Energy, to supply its stores with cheap power bought at wholesale prices. According to the Dallas Morning News, this saves the world's largest retailer about $15 million annually and gives the company total control over its utility bills. Chris Hendrix, general manager of Texas Retail Energy, said he would consider buying a renewable-energy power plant, such as a wind farm, if the company can't find enough vendors to meet Wal-Mart's eventual goal of using only renewable power. Wal-Mart is also considering selling power to it's customers, but that's probably a long way off, if it does happen. See more in this article from Dallas Morning News.
Can Humanity Survive? Want to Bet on It?
Published: January 30, 2007
Sixty ago years, a group of physicists concerned about nuclear weapons created the Doomsday Clock and set its hands at seven minutes to midnight. Now, the clock’s keepers, alarmed by new dangers like climate change, have moved the hands up to 11:55 p.m.
World Scientists Near Consensus on Warming
Published: January 30, 2007
PARIS, Jan. 29 — Scientists from across the world gathered Monday to hammer out the final details of an authoritative report on climate change that is expected to project centuries of rising temperatures and sea levels unless there are curbs in emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases that trap heat in the atmosphere.
In the Rockies, Pines Die and Bears Feel It
Published: January 30, 2007
Jesse Logan retired in July as head of the beetle research unit for the United States Forest Service at the Rocky Mountain Laboratory in Utah. He is an authority on the effects of temperature on insect life cycles. That expertise has landed him smack in the middle of a debate over protecting grizzly bears.
London has emerged as a global centre for commercial attempts to mitigate climate change, says RICHARD LOFTHOUSE
Low Carbon Accelerator
Low Carbon Accelerator is a closed-ended investment company listed on the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange (AIM) which was launched in October 2006, raising gross proceeds of £44.5 million. Low Carbon Accelerator invests in a diverse portfolio of unquoted private companies providing low carbon products and services which deliver immediate reductions in carbon dioxide emissions.

January 29, 2007

Renewable Energy Stock List
RenewableEnergyStocks.com® has compiled a comprehensive directory of Global Renewable Energy Stocks in US, Canada and foreign markets.
Pilum Engineering arbetar med att effektivisera energiuttaget från rökgaser. Genom kondensering utförs värmeåtervinning vilket ökar våra kunders lönsamhet i både befintliga och nya anläggningar samt sparar vår miljö.
New world record in wind power capacity     
Monday, 29 January 2007
Wind energy continued its dynamic growth worldwide in the year 2006. 14,900MW were added in the past year summing up to a global installed capacity of 73,904MW by the end of December 2006.
Ritt auf der Solarwelle
Der Laserspezialist LPKF Laser & Electronics möchte in den zukunftsträchtigen Photovoltaikmarkt einsteigen. Erste Aufträge liegen bereits auf dem Tisch.
Stop Global Warming Virtual March
The results are in and the reality of global warming is beyond dispute or debate. It’s not just an environmental issue. It affects ours public health and national security. It’s an urgent matter of survival for everyone on the planet — the most urgent threat facing humanity today. It’s going to take action from you and all of us working together.
"Oljan på väg att ta slut"
2007-01-26: Joakim AdlerDen kontroversiella fysikprofessorn Kjell Aleklett är övertygad om att världens lättillgängliga olja är på väg att slut. För di.se förklarar han varför och ger även sin syn på den framtida oljeprisutvecklingen. Kjell Aleklett, fysikprofessor vid Uppsala Universitet, är en ledande kraft bland de så kallade peak-oil-anhängarna som tror att världens oljeproduktion når toppen runt 2010.
http://di.se/Nyheter/?page=0.000000Avdelningar0.000000Artikel.aspx0.000000O582Index2rticleId1062007 F01 j26 218778
Peak Oil News
Why life after oil will be better
Energy roadmap backs renewables
The report calls for energy supplies to enter a "solar generation"
Half of the world's energy needs in 2050 could be met by renewables and improved efficiency, a study claims.
Robert F Kennedy Jr: Exposing ExxonMobil
In a quarter-page advertorial in Thursday's New York Times, ExxonMobil launched a new greenwashing campaign to salvage its earned reputation as Earth's number one global warming villain. For over a decade the giant oil company has waged a successful multi-million dollar propaganda campaign to deceive the public about global warming. Using phony think tanks like the Competitive Enterprise Institute, scientists-for-hire called biostitutes, slick public relations firms, and their indentured servants in the political process, they have intentionally defrauded the public by promoting the notion that global warming is a hoax or a sketchy theory that requires more study.
January 26, 2007
Swiss Firms Fall Behind in Green Energy Boom
Bern, Switzerland [swissinfo] The Swiss economy is missing out on a clean energy-powered bonanza because of a limited internal market, lack of innovation and the slow pace of incentive reform. Despite some success stories, Switzerland has lost its leading edge and allowed other countries to cash in on soaring sector profits, according to industry expert Rolf Wustenhagen. The unpredictable price and supply of oil coupled with global warming fears have led to an increasing demand for renewable energy in recent years. ... But Wustenhagen does draw some comfort from the experiences of Germany that now has a number of successful financial incentives in place to encourage green energy innovation.
Business2.0: "Go Green, Get Rich"
Meet the companies tackling nine of humanity's biggest problems -- and making millions saving us from ourselves.
Vind-industri lover milliardbesparelser
29-01-2007 19:16 Uffe Hansen
Vindmøllebranchen svarer nu kontant igen på dagens forsidehistorie i Jyllands-Posten, hvor det hævdes, at vindmøllerne dræner elkunderne for milliarder.
Ifølge avisen, som baserer sine oplysninger på tal fra Energistyrelsen og Rigsrevisionen, kostede strøm fra vindmøller elkunderne 1,7 mia. kr. – alene i 2005.
Men det mener brancheforeningen Vindmølleindustrien i en netop udsendt pressemeddelelse, er “direkte usandt”. I stedet sparer kunderne milliarder.
"For vindmøller har en prissænkende effekt på forbrugernes elregning, som Jyllands-Posten ikke medregner. Sandheden er, at forbrugerne i 2005 ville have betalt 1 milliard kroner mere for deres strøm, hvis der ikke havde været vindmøller," lyder det fra foreningens direktør Bjarne Lundager Jensen i meddelelsen.
Vindboom kan gøre Vestas godt
Inden for få år kan Vestas-aktien stige med op til 70 pct., vurderer Aktieugebrevet. Et vildt voksende vindmarked på verdens nye vækstmarkeder er baggrunden.
Aktien ligger i dag i kurs 252 mod kurs 50 for tre år siden, altså en stigning på 400 pct. på de seneste tre år.
Ifølge Aktieugebrevets vurdering kan Vestas fortsætte op de næste 2-3 år med en stigning på 70 pct.
Vestas overtager ordre fra ærkekonkurrent
Vestas har snuppet en ordre ud af hænderne på den spanske rival Gamesa. Ordren er på 15 møller til det taiwanesiske selskab AIDC. Det fortæller den spanske avis Nacional mandag.
Abengoa is a technology company applying innovative solutions
for sustainable development in the infrastructures, environment
and energy sectors.
Abengoais a technology company applying innovative solutions
for sustainable development in the infrastructures, environment
and energy sectors.
Efficiency is Crucial to a Green Future
by Michael Graham Richard, Gatineau, Canada on 01.29.07
Science & Technology (alternative energy)
When we say that efficiency is crucial for a green future, we mean it. Look at these graphs from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (they are similar to those used by Amory Lovins in his book Natural Capitalism and in his Winning the Oil Endgame video presentation). They show that out of the ~97 quads (1 quad = 10^15 British thermal units) or ~103 exajoules (1 exajoule = 10^18 joules) generated from various sources in the US in 2002 (nuclear, hydro, biomass, natural gas, coal, petroleum), 56.2 quads or 59.3 exajoules were wasted, lost, unused for any valuable work. That's more than half. We all need to take a moment and seriously think about that.
EU-Kommission weist Kritik deutscher Autobauer zurück
Beim Klimaschutz in Europa verhärten sich die Fronten: Die EU-Kommission zeigt kein Verständnis für die deutschen Autohersteller, die wegen der geplanten Emissionsregeln den Verlust Zehntausender Arbeitsplätze vorhersagen. Jetzt hoffen die Unternehmen auf Ausnahmeregelungen.
Changement climatique : les politiques interpellés
LE MONDE | 29.01.07 | 13h48 • Mis à jour le 29.01.07 | 13h54
Le climat se réchauffe, on le sait. Mais au fait, comment le sait-on ? Grâce à un patient et énorme travail d'observations, de modélisation informatique, de discussions, transcrit à jet continu par les scientifiques dans des journaux incompréhensibles pour le commun des mortels.
Gröna vågen:
Industri Kapital satsar på vindkraft
Vindkraftsbranschen är hetare än någonsin, och nu hoppar Industri Kapital på tåget. Riskkapitalbolaget köper en majoritetspost i finska Moventas som verkar inom marknaden för vindenergi.
Vestas har 70 pct. potentiale på 2-3 års sigt
Tech Barons Take on New Project: Energy Policy
Peter DaSilva for The New York Times
Vinod Khosla, a venture capitalist, supports policies that encourage use of alternative fuels. With him is a vehicle that runs on ethanol or gas.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 28 — President Bush set broad goals last week for the adoption of alternative energy. Hoping to take on the role of filling in the details is an unlikely group: Silicon Valley’s technology investors.
För lite blåst
Fjolåret blev trist för den svenska vindkraften. Sällan har det blåst så lite trots hårdare vindar årets sista månader.
Solar- und Windaktien - Viel Luft für Spekulationen (EurAmS)
Vindenergi koster elkunder milliarder
28.01.07 kl. 22:17
Danske elkunder betalte i 2005 1,7 mia. kr. i støtte til landets knap 5.300 vindmøller. Nye regninger i milliardklassen kan forudses.
Vindgeneratorer fra 25-150 watts effekt.
The Top50-Solar® presents you the most popluar websites with the topic Solar Energy.
The visitors of the websites are counted and sorted in order of the duration of the last five days.
7 Ways to Save the World
The need for more energy and rising greenhouse gases pose a dual challenge to global prosperity. A new vision of conservation—of doing more with less—may be the key.
26. Januar 2007
Tauwetter in der Tundra
Nirgendwo auf der Welt macht sich der Klimawandel so dramatisch bemerkbar wie in der Arktis. Auch in der sibirischen Tundra sind die Folgen zu beobachten, wie ein beeindruckendes Satellitenbild zeigt.
Air-freighted food may lose organic label
Friday January 26, 2007
Guardian Unlimited
Food imported to the UK by air may be denied the lucrative "organic" label under proposals being put forward today by the Soil Association.
The UK's main organic certification body is concerned about the "food miles" involved in importing goods by air, which, environmentalists argue, contribute to global warming.
The Long Road to Energy Independence
Published: January 28, 2007
President Bush never used the phrase “energy independence” in his State of the Union address last week, and it is just as well. His program for cutting gasoline demand is ambitious in scope, but modest in effect, according to experts.
Autokonzerne drohen EU-Kommission mit Jobabbau
Die Chefs der fünf großen deutschen Automobilhersteller haben in einem Brief an die EU-Kommission vor dem Verlust von Arbeitsplätzen in Europa gewarnt, sollte Brüssel den Grenzwert für den CO2-Ausstoß auf 120 Gramm pro Kilometer festsetzen.

January 25, 2007

energy [r]evolution
The energy [r]evolution is an independently produced report that provides a practical blueprint for how to half global CO2 emissions, while allowing for an increase in energy consumption by 2050. By dividing the world into 10 regions, with a global summary, it explains how existing energy technologies can be applied in more efficient ways. It demonstrates how a ‘business as usual’ scenario, based on IEA’s World Energy Outlook projections, is not an option for environmental, economic and security of supply reasons.
Thursday, 25 January 2007
Federal Agencies to Use Plug-Ins
President Bush on Wednesday issued an executive order that will Presidential_seal make federal agencies among the first buyers of plug-in hybrid vehicles.
Öko-Energie soll Klimakollaps abwenden
Ein massiver Ausbau der erneuerbaren Energien könnte den Treibhausgas-Ausstoß bis 2050 halbieren und die Klimakatastrophe verhindern. Das zumindest besagt eine Studie von Greenpeace und der Ökoenergie-Branche. Der politische Wille sei alles, was notwendig sei.
Hoffen auf das Strom-Wunder
2067 leben zehn Milliarden Menschen auf der Welt, immer mehr von ihnen lechzen nach westlichem Wohlstand. Doch Öl, Gas und Kohle gehen aus - was wird den gigantischen Energiehunger stillen: Solar-, Wind- oder Atomkraft?
Immer mehr Erdgas-Autos auf Berlins Straßen
dpa-Meldung, 25.01.2007 (14:53)
Berlin - Erdgas wird als Benzinersatz für Autos immer beliebter. Wie eine Sprecherin der Berliner Gaswerke am Donnerstag in Berlin mitteilte, stieg der Bedarf an Erdgas als Kraftstoff im Jahr 2006 um 20 Prozent auf 4,2 Millionen Kilo Erdgas. Auf Berlins Straßen seien schon 2500 Erdgas-betriebene Autos unterwegs. An 13 öffentlichen und 5 betrieblichen Tankstellen könne das Gas nachgefüllt werden.
Studie: Erneuerbare Energien können Kohle und Atom den Rang ablaufen
AFP-Meldung, 25.01.2007 (14:53)
Berlin/Brüssel (AFP) - Mit einer massiven Fortentwicklung der erneuerbaren Energien könnte nach einer aktuellen Studie der Branche sowie von Umweltschützern bis 2050 der weltweite Ausstoß des Treibhausgases Kohlendioxid halbiert werden. Die am Donnerstag in Berlin und Brüssel von Greenpeace und dem Dachverband der Europäischen Erneuerbaren Energie Industrie (EREC) präsentierte Untersuchung kommt zu dem Schluss, dass erneuerbare Energien wie Sonne, Wind oder Biomasse unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen durchaus wettbewerbsfähig seien. Voraussetzung dafür sei, dass die Regierungen die Subventionen für fossile und atomare Energien abbauten "und das Verursacherprinzip für Verschmutzer eingeführt wird", erklärte der Greenpeace-Experte Jörg Feddern.
L'Institut Pasteur-Lille investit le marché de l'analyse de l'eau
LE MONDE | 22.01.07 |
Plus vivace que jamais, l'Institut Pasteur Lille a officialisé, il y a quelques jours, le rachat d'un laboratoire privé, l'IRH Nancy. Il avait déjà acquis, en 2005, le laboratoire Bouisson-Bertrand. Et deux autres tomberont bientôt dans son escarcelle. Point commun entre les deux sociétés récemment absorbées : le marché de l'analyse de l'eau, choisi comme axe de développement par l'Institut lillois, acteur traditionnel dans le domaine de la biologie et de la santé. Ces acquisitions le hissent à la hauteur de Carso, le numéro un français du secteur.
Compte rendu
Paris veut sauver son climat tout en conservant ses touristes
LE MONDE | 25.01.07 |
La France s'est fixé pour objectif en 2005 de diviser par quatre d'ici 2050 ses émissions de gaz par rapport à 1990. Mais "il faudra un effort gigantesque de la part de Paris pour atteindre cet objectif", prévoit Yves Contassot, adjoint (Verts) chargé de l'environnement à la mairie. Paris contribue pour 7 % à la production de gaz à effet de serre de toute la France.
2007-01-25 | 06:03
Global uppvärmning ritar om vinkartan
Om 50 till 100 år kan nygifta par skåla i mousserande vin från södra England – istället från Champagne – samtidigt som vinskribenterna hyllar svensk Reisling. Till steken dricker man rödvin från Tyskland.
Om 50 till 100 år kan nygifta par skåla i mousserande vin från södra England – istället från Champagne – samtidigt som vinskribenterna hyllar svensk Reisling. Till steken dricker man rödvin från Tyskland.
Klimawandel - Wasserkraft ist aktiver Klimaschutz
"Die Wasserkraft ist aktiver Klimaschutz" ist der Verein Kleinwasserkraft Österreich von der wichtigen Rolle des Rückgrates der erneuerbaren Stromerzeugung in Österreich überzeugt
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Bush's Dangerous Energy Proposal
Moving too quickly on alternative fuels could backfire, says one expert on ethanol fuels.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Discovering the Surface of Greenland
A new technique provides clearer pictures of massive ice sheets--and better insight into future sea-level increases.
Energy Research on a Shoestring
Published: January 25, 2007
GOLDEN, Colo. — Thirty years after it was founded by President Jimmy Carter, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory at the edge of the Rockies here still does not have a cafeteria.
Alpglaciärer kan vara borta 2050
GENÈVE Alpernas glaciärer kommer att vara bortsmälta inom drygt 40 år. Den bedömningen görs vid en pågående alpkonferens i österrikiska Alpbach.
L’éolien poursuit son développement en France et dans le monde
L’année 2006 est une nouvelle année record pour l’éolien que ce soit en France, en Europe ou dans le monde entier. Si l’Allemagne est encore le pays le plus actif dans ce domaine, l’Asie et les Etats-Unis n’ont pas lésiné sur les projets.
Das REpower-Übernahmeangebot ist eine Farce!
Ich bin von dem Potential der Offshore-Windparks überzeugt, so dass ich 2010 für REpower, wenn das Geschäft so richtig anläuft, einen Umsatz zwischen 1,2 bis 1,5 Milliarden Euro bei einer EBIT-Marge von mindestens 10% in Aussicht stelle. Ein Unternehmen mit so einer Perspektive verkaufe ich nicht für 850 Millionen Euro (das ist der Preis des Übernahmeangebots). 150 Euro je Aktie müsste Areva schon bieten.
Viele Grüße
Simon Betschinger
Nordex halten
Die Analysten von AC Research empfehlen weiterhin, die Aktien von Nordex zu halten. (24.01.2007/ac/a/t)
Analyse-Datum: 24.01.2007
Biggest threat to U.S. drinking water? Rust
Wed Jan 24, 2007 2:53pm ET16
CHICAGO (Reuters) - From an attack by militants to a decline in snow melt caused by global warming, public fears about the water supply have heightened in the United States.
Facing global warming, are people like frogs?
Tue Jan 23, 2007 9:52pm ET16
OSLO (Reuters) - Confronted by new evidence of global warming, will people react like frogs?
A United Nations report to be released in Paris on February 2 will include the strongest warning yet that humans are stoking global warming that may cause colossal damage to nature if, like the doomed frog, they ignore rising temperatures.
Nordex opened new rotor blade production in China Wednesday, 24 January 2007
Nordex AG has started up its new rotor blade production facility in Dongying, China.
ImageOn a floor area measuring 8,400 square meters, roughly 225 rotor blades for the NR 37 and NR 34 series are to be produced in the first year of operation, sufficient to fit out 75 S77 and S70 (1,500 kW) wind turbines. Following the completion of the ramp-up phase and extensions to the production halls, output is to be increased to roughly 800 rotor blades (400 MW). The expected total capex budget stands at € 20 million. Nordex will initially be using the rotor blades from Dongying for covering demand in the Far East. In November 2006, the company opened a production facility for its S70/S77 turbines in the Chinese province of Ningxia. Looking ahead over the next few years, further production sites are to be established in China to satisfy the strong local demand. By the end of 2007, Nordex plans to have roughly 350 employees in China, including some 200 in Dongying.
Alfa Lavals okända miljösuccé
Biobränsledelen sålde för nästan en miljard
Alfa Laval har nästan trefaldigat sin försäljning till etanol- och biodieselraffinaderier med närmare det senaste året. Försäljningen är nu uppe i närmare en miljard kronor. Specialanpassade separatorer och nydesignade värmeväxlare är förklaringen.
Alfa Laval vinnare
på biobränsleboomen
Grattis Alfa Laval! President Bush vill femfaldiga etanolproduktionen, och sänka bensinförbrukningen med 20 procent på tio år. Det står klart efter nattens tal till den amerikanska nationen.
EU-Kommissar: Klimaschutz ist Zentrum einheitlicher Energiepolitik
dpa-Meldung, 24.01.2007 (17:31)
Berlin - Der Klimaschutz steht EU-Kommissar Andris Piebalgs zufolge im Zentrum einer einheitlichen europäischen Energiepolitik. Hauptziel dieser Politik müsse es sein, EU-weit den Ausstoß von Treibhausgasen bis zum Jahr 2020 um 20 Prozent im Vergleich zum Stand von 1990 zu senken, sagte der Energiekommissar am Mittwoch auf einer "Handelsblatt"-Branchentagung in Berlin. Dazu müssten der Energieverbrauch gesenkt und die Effizienz in der Stromproduktion verbessert werden. Für die EU bedeute dies, dass sie weltweit eine Pionierrolle übernehmen muss, sagte Piebalgs
Innovations-Kongress und Ausstellung für Erneuerbare Energien
und Energieeffizientes Bauen und Sanieren
24. - 25.01.2007, ICC Berlin
Ohne die Erneuerbaren ist der Energiemarkt heute nicht mehr denkbar. Nachhaltigkeit ist ein bestimmender Faktor bei der Entwicklung neuer Technologien geworden. Eine wichtige Basis, um die Erneuerbaren weiter effektiv voranzubringen, sind Informationsaustausch und Wissensvermittlung. Vor diesem Hintergrund veranstaltet die REECO GmbH am 24. und 25. Januar 2007 bereits zum vierten Mal den Innovations-Kongress mit Ausstellung für Erneuerbare Energien und Energieeffizientes Bauen und Sanieren, die CLEAN ENERGY POWER® 2007 (CEP) im Internationalen Congress Centrum ICC in Berlin.

Auf der CEP werden an den zwei Veranstaltungstagen 1.600 Besucher und Tagungsteilnehmer aus dem In- und Ausland erwartet. Zeitgleich zur CEP findet auf dem benachbarten Messegelände die ‚71. Internationale Grüne Woche’ statt

January 23, 2007

Mulig budkrig på Vestas-konkurrent
En budkrig på Vestas-konkurrenten Repower er måske under opsejling, skriver European Market Scope.
Mandag lancerede den franske atomenergiproducent Areva et såkaldt venligt købstilbud på de restererende aktier i selskabet, hvor Areva i forvejen ejer godt 30 pct.
EPS citerer en artikel i FT Deutschland, som skriver, at det portugisiske selskab Martifer Constructoes Metalomecanicas (MCM) nu også overvejer at komme med et købstilbud på aktierne. MCM ejer i øjeblikket 25,4 pct. af Repower.
Weltgrößter CO2-Sünder Australien setzt unbeirrt auf Steinkohle
dpa-Meldung, 23.01.2007 (16:48)
Singapur/Sydney - In Australien brummt das Geschäft mit der Kohle. Während in Deutschland über einen Ausstieg aus der mit Milliardensummen subventionierten Steinkohleförderung gestritten wird, frohlockt der größte Exporteur der Welt dank der Rekordpreise. 30 neue Förderprojekte sind nach Regierungsangaben in der Pipeline. Umweltschützer sind entsetzt. "Neue Kohle ist eine Sackgasse, den Klimawandel zu exportieren ist Umweltselbstmord", sagt Jeff Angel, Direktor der Gruppe "Total Environment Center".
American Wind Energy Association
The Future is Climate Neutral
January 22, 2007 4:59 PM
Historians of the future will almost certainly see the current debate on climate change as a classic example of paradigm rift, where people raised to think the world is one thing are unable to act intelligently when they discover it to be another.
World Economic Forum: Climate change in the Swiss Alps
UK Firm, Green Biologics, Awarded $1.1 Million to Develop Biobutanol
Green Biologics Ltd (GBL), an Oxfordshire biotechnology company, was awarded £560,000 (US$1.1 billion) to boost 'green' fuel development, specifically biobutanol, with £250,000 (US$500 million) funding from the Department of Trade and Industry-led Technology Program and £310,000 (US$610 million) from shareholder investors and business angels.
Wind power capacity in the United States grew 27 percent last year and is projected to increase another 26 percent in 2007, according to a report released today by the trade group the American Wind Energy Association.
January 23, 2007
China to Become World's Largest Wind Power Producer
Beijing, China [Xinhua] China is expected to overtake Germany and the United States to become the world's largest wind power producer by 2020, a report forecast. The 2006 Annual Report on China's New Energy Industry says that the 10th Five-Year Plan (2000-2005) period saw a rapid development of wind power industry, with the installed capacity rose by 30 percent on an annual average, rising from 350,000 kW in 2000 to 1.26 million kW in 2005, ranking 7th in the world. The report quotes a prediction by the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) that the total wind power installed capacity in China will probably reach 150 million kW in 2020, making China one of the world's major wind power markets.
January 23, 2007
ASEAN Leaders Sign Energy Pact, But No Targets
Cebu, Philippines [Reuters] [Association of Southeast Asian Nations] leaders signed an energy security pact on Monday that seeks to reduce oil dependency and greenhouse gas emissions in some of the most polluted countries on the planet, but offers no concrete targets. Southeast Asian leaders along with the heads of China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia and New Zealand held their second East Asia summit in a more constructive atmosphere than last year as Beijing and Tokyo used the meeting to further mend ties. ... The head of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) urged East Asian countries on Monday to create a regional free trade bloc and to increase financial cooperation to reduce the risk of crises.
January 23, 2007
REpower Third in Wind Turbine Output in Germany in 2006
Hamburg, Germany [RenewableEnergyAccess.com] In 2006, REpower Systems AG advanced to third place in the ranking of the largest manufacturers of wind turbines in Germany.
January 23, 2007
MIT-led Panel Backs Geothermal as Key U.S. Energy Source
A comprehensive new MIT-led study on the potential for geothermal energy within the United States has found that mining the huge amounts of heat that reside as stored thermal energy in the Earth's hard rock crust could supply a substantial portion of the electricity the country will need in the future -- probably at competitive prices and with minimal environmental impact.
Vinod Khosla's forecast for 2007: Trends and outlook

1. Ethanol
* Cellulosic plants are real -- at least six in construction
* Tariffs on their way out -- global market for ethanol
* Congress sets much more aggressive RFS for ethanol -- all the 2008 presidential candidates adopt an ethanol friendly policy
* Next generation fuels (like butanol) and energy crops get attention
2. Renewable power
* Photovoltaics and wind continue their march
* Solar thermal technology starts to dispel the myth that coal is the cheapest long term central "utility grade" power source
3. Risks around coal based power generation
* Supply, costs, regulatory risks, carbon costs start to shake investor confidence in new coal power plants
* Calif. AB32 and similar state regulations start to stem the "coal rush"
* Carbon dioxide gets classified as a pollutant by the U.S. Supreme Court
4. Financing
* Venture capital in cleantech goes through the roof
* First cellulosic technology IPO set for 2008
* Private equity and hedge funds starts participating in biofuels
5. Efficiency
* First "high profile" startups in "efficiency"
* Green homes become visible as "real alternatives" at moderate cost
* Startups start in new renewable materials
Straw and wood chips in line as sources of clean energy
Published: Saturday, 20 January, 2007, 10:07 AM Doha Time
NEW YORK: Biotech and energy companies are racing to glean ultra-clean fuel from untapped sources like straw and wood chips, betting policies to tackle climate change and rising food prices will make it competitive with oil.
Heartened by last year’s record crude prices and rising awareness of global warming, many governments and deep-pocketed venture capitalists believe in the fuel – cellulosic ethanol.
Tremendous untapped potential for geothermal
by Tyler on Mon 22 Jan 2007 11:20 PM EST | Permanent Link | Cosmos
A new MIT-led study on high-temperature geothermal potential in the United States concludes that there's a lot more we should be doing to tap this energy goldmine. What we're talking about here are what MIT calls "enhanced geothermal systems" that capture heat miles under the Earth's surface and turns that thermal energy into electricity. This should not be confused with low-temperature geothermal or "Earth systems" -- another large, untapped energy source -- that use ground-source heat pumps or so-called "geoexchange systems" to provide heating and air conditioning for homes and buildings.

The MIT-study
Straw and wood chips in line as sources of clean energy
Published: Saturday, 20 January, 2007, 10:07 AM Doha Time
NEW YORK: Biotech and energy companies are racing to glean ultra-clean fuel from untapped sources like straw and wood chips, betting policies to tackle climate change and rising food prices will make it competitive with oil.
Heartened by last year’s record crude prices and rising awareness of global warming, many governments and deep-pocketed venture capitalists believe in the fuel – cellulosic ethanol.
2007-01-23 Publicerad kl 07:00
Smutsiga affärer
Enorma inkomster grävs upp ur den kanadensiska oljesanden. Men till ett skyhögt pris för både miljön och mänskligheten. Och inte minst i förlorad prestige.
Solar Power Goes to Washington
Solar power's success in lobbying Congress could benefit investors.
Bilindustrin fick stopp på miljökrav
Den skärpning av avgasreglerna för personbilar som EU-kommissionen skulle ha beslutat om i morgon, onsdag, skjuts på framtiden. Miljökommissionären fick backa för bilindustrins påtryckningar.
Study Says Tapping of Granite Could Unleash Energy Source
Published: January 23, 2007
The United States could generate as much electricity by 2050 as that flowing today from all of the country’s nuclear power plants by developing technologies that tap heat locked in deep layers of granite, according to a new study commissioned by the Energy Department.
The Energy Challenge
Springtime for Ethanol
WASHINGTON — The Renewable Fuels Association, the ethanol industry’s major lobbyist, works out of cramped offices that it shares with a lawyer near Capitol Hill. Pictures of ethanol plants from its 61 board members hang everywhere. “We’re about to run out of wall space,” said Bob Dinneen, the association’s president.

Vindkraft till havs dyrare än beräknat
Kostnaderna för att bygga vindkraftverk till havs har ökat kraftigt. Det finns risk för att planerade vindkraftsparker skjuts på framtiden.
- Vi ser i dag priser som ligger 30-50 procent högre än bara för några år sedan. Det börjar bli kärvt att få ihop de ekonomiska kalkylerna, säger Lennart Fagerberg, chef för Eon Vind Sverige.
Förklaringen till att priserna för vindkraften skjutit i höjden är flera. Ett skäl är att intresset för vindkraftverk ökat över hela världen och att marknaden alltmer blivit leverantörernas marknad med dyrare vindkraft som följd.
The Energy Conservatory (TEC) is known worldwide as a leader in the building performance testing industry. Since 1981, our goal has been to provide building professionals with the specialized tools and support needed to create more efficient, affordable and healthy buildings. TEC continues to set the standard for specialized air flow and pressure measuring devices used to monitor and analyze the complex interactions which determine building performance.
Energy Innovations is on a mission to build affordable renewable energy systems. We have begun our quest with a major R&D effort aimed at delivering a system for flat-roofed, grid-tied commercial buildings in North America by 2007. In addition, we are working on a number of longer-term efforts that will serve customers in both domestic and international markets.
2007-01-18 10:00 Press releases
Vattenfall presents global survey of climate measures: Josefsson: "We need to put a price on emissions"
Curbing climate change through a sustainable reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is technically and financially feasible if existing technical solutions are applied consistently. This is the main conclusion of the comprehensive study "Global Climate Impact Abatement Map", a worldwide compilation of possible measures to safeguard the climate that Vattenfall presented at a conference in Berlin today.
Tysk bud afspejler dobbelt Vestas-kurs
Opdateret 13.40 - Vestas-aktien bør næsten være dobbelt så dyr, hvis den skal modsvare det købstilbud som franske Areva her til morgen har lagt på den tyske konkurrent Repower.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Battery Breakthrough?
A Texas company says it can make a new ultracapacitor power system to replace the electrochemical batteries in everything from cars to laptops.
Mag-Wind Vertical Axis Turbine for your Home
CSIRO, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, is Australia's national science agency and one of the largest and most diverse research agencies in the world.
SUN OVENS INTERNATIONAL is committed to providing an alternative to cooking with wood and charcoal in deforested developing countries that have been blessed with an abundance of sunshine.
http://www.sunoven.com/saving 41ves.asp
Off-Grid Iowans Not "Freezing in the Dark"

January 22, 2007

Areva will Standort Hamburg stärken
von Claus Hecking (Hamburg)
Der französische Staatskonzern Areva plant, nach der angepeilten Übernahme des Windanlagenherstellers Repower seine gesamten Aktivitäten im Windkraftgeschäft auf den Standort Hamburg zu konzentrieren. Repower verfüge über großes technologisches Know-how, das an Ort und Stelle genutzt werden müsse.
Areva will Standort Hamburg stärken
von Claus Hecking (Hamburg)
Der französische Staatskonzern Areva plant, nach der angepeilten Übernahme des Windanlagenherstellers Repower seine gesamten Aktivitäten im Windkraftgeschäft auf den Standort Hamburg zu konzentrieren. Repower verfüge über großes technologisches Know-how, das an Ort und Stelle genutzt werden müsse.
Repowers omsætning skal fordobles
22-01-2007 - 16:21     Tip en ven
Den franske producent af atomkraftreaktorer, Areva, vil med overtagelsen af den tyske vindmølleproducent Repower fordoble selskabets omsætning.
- Vi vil med købet sætte fart i Repowers vækst. Selskabet havde i 2006 en omsætning på cirka 450 mio. euro. Det er vores plan, at denne omsætning skal øges til over 800 mio. euro, siger pressetalsmand Julien Duperray fra Areva til RB-Børsen.
Vestas i hårdere konkurrence
22-01-2007 - 12:40    
Konkurrencen bliver skærpet i vindmølleindustrien, når den franske atomkoncern Areva køber den tyske vindmølleproducent Repower. Det vurderer konsulenthuset Make Consulting.

Den franske producent af atomkraftreaktorer, Areva, vil købe hele Repower, som selskabet i 2005 købte 30 pct. af. Dermed står Vestas nu overfor tre helt store koncerner i vindmølleindustrien. I 2002 gik amerikanske General Electric ind på markedet med købet af det kollapsede amerikanske energiselskab Enrons vindmølleaktiviteter, Enron Wind, mens den tyske koncern Siemens holdt sit indtog i 2004 med købet af danske vindmølleproducent Bonus.
Toyota developing new ultra-low-cost production process
US-Demokraten leiten Energiewende ein
Mit neuem Gesetz sollen Milliarden an Subventionen für Öl und Gas in die erneuerbaren Energien umgeleitet werden
Areva Public Offer
Information Regarding the Intended Public Tender Offer (the “Offer”) by Société des Participations du Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique, whose commercial name is AREVA, to the Shareholders of REpower Systems AG.
REpower: AREVA unterbreitet Übernahmeangebot
Hamburg (aktiencheck.de AG) - Die französische Société des Participations du Commissariat ´ l´Energie Atomique (AREVA) hat den Aktionären der REpower Systems AG (ISIN DE0006177033/ WKN 617703) ein ubernahmeangebot unterbreitet.
Demnach bietet AREVA den Aktionären im Rahmen eines freiwilligen ubernahmeangebots jeweils 105 Euro je Aktie in bar. Das Angebot steht unter der Bedingung, dass AREVA durch Annahme des Angebotes unter Einbeziehung der von AREVA gehaltenen Aktien mehr als 50 Prozent aller ausgegebenen Aktien an REpower erwirbt.
Derzeit hält AREVA 29,99 Prozent der Anteile von REpower.
Die Aktie von REpower notierte zuletzt bei 89,86 Euro. (22.01.2007/ac/n/nw)

22.01.2007 08:02
Atomtechnikkonzern Areva will Repower vollständig übernehmen
Der französische Atomtechnikkonzern Areva will den Hamburger Windkraftanlagen-Bauer Repower <RPW.ETR> (Nachrichten/Aktienkurs) übernehmen. Für die ausstehenden Aktien würden 105 Euro pro Titel geboten, teilte das Unternehmen am Montag in Paris mit. Areva kontrolliert bereits 29,99 Prozent von Repower. Mit dem Übernahmeangebot bewertet der französischen Konzern Repower mit 850 Millionen Euro. Die Offerte stelle ein Aufschlag von 17 Prozent gegenüber dem Schlusskurs von Freitag dar.
Mit dem Zukauf will der Staatskonzern sein Position im schnell wachsenden Markt "Windenergie" ausbauen. "Wir sind davon überzeugt, mit Repower das richtige Unternehmen gefunden zu haben, um im viel versprechenden Windenergiemarkt mitzuwirken", sagte Areva-Chef Anne Lauvergeon./mur/zb
New Warnings on Climate Change
Published: January 20, 2007
The main international scientific body assessing causes of climate change is closing in on its strongest statement yet linking emissions from burning fossil fuels to rising global temperatures, according to scientists involved in the process.
In fresh drafts of a summary of its next report, the group, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, has said that it is more than 90 percent likely that global warming since 1950 has been driven mainly by the buildup of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping greenhouse gases, and that more warming and rising sea levels are on the way.
World Economic Forum : Global Risks 2007
The World Economic Forum—the organization that convenes the annual Davos meeting of global leaders—has released the Global Risks 2007 report. The report, published in cooperation with Citigroup, Marsh & McLennan Companies, Swiss Re and the Wharton School Risk Center, highlights a growing disconnect between the power of global risks to cause major systemic disruption and our ability to mitigate them.
Many of the 23 core global risks explored in the report have worsened over the last 12 months, despite growing awareness of their potential impacts, according to the report. In addition to specific risk mitigation measures, institutional innovations may be needed to create effective responses to a complex risk landscape.
Aluminum Use in new European Cars up 2.6x since 1990; Weight Reduction Yields Fuel Savings of 1 Billion Liters
15 January 2007
A new study determines that the amount of aluminum used in new European cars has risen from 50 kg in 1990 to 132 kg in 2005 and is predicted to grow by another 25 kg by 2010. In 2005 two million tonnes of aluminum components were put on European roads in new passenger cars. The achieved weight savings will lead to an annual fuel saving of 1 billion litres and will save roughly 40 million tonnes of CO2 emissions over the lifespan of the vehicles, according to the study.
Wal-Mart Backs Corporate Drive for U.S. Global Warming Legislation
Pressure on President Bush to take action on global warming grew Friday night as Wal-Mart (WMT) threw its support to a coalition of major U.S. corporations and environmental groups pressing for the quick implementation of national policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and establish a carbon trading market.
Cuba Analyzes Renewable Energy
Havana, Cuba [Prensa Latina] A contribution to the Energy Revolution in Cuba aimed at reducing oil dependence is included in sessions taking place in this capital on renewable energy sources. ... For the first time, the National Commission of that movement, unusual in the world for social participation and political commitments, analyzes possibilities to improve solar energy, biomass, sucro-energetics, biogas, wind, thermal, photovoltaic and other forms of energy.
January 19, 2007
Conergy and German School Implement Solar Cooling
Hamburg, Germany & Barcelona, Spain [RenewableEnergyAccess.com] A solar assisted cooling solution (SAC) developed by Conergy AG will adjust the indoor climate in the German school, Deutsche Energie-Agentur, in Barcelona. In addition to 40 Conergy F 6000 collectors that are accommodated on the roof, the space-saving system has one 20-foot container that has room for the entire cooling and control technology.
January 19, 2007
Conergy and German School Implement Solar Cooling
Hamburg, Germany & Barcelona, Spain [RenewableEnergyAccess.com] A solar assisted cooling solution (SAC) developed by Conergy AG will adjust the indoor climate in the German school, Deutsche Energie-Agentur, in Barcelona. In addition to 40 Conergy F 6000 collectors that are accommodated on the roof, the space-saving system has one 20-foot container that has room for the entire cooling and control technology.
Electovaya Launces Higher Eneargy Density, Lower Cost "MN-Series" Li-ion Battery
Electrovaya Inc. (OTC: EFLV.PK), Toronto, Canada has launched the "MN-Series" Lithium Ion SuperPolymer® battery technology. The MN-Series, which is a Lithiated Manganese Oxide based system, differentiates itself from Electrovaya's Phosphate-Series solution with up to 50% higher energy density while retaining its safety characteristics.
BioEthanol Japan Begins Production of Cellulosic Ethanol from Wood Scraps; Uses Celunol Technology
16 January 2007
BioEthanol Japan on Tuesday became the world’s first company to produce cellulosic ethanol from wood construction waste on a commercial basis.

ZAP Engages Lotus Engineering for EV Feasibility Studies
16 January 2007
ZAP has selected Lotus Engineering to undertake engineering concept studies for a number of electric vehicles.
The studies will explore the creation of a new generation of electric automobiles from concept to production. Of particular interest in the project is the challenge of advancing the electric car market by incorporating new technologies which will maximize the consumer appeal.
The Alternative Energy Store was founded in 1999 by three engineers impassioned with the idea that renewable energy products can be brought to benefit a larger population of the world through a huge offering of free in-depth educational materials on alternative energy systems, a wide diversity of products and brands and competitive prices.
Architecture for Humanity
Architecture for Humanity is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization founded in 1999 to promote architectural and design solutions to global, social and humanitarian crises. Through competitions, workshops, educational forums, partnerships with aid organizations and other activities, Architecture for Humanity creates opportunities for architects and designers from around the world to help communities in need. We believe that where resources and expertise are scarce, innovative, sustainable and collaborative design can make a difference.
You, Too, Can Be an Energy Trader Right in Your Heated Home
Published: January 20, 2007
IT is not enough that in contrast to our parents we have to shop for our phone service, our cable service, our retirement plans and our health provider. Now many of us can become energy traders in our spare time.
Vägen som försvann
2007-01-21 | Publicerad kl. 08:01
Det har gått en månad sedan marken försvann och en av landets viktigaste pulsådrar skars av. Näringsliv har besökt en försvunnen motorväg och ett infrastrukturellt haveri. Är det här vad vi riskerar i ett allt varmare och regnigare Sverige?

January 21, 2007

Un projet de centrale géothermique provoque une série de petits séismes en Suisse
LE MONDE | 19.01.07 | 16h51    
La région de Bâle a été secouée, mardi 16 janvier, par un séisme de magnitude 3,2 sur l'échelle de Richter. Jusqu'ici, rien de bien spectaculaire et aucun dégât à déplorer, si ce n'est que ce tremblement de terre est la conséquence d'une stimulation en profondeur des roches, entreprise dans le cadre d'un ambitieux projet de centrale géothermique. Et qu'en l'espace d'un mois et demi, il est le quatrième d'une série qui commence à inquiéter les autorités bâloises et les communes frontalières en Allemagne et en France.
Tesco to introduce emission labels
Supermarket chain Tesco pledged last night to revolutionise its business to become "a leader in helping to create a low-carbon economy" with a raft of new measures to help combat climate change.
Grüner Sp(i)rit
Bioethanol wird zukünftig zu den wichtigsten Themen an der Börse gehören. Diese Aktie entwickelt sich nach überwundenen Startschwierigkeiten immer mehr zur aussichtsreichen Anlagealternative.
Multi-Family, Affordable, Urban and Green
January 18, 2007 4:48 PM
When green building jumped off the hippy boat, it landed on a shore where most homes were the domain of a wealthy elite. As a result, many people still think living in a sustainable home requires a small fortune. While it's true that many green interiors tend towards the high-end, a number of low-income housing developers have recognized the value, and the savings, of building sustainably. In doing so, they've also captured an aspect of sustainability which can be easily overlooked in single-family residential projects: community.

A piece in the New York Times yesterday featured plans for a new development in the Bronx which will utilize green roofs and courtyards as connectors between individual units, offering common ground for facilitating interaction amongst the residents.

Working-Class Housing Complex Will Rise as Part of the Greenery
Robert Redford hates climate change
Global Warming Rating Labels Coming to California Cars

January 19, 2007

Wall Street Is Betting on the Farm
CHICAGO, Jan. 18 — Wall Street commodity funds that have been investing heavily in energy futures are now loading up on agricultural commodities like corn and livestock futures.
A Light Bulb Goes on, and China Starts Thinking ‘Alternative Energy’
ON the vanguard of venture capital, the buzzwords of late have been “alternative energy” and “China.” Are the two worlds about to collide?
House Votes to Rescind Oil Drillers’ Tax Breaks
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18 — House Democrats easily passed legislation on Thursday that would rescind $14 billion in tax breaks and subsidies for oil drillers and reserve the money to develop alternative energy projects and conservation technologies.
A Coalition for Firm Limit on Emissions
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18 — Ten major companies with operations across the economy — utilities, manufacturing, petroleum, chemicals and financial services — have banded together with leading environmental groups to call for a firm nationwide limit on carbon dioxide emissions that would lead to reductions of 10 to 30 percent over the next 15 years.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Creating Ethanol from Trash
Researchers find a way to make liquid fuels from waste cheaply and without the pollution produced by earlier methods.
Scientists Warn of Diminished Earth Studies From Space
Published: January 16, 2007
The nation’s ability to track retreating polar ice and shifting patterns of drought, rainfall and other environmental changes is being put “at great risk” by faltering efforts to replace aging satellite-borne sensors, a panel convened by the country’s leading scientific advisory group said.
Nuovo colpo dell'auto elettrica
La Subaru si ricarica in 15 minuti
La R1e , versione "pulita" della citycar in vendita in Giappone
ha ridotto in maniera drastica i tempi per fare il pieno alle batterie
Green Chip Stocks represent the most important stocks traded today, for one simple reason - these are the stocks that will be the catalyst for the first real social-impacting profit trend of the 21st century.
energyportal24 is the website for renewable energies focussing on hydrogen and fuel cells technology. All services are absolutely free!
Vorabmeldung 03/2007
Klimawandel: Viele Weltkonzerne schlecht gerüstet
Zahlreiche Weltkonzerne sind für die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels schlecht gerüstet. Zu diesem Ergebnis kommt der World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) im Rahmen des groß angelegten Carbon Disclosure Projects - einer Art Klima-TÜV für börsennotierte Unternehmen.
Orders for Vestas placed by Toyota Tsusho Corporation     
Wednesday, 17 January 2007
Vestas has received orders for a total of 81 units of the V80-2.0MW wind turbine and 31 units of the V90-3.0MW wind turbine for wind power projects in Japan, Taiwan and South Korea.
January 15, 2007
Wind Power on the Rise in South Korea
South Korean government announces new plan to increase renewable energy use from 2% to 9% by 2030.
Europe creates attractive clean energy scene
Published: January 16, 2007
PARIS: Making solar panels on the cloudy Welsh coast may seem an odd choice for a politician turned investor like Robert Hertzberg, who hails from a sunny and environmentally aware state, California, and hobnobs with Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Schön aufessen!
von Constanze Böttcher
Um CO2-Emissionen unschädlich zu machen, will ein US-Unternehmer Ozeanwüsten begrünen und von Meerestieren abernten lassen. Der Plan zum Klimaschutz stößt bei Wissenschaftlern auf Skepsis.
Biofuel for Airplanes? Perhaps Sooner than We Think.
London council to hit gas-guzzling cars
Tue Jan 16, 2007 10:46 AM GMT20
LONDON (Reuters) - A London council announced on Tuesday it will press ahead with a controversial plan to cut CO2 emissions by charging owners of gas-guzzling cars up to three times as much for parking permits.
The Warming of Greenland
Published: January 16, 2007
A penisula long thought to be part of Greenland's mainland turned out to be an island when a glacier retreated.
Des anomalies météorologiques répétées frappent les Etats-Unis
LE MONDE | 15.01.07 | 14h59 • Mis à jour le 15.01.07 | 14h59
A l'ordinaire, l'hiver aux Etats-Unis fait preuve de douceur en Californie et de rigueur dans la région de New York. Mais depuis quelques jours, la saison froide a interverti ses classiques.
Connecting the Global Warming Dots
Published: January 14, 2007
If thought of as a painting, the scientific picture of a growing and potentially calamitous human influence on the climate has moved from being abstract a century ago to impressionistic 30 years ago to pointillist today.

January 14, 2007

Miljöns nya marknad
2007-01-14 | Publicerad kl. 08:38
Klimathotet innebär inte bara ett hot, det är också början på en ny marknad. Just nu talas det mycket om nya uppfinningar som drivs med hjälp av sol, vind och vatten. Men när experterna talar om Sveriges styrka pratar de hellre om sopor, avlopp och smarta sätt att spara energi.
Terry Tamminen: Nuclear energy and China's development
Energiesparen im Haus
Ob ein Haus gut gedämmt und umweltschonend beheizt wird oder eine Energieschleuder ist: Ab 2008 kann jeder, der ein Haus oder einen Wohnung mietet oder kauft, darüber Aufschluss verlangen.
As Corn Ethanol Threatens, Algae Makes Promises
January 8, 2007 · Filed under Agriculture & Food, Bio-fuels by Craig Mackintosh
Lester Brown
Earth Policy Institute
Monday, January 08, 2007
Gassy Tank
BMW's plan to manufacture a hydrogen tank
As Corn Ethanol Threatens, Algae Makes Promises
January 8, 2007 · Filed under Agriculture & Food, Bio-fuels by Craig Mackintosh
Lester Brown
Earth Policy Institute
Subaru R1e Electric Car
Worldblogs had an update on the Subaru R1e electric car development, that I mentioned in my earlier post that it would have a 125 mile range. Treehugger reported that the car was 3.3 m (11-foot) long and that the battery lifespan is greater than 150,000 km.

Subarus' EV wins top environmental commendation
Tiny Satellites Watch Earth Warm
A constellation of microsatellites launched into low Earth orbit earlier this year is proving to be a worthwhile investment, providing more accurate weather forecasting and climatic data than ever gathered before.
Frost frisst Sonnenschutz
Bei uns wird es immer wärmer. Doch über der Arktis wird die Luft kälter und dünner: Eine internationale Studie zeigt, wie Wolken aus Eis und FCKW die Ozonschicht zerstören.
Conergy enttäuscht die Märkte
Das Solarunternehmen Conergy hat wegen Problemen mit Zulieferern und der Verschiebung eines Großprojekts sein Jahresziel verfehlt. Anleger schickten die Aktie auf Talfahrt. Auch andere Solartitel gerieten unter Druck, obwohl es vom Wettbewerber Solarworld eine Erfolgsmeldung gab.
Australia’s Howard u-turns on emissions trading
The Australian government is to form a taskforce to investigate greenhouse gas emissions trading at the national and international level, Prime Minister John Howard has announced. Although the terms of reference have yet to be released, he indicated the review will include an assessment of possible changes or alternatives to existing international carbon markets.
“The government will establish a joint government/business task group to examine in some detail the form that an emissions trading system, both here in Australia and globally, might take in the years ahead,” he said in a 13 November speech to the Business Council of Australia.
Renewable energy standards on the rise
The European Commission is to create a global risk capital fund worth €100 million to boost energy efficiency and renewable energy projects in developing countries.
Brussels hopes that the Global Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Fund will encourage private investment in such projects.
Renewable energy projects in these countries are struggling to attract private capital, because of relatively high levels of perceived risk.The Commission hopes that the fund will allay these concerns by offering risk-sharing financing options to encourage investments. It intends to kick-start the fund with a contribution of €15 million next year and a total of around €80 million over the next four years.
Icelandic firm to invest $1 billion in geothermal
London, 11 January: An Icelandic investor, a bank and an engineering firm have set up a company with the intention of raising $1 billion to invest in geothermal energy around the world.
Clean energy financing reaches $100bn in 2006
London, 21 December: Renewables and low-carbon technology attracted a record $100 billion in finance during 2006, according to New Energy Finance.
France proposes carbon import tax
The EU should impose an additional tax on goods imported from countries that fail to join a post-2012 climate agreement, according to French prime minister Dominique de Villepin.
De Villepin said a ‘carbon tax’ on imports of industrial goods is necessary to avoid environmental ‘dumping’, where carbon-intensive products are manufactured in countries that have no targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
2006 Fifth Warmest Year on Record
12 Jan 07
Despite beginning the year with a chilling La Niña, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) advises that 2006 was the fifth-warmest year in recorded history and the hottest year in the U.S.
Economist says N.A. carbon market inevitable
by Tyler on Thu 11 Jan 2007 11:06 AM EST
Jeffrey Rubin, chief strategist and chief economist at CIBC World Markets in Toronto, issued a report yesterday called "The Carbon Wars" that predicts California's new cap-and-trade system for CO2 emissions will spread across all of Canada and the United States by the end of this decade.
California's New Fuel Standard a Boon for Biofuel Industry, Electric Cars
Ted Turner Launches Solar Energy Company
Media mogul-turned-environmentalist Ted Turner is getting into the solar power business. The CNN founder and former vice chairman of Time Warner (TWX) (Green Wombat's employer) has created a partnership Dome-Tech Solar, a Branchburg, New Jersey-based solar energy developer, and renamed the company DT Solar.
Catching Up
Here are some of the items I have missed the last couple of weeks that are of some significance.

Abengoa S.A. the $3 billion Spanish based energy company,
Solucar Power has purchased Industrial Solar Technology (IST)
Katabatic Power Corp., a privately held wind energy developer
Chinese based Suntech Power Holdings Co., Ltd
Hoku Scientific Inc
Greenfuel Technologies Corporation
Beacon Power Corporation
BP Alternative Energy
China BAK Battery
Beyond silicon: New transistor technology may power next microelectronic devices
December 12, 2006
MIT engineers have demonstrated a technology that could introduce an important new phase of the microelectronics revolution that has already brought us iPods, laptops and much more.
A model for tackling the energy challenge
December 20, 2006
In the following opinion piece, President Susan Hockfield argues that the commitment of universities and their students offers a compelling model for an effective national response to the science, technology, and policy challenges posed by our energy needs.

January 13, 2007

Leaders at MIT explore innovation-driven 'enertech' future
Mass. Energy Summit experts see commonwealth resources as key to solving global energy crisis
Deborah Halber, News Office Correspondent
December 15, 2006
Massachusetts governor-elect Deval Patrick joined more than 80 representatives of industry, finance, government, higher education and nonprofits from around the region at the first Massachusetts Energy Summit at MIT Dec. 13.
Chemists shed light on solar energy storage
Elizabeth A. Thomson, News Office
December 7, 2006
Chemistry's role in bridging the gap between solar energy's limited present use and enormous future potential was the topic of a recent article by MIT Professor Daniel G. Nocera and a colleague.
Es gibt viel zu tun
Hohe Preise für Öl, Kyoto, aber auch das steigende Umweltbewusstsein vieler Leute lässt Windanlagenbauer in eine rosige Zukunft blicken. Die Auftragsbücher sind voll.
Obwohl Deutschland beim Thema Umweltschutz die Nase vorn hat, generieren Windanlagenbauer rund drei Viertel ihrer Umsätze im Ausland. Südeuropa, China und Indien gelten als die Märkte der Zukunft. Ein neues Gesetz gibt aber auch dem heimischen Markt Auftrieb: Die Netzanschlusskosten für im Meer stehende Windkraftanlagen müssen nicht von den Betreibern sogenannter Offshore-Parks getragen werden. Netzbetreiber wie RWE sollen diese Last bis Ende 2011 schultern, entschied kürzlich der Bundesrat. Innerhalb der Frist könnten Windparks mit einer Leistung von insgesamt 1.500 Megawatt (MW) in der Nord- und Ostsee ans Netz gehen.
Repower mischt mit
Nordex verzichtet
Einen Hauch vorn
Wind power is competitive according to scenario analysis
Wednesday, 10 January 2007
A recent scenario analysis made by Emerging Energy Research (EER) on behalf of Vestas Wind Systems A/S concludes that based on the economic and risk analysis of power generation, wind technology can no longer be marginalised in the power mix.
Development of a new wind turbine lifting device
Thursday, 11 January 2007
ITI Energy is to develop a lifting device, called Orangutan, which will improve the efficiency of maintenance operations on wind turbines.

January 12, 2007

MIT ethanol analysis confirms benefits of biofuels
Nancy Stauffer, Laboratory for Energy and the Environment
January 8, 2007
Controversy over the benefits of using corn-based ethanol in vehicles has been fueled by studies showing that converting corn into ethanol may use more fossil energy than the energy contained in the ethanol produced. Now a new MIT analysis shows that the energy balance is actually so close that several factors can easily change whether ethanol ends up a net energy winner or loser.

'MIT ethanol analysis confirms benefits of biofuels'
MIT ethanol analysis confirms benefits of biofuels
Nancy Stauffer, Laboratory for Energy and the Environment
January 8, 2007
Controversy over the benefits of using corn-based ethanol in vehicles has been fueled by studies showing that converting corn into ethanol may use more fossil energy than the energy contained in the ethanol produced. Now a new MIT analysis shows that the energy balance is actually so close that several factors can easily change whether ethanol ends up a net energy winner or loser.

'MIT ethanol analysis confirms benefits of biofuels'
Friday, September 08, 2006
Ethanol vs. Biodiesel
Diesel from soybeans is a far better biofuel bet, research shows
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Solar Cells for Cheap
Not everyone gets a solar cell named after them: but Michael Gratzel did. He says his novel technology, which promises electricity-generating windows and low manufacturing costs, is ready for the market.
Friday, September 29, 2006
A Dangerous Energy Climate
Panelists at the Emerging Technologies Conference voiced an urgent need for aggressive policies to promote energy efficiency, renewable power sources, and carbon sequestration.